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My 13 yo dd is shadwoing today at the public charter school and

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I already hate it. I hate getting up in the dark and rushing around. I know, that sounds selfish and lazy:confused:


It is a Perfroming Arts school. She writes music and sings. She is on the wait list. She is trying it out today to see if she even likes it.


I know this mommy is already dreading it. Plus it is a 40 minute drive.


That's all.:tongue_smilie:


Ugggh.........I meant *Shadowing*...........cannot even type this early.

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I just had two cups, and with that 40 minute drive ahead of me, I may to stop and pee:lol:


I woke up and it was barely light out. I cannot imagine what THIS would be like in the winter. GAH!!!


Will update when she gets home. I know, secretly hoping she hates it. Is that horrible of me? Lemme think...........................NOPE.



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My ds now attends a public charter. Not quite that far of a drive, but close. It is a pain because of events/activities that happen down there. He does ride with some others in the mornings (we help pay for gas). It was initially a HUGE adjustment for me. I did not want him to go. However, it has been a terrific experience for him, and I am thankful we made the decision. Ds did not want to homeschool for high school, and my dh backed him up. This charter was for math/science and is a perfect fit for him. There are only 320 students in grades 8 - 12 compared to the 3,600 plus in 9 - 12 at our local ps. After I went through my mourning process over no longer homeschooling, I was fine. I must say, however, that being on someone else's schedule does seem restrictive to me. My prediction is that she will love it. Sorry. :grouphug: It will be okay.

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So I dropped her off. I have a feeling she is going to love it there. Two girls she didn't even know came up to her squeeling about how much they LOOOOVVVEEEED her earrings, and like WOW are you new here? No? Awwww, we hope you get in soon!:tongue_smilie:


Loved the principal. My daughter is so outspoken. She said she was told that she was #24 on the wait list for 8th grade, and by the end of the day, she was sure she could come up with 24 names they could kick out so she could get in:001_huh: (I almost died). The principal laughed and said "I like you, you speak your mind and know how to get what you want."


Yep, that's my daughter:D

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So I dropped her off. I have a feeling she is going to love it there. Two girls she didn't even know came up to her squeeling about how much they LOOOOVVVEEEED her earrings, and like WOW are you new here? No? Awwww, we hope you get in soon!:tongue_smilie:


Loved the principal. My daughter is so outspoken. She said she was told that she was #24 on the wait list for 8th grade, and by the end of the day, she was sure she could come up with 24 names they could kick out so she could get in:001_huh: (I almost died). The principal laughed and said "I like you, you speak your mind and know how to get what you want."


Yep, that's my daughter:D


Oh boy - not a good sign mom! :D I love that 2 girls came right up to her and that she's so outspoken at an age where so many girls are not. :001_wub: Good luck.

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I worked at a school that was a 40 min drive from the house. I often had to be there before 8 a.m. It was rough to get up in the morning (required me to go to bed early!) but I did get to the point where I enjoyed the drive most days. It was kind of alone, contemplative time. And I was able to miss heavy traffic :)


However, I only had to drive it twice a day. If you have 4 times in a day... look for carpools! OTOH, it is better for a car engine to get up to speed and drive at a constant pace for a while than start & stop driving.


Hope things go well for you either way. :grouphug:

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My daughter is almost finished with her first year at a school for the performing arts. It is a long drive for me also (in traffic it takes an hour round trip). The drive in the morning is the hardest part, but there is also the concerts, rehearsals, and private lessons I have had to take her to and pick her up from. It has been a hard adjustment for all of us, but she and I both love the school.


I will say that I am looking forward to summer. I have plans to not get in my car for the whole break. :lol:

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For seven years I attended a performing arts school that was 50 min. away. I caught a bus at 6:15 every morning. I don't think my parents would have liked driving that every day, even though my siblings attended there as well. They loved it once my sister got her license and could drive to performances.


I had a great experience with the arts at my school. Academics were hit or miss.


I hope you and dd both are happy with whatever you decide. :)

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My dd is VERY sociable. Well, you kind of have to be when you have written song lyrics, and then sang one on TV. Plus she performs in front of hundreds of kids or even adults.(Wait, she isn't supposed to sociable she is homeschooled!:001_huh:..LOL)


Plus she competitive figure skates, so she is always meeting new people. She has always been a sociable kid. She marches to the beat of her own drum, so to speak.


That drive...............ugh. I would have to find someone to carpool with if she gets accepted, AND she likes it.

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My dd has been selected to attend an IB school (magnet public school). I am dreading it so much. I keep hoping she changes her mind over the summer. It's not only the driving, but from talking to other parents and teachers, my daughter will no longer have any family time. A friend whose dd attends the same school said basically, she will no longer be a part of the family. I'm hoping she was overstating it. Honestly though I suspect my dd will love it. She thrives on academic challenges and from her visits to the school, she is in love with the atmosphere (nothing like our other public high schools). I just don't know if I'll make it for four years.


