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Sharing email address with dh...

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I can't imagine a situation in which either my husband or I would want to share email. But, we both get a lot of mail, and little of it is of interest to both.


If he suddenly started using my email address, I'd be pretty annoyed! I don't really love admitting that, but I believe that's the truth. And I think he'd feel the same way.


FWIW, our kids also have their own email addresses, but I get a copy of all their incoming into my box as well so I can keep an eye on things.



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We only have a shared account. Dh doesn't read my personal emails and he rarely gets personal emails. It is nice to have all our business and such on the same account, although I check it more and sometimes forget to let him know of incoming emails that pertain to him, which annoys him, justifiably. I'm the organizer in our house and keep the account cleared out and have folders for different categories.

Edited by soror
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Whenever I send some personal emails to friends who share the same email address with their dh, I feel there is less privacy and I always feel there is the possibility that their dh may read my emails. I feel a little uncomfortable sometimes. Most times it is not too personal, but it does happen. Likewise when they respond to my personal information containing emails, I would like it if it is to my own email address instead of shared ones with my dh, not because I have things to hide, but because I think he doesn't need to know all the things, especially if I am asking advice how to deal with a conflict with him, or simply gossiping?

Does anyone feel the same like me? Or do you never share personal/marital struggles with friends that you are not ready to let your dh know yet? Or do you just talk in person or on the phone if you don't use email to share?

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We have a shared one that's "hisnameandmynamelastname@...." Anything that pertains to both of us goes there. He also has one in just his name and I have one in just my name. Membership-type things that we sign up for go to those. I've also got one just for our homeschool and one that I use for promotional things.


They're all under the same account, though. One password rules them all and I'm really the only person who checks them. Everything is completely open. In fact, I have a printed sheet with all of our different account logins and passwords on it in case I die or become incapacitated or something. Without that, he'd have no clue how to even pay our bills (or what our bills are).

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Whenever I send some personal emails to friends who share the same email address with their dh, I feel there is less privacy and I always feel there is the possibility that their dh may read my emails. I feel a little uncomfortable sometimes. Most times it is not too personal, but it does happen. Likewise when they respond to my personal information containing emails, I would like it if it is to my own email address instead of shared ones with my dh, not because I have things to hide, but because I think he doesn't need to know all the things, especially if I am asking advice how to deal with a conflict with him, or simply gossiping?

Does anyone feel the same like me? Or do you never share personal/marital struggles with friends that you are not ready to let your dh know yet? Or do you just talk in person or on the phone if you don't use email to share?


I have at times shared personal things and been on the receiving end. Dh would never read those emails. I have let friends know as well that I don't want info shared w/ dh's after someone mentioned talking to her dh about something. I thought it better to make that clear. I do talk to dh about my friends but I also am careful to try and respect their privacy as well. Afterall, they've shared something with me and not with him.

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I don't know what your husband's feelings imply, but I can tell you my own dh was thrilled when we finally separated accounts. His stuff was always getting buried in my home school loop emails, curriculum offers, meeting announcements, yada yada.


Of course, now if I get something of importance, I forward him a copy because he always seems to miss big church and family news!

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My dh heavily uses his email, so it would be a logistical nightmare for us to share one. In your dh's shoes, I can absolutely understand him preffering for you to set up your own email. As for being "upset" with you about the way you handled it, I would need more info to know whether or not that was an overreaction. He may feel disrespected by you moving in on his account without talking to him first. While the action isn't that big of a deal, men react in strong ways towards perceived disrespect.


I am not going to jump on that "maybe he's hiding something" bandwagon. If he was hiding something, you wouldