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Which kids in which bedroom?

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We have a three bedroom house... so two bedrooms to put four kids in.


Current arrangement:


Oldest DD (7) and middle DS (almost 5) share a fairly large room. Youngest DD (3) has had the smaller bedroom to herself. Right now, 3 year old is in the crib (it converts to a toddler bed). Now that we have a new baby, I need to move her into a real bed so we can use the crib. New baby is in a pack n play in my room.


Complicating factors... 5 year old is afraid to sleep by himself. He can share with infant DS, but chances are that DS won't be sleeping apart from me for awhile, so then he would be scared. Also, I don't really trust my 3 year old to sleep in the same room with baby. Although, she may be okay to sleep with him by the time he is old enough to not be in my room.




Put three oldest together in big bedroom (bunk beds for girls and extra bed for son). Make small bedroom nursery for baby.


Put three youngest together in big bedroom (more complex since none of them are old enough to sleep on a top bunk bed, but I think I can fit two twin beds and a crib in there). Oldest DD gets her own room for awhile.


Put boys in one room and girls in another. One room is fairly small for two to share, but we'll probably have to make it work eventually anyways.


Final option... leave everyone alone for now and reevaluate when baby is six months old. I obviously have too much time to think right now since DH is off on vacation for our new arrival! ;)

Edited by staceyobu
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We have our 3 oldest sharing a room and baby has his own room. It works really well for now and I never had to worry about a crying baby waking other children up. When he turns 2 I think we will reevaluate the room situation (unless, of course, there is another baby by then:))

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At this age, put them in the same room, three oldest. Baby in your room, naturally. Use the third room for a playroom or something else for now.


:iagree: That's what I'd do. When dd2 was born dd1 and ds1 were sharing a room, baby in with us. Now, ds1 is in the small room and dd1 and 2 are together(just moved dd2 in the last month). When the new baby comes it will be with me for about the first 2 yrs. Then either ds will get bunkbeds(he has a twin and a small room) or will just bunk in the full bed w/ the other 2 girls. I'll have to add some closet organization though if it is a girl.

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For now, I would probably put the 3yo and the 5yo in the same room and put the new baby's crib in with the 7yo. In a few years, you can swap the two youngest and have the 2 girls together and the 2 boys together when your kids get old enough that they need a bit more privacy.


My reasoning is this - 3yo + baby in same room means two little kids get woke up when baby wakes up. No one enjoys juggling a crying baby and a fussy toddler who got woke up at 2am. 7yo is more likely to just roll over and go back to sleep. At least, that was our experience.

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For now, I would probably put the 3yo and the 5yo in the same room and put the new baby's crib in with the 7yo. In a few years, you can swap the two youngest and have the 2 girls together and the 2 boys together when your kids get old enough that they need a bit more privacy.


My reasoning is this - 3yo + baby in same room means two little kids get woke up when baby wakes up. No one enjoys juggling a crying baby and a fussy toddler who got woke up at 2am. 7yo is more likely to just roll over and go back to sleep. At least, that was our experience.


:iagree: This is exactly what I would do for now. I would separate boys and girls when baby moves to a big kid bed.

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Final option... leave everyone alone for now and reevaluate when baby is six months old. I obviously have too much time to think right now since DH is off on vacation for our new arrival! ;)


I'd go for this final option for the moment. With a brand-spankin' new baby around (and all the changes that entails,) maybe moving bedrooms can wait until things settle down a bit? Later on, I'd put the two boys together and the two girls together.


Just re-read. If you need the crib and it fits in your room, I'd get DD3 a big bed and make that the only change for the moment.



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Unless the 7yo is wanting to get away from the littles, I'd probably just move the 3yo into the room with the big kids and let her share a bed with one of them. Or if the 7yo wants a break from the others, when the baby is not waking up so much at night, move him to a room with the 7yo and let the two middles stay together. Eventually you'll probably need to do boys in one and girls in the other, whenever your oldest wants some more privacy, but at that point, the current baby should be big enough to sleep safely with your older son, if your older son still wants to snuggle with someone. (My bigger boys are both snugglers still.)

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I'd put the three olders together and baby alone for awhile. My babies wake at night for a LOOOOONG time though (my oldest started sleeping through at 2.5 but still isn't really consistent at 4, my twins are definitely still waking at night). The prospect of a baby or young toddler waking another young child who might need help getting back to sleep is not a good one for me.


But in reality I wouldn't move beds if the current arrangement is working right now! I'd have a plan for when the current arrangement stops working (likely because you want baby out of your room) but leave things alone for now.

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3 and 5 year old together, 7 year old in own room, baby with you.

When you want to, then put the baby in with the 7 year old.



Personally, we have had better luck with our girls sleeping the earlier they aren't in a room with us. Our oldest went in her own room the day dw got home from the hospital. She was sleeping 6 hours at 6 weeks, and 8 hours at 8 weeks.


Circumstances prevented us from doing that with the younger 2, but we still moved them from our room to their room as soon as we could.

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My suggestion is to put the 3 older children together in the same room. Put baby in your room. I like to keep a bassinet next to my bed for the baby. Turn the 3rd bedroom into a playroom. Once the children are older, you can divide the rooms into boys' room and girls' room. For now the playroom is probably needed more than separating the boys and girls at their young ages. :001_smile: Oh, you can move the baby into the children's bedroom in a few months. We've always done that and not had a problem with other children waking up with the baby, but your mileage may vary. ;)

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