I sympathize.

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I'm eager to hear her report when you pick her up. These decisions can be so hard, can't they? My sister lives in the development next to ours and sometimes I see her leaving in the morning to drive her son 20 minutes to his school. I am always so thankful that that is NOT me:)


Your daughter sounds delightful; I think she will do well no matter where life takes her.

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Well, here is the updates I have gotten so far(she is still there)


Text: Hi Mom, having lunch outside with my new friends, I LOVEEEE ITTTT here. I love u and miss u.


FB Status: PVPA=Best School ever. Legit.




Okay, that was at 12:30. She doesn't get out until 4:15. So I Have to leave here by 3:25 to pick her up. I wont be back until about 5:00 pm or a little after.


If she likes this school and gets chosen for the lottery(it won't be for this coming year for 8th grade, highly doubt it. It would be for 9th). Sometimes things change. Who knows where her figure skating will take her. And if she does go, I have to find a carpool. No way can I do this ride 4X a day 5 days a week:tongue_smilie:


I know this is an EXCELLENT school. It can give her things I cannot provide here at home(Ballet technique for figure skating, song lyric writing class, producing music, singing, performing etc).


But secretly, I want her to stay home for high school. But I know I have to put my feelings aside and decide what I think would be best for her.


Darn it for being a loving, caring, and miss my daughter during the day kind of mom................:glare:


Will update later this evening.


Thanks ladies for hanging in there with me. And offering advise and wisdom.

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GAH.............She loved it.


So, now it is a waiting game. She probably wont get in this September for Grade 8, most likely Grade 9. So a lot can happen between now and then.


The classes are small. 10 kids max per class. The school is good. I cannot deny that. But, it is still a drive. It is still a long day. And I have a feeling it is going to get old for her. (and me) quickly.


Getting home after 5:00 pm stinks:tongue_smilie:


I am glad I don't have to make any decisions right now. And I got up so dang early this morning I want to go to bed already:lol:

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Oh boy - not a good sign mom! :D I love that 2 girls came right up to her and that she's so outspoken at an age where so many girls are not. :001_wub: Good luck.


I hope it all works out--eventually it will!



By high school even my rather introverted

kids were eager to take outside classes, so one way or another, it seems likely your daughter would begin taking classes involving some driving. Maybe you could do sonething out ther sone days--wirk parttime ir volunteer somewhere. The school sounds like such a good fit for her!


Wow on auto correct! I got "snot hater" for "another" and "dish taker" for "daughter". I guess my typing is getting very sloppy!

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I hope it all works out--eventually it will!



By high school even my rather introverted

kids were eager to take outside classes, so one way or another, it seems likely your daughter would begin taking classes involving some driving. Maybe you could do sonething out ther sone days--wirk parttime ir volunteer somewhere. The school sounds like such a good fit for her!


Wow on auto correct! I got "snot hater" for "another" and "dish taker" for "daughter". I guess my typing is getting very sloppy!


I thought it was new texting lingo:lol:


It does sound like a good fit for her. But I cannot work outside the house. My DH runs a business and I do the phones and scheduling here.


I am exhausted. We dont even get home until after 5 pm. I hate these decisions. Good thing we have a while to talk about it. DH doesn't think it is a good idea due to the drive, and espcially in the winter when it is dark on the way there, and dark on the way home. And, I am the only person that could bring her there or pick her up. Nobody in the family is going to drive that far if she were to get sick or hurt at school.Meaning grandparents, aunts, etc. My DH can't do it, and both my older kids work.


And, her ice skate lessons are on Thursdays staring in April. So I can't come home since I would be backtracking. I would have to leave the house at 3:30 to pick her up for 4:15. Get to ice around 5:00 pm, and sit around and wait 45 min for her lesson until 7, then come home around 7:30. YIKES.


So she thinks me doing that is no big deal. Kids just think we can just run them around. I told her, if she goes to that school she cannot do extra Ice during the week anymore, and she would have to give up lessons altogether once they start on Thursdays. In fall/winter they are on Sundays. So she started crying. It is like she wants to do everything and she can't.



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So she thinks me doing that is no big deal. Kids just think we can just run them around. I told her, if she goes to that school she cannot do extra Ice during the week anymore, and she would have to give up lessons altogether once they start on Thursdays. In fall/winter they are on Sundays. So she started crying. It is like she wants to do everything and she can't.




Yep, that's exactly what they do think. They really have no idea of reality of our grown-up world. Well, thankfully the decision doesn't have to be made this year and it will give her time to think about what she really wants. This may actually be a good "teaching moment" for her, when we have to choose from good, better, and best.

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Well, we spoke with her last night. She is now rethinking this whole thing. She realizes that if she goes back to school, she is not going to be able to Figure Skate as much, if at all if it falls during the week. Because this school gets out so late, it would make lessons during the week to hard to get to, and she would be exhasuted plus she would have a ton of homework. If the school got out and she was home by 2:30 like most high schools, it wouldn't so much of an issue.


I also spoke to my oldest daughters dance teacher, and my youngest can take Ballet Technique there at the studio without having to do recital. Her FS Coach highly advises her skaters to do ballet. Plus, with my oldest being a dance teacher herself, can help her sister with it.


The other thing she told me last night is that she would like me to teach her more, rather then have her do independent learning so much.


When I showed her I wanted to do HOD MtMM, she freaked. She was so excited about it. She is a hands on girl, and loves to read so I knew this would be perfect for her. Plus it is her favorite time period.


So I really think she was excited about the school, she loved it. But then you sit and think about what you really want, and then it doesn't seem as exciting any longer.

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Oh, I'm so glad she's excited about the option you presented!


Maybe she could go to the high school when she's in 11th grade and can drive herself? She'll know better, then, how the skating turns out.


Perhaps there's something applicable to the saying, "Having it all, just not all at once."

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I have had a similar crazy schedule.


I left at 6:40 to take my daughter to the van that drove her to private school. 30 minutes each way (unless there was traffic/accident, at least 1-2 times/month).


Then I had to leave at 3:30 to pick her up at 4. She would eat a snack, get changed and put her skates on in the car. We would drive straight to skating at 5 and she would skate till 6-6:30 (five nights/week) Two nights a week she would stay at skating till 9:30. She would try to get some homework done at the rink and the rest she would do when she got home (close to 10).


It was insanity! For her, for us.


Plus she had to take many many days off of school for competitions (they had to leave on Thursday usually).


I know a ton of kids who are still keeping up this schedule and from what their parents say are very good students.


Thankfully we only did this for one year, then she home schooled for 2 years. Now she is back at private school and has switched to ice hockey. :001_smile:

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Well, we spoke with her last night. She is now rethinking this whole thing. She realizes that if she goes back to school, she is not going to be able to Figure Skate as much, if at all if it falls during the week. Because this school gets out so late, it would make lessons during the week to hard to get to, and she would be exhasuted plus she would have a ton of homework. If the school got out and she was home by 2:30 like most high schools, it wouldn't so much of an issue.


I also spoke to my oldest daughters dance teacher, and my youngest can take Ballet Technique there at the studio without having to do recital. Her FS Coach highly advises her skaters to do ballet. Plus, with my oldest being a dance teacher herself, can help her sister with it.


The other thing she told me last night is that she would like me to teach her more, rather then have her do independent learning so much.


When I showed her I wanted to do HOD MtMM, she freaked. She was so excited about it. She is a hands on girl, and loves to read so I knew this would be perfect for her. Plus it is her favorite time period.


So I really think she was excited about the school, she loved it. But then you sit and think about what you really want, and then it doesn't seem as exciting any longer.


I'm so glad she's thinking logically about this! It does sound like a lovely environment, but the logistics of life outside the school walls just don't sound like they'll work at this point.

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Well, we spoke with her last night. She is now rethinking this whole thing. She realizes that if she goes back to school, she is not going to be able to Figure Skate as much, if at all if it falls during the week. Because this school gets out so late, it would make lessons during the week to hard to get to, and she would be exhasuted plus she would have a ton of homework. If the school got out and she was home by 2:30 like most high schools, it wouldn't so much of an issue.


I also spoke to my oldest daughters dance teacher, and my youngest can take Ballet Technique there at the studio without having to do recital. Her FS Coach highly advises her skaters to do ballet. Plus, with my oldest being a dance teacher herself, can help her sister with it.


The other thing she told me last night is that she would like me to teach her more, rather then have her do independent learning so much.


When I showed her I wanted to do HOD MtMM, she freaked. She was so excited about it. She is a hands on girl, and loves to read so I knew this would be perfect for her. Plus it is her favorite time period.


So I really think she was excited about the school, she loved it. But then you sit and think about what you really want, and then it doesn't seem as exciting any longer.


That's one smart cookie you have:) Good for her to really try to sort it through and not just go on the emotion of the day! And she WANTS to have more interaction with you, doesn't get much better than that!

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That's one smart cookie you have:) Good for her to really try to sort it through and not just go on the emotion of the day! And she WANTS to have more interaction with you, doesn't get much better than that!


Thank you, and thanks to all of you for listening to me:D


And, because she is a song writer and a singer, this was the biggest reason she wanted to go to this school. Until she found out, they only allow certain genres of music. Where at home, she is free to write lyrics as she wants.


Yes, I was actually quite surprised she wanted me to spend more time teaching her. All this time I thought she liked working independently. This is why I think HOD is going to be a terrific choice.

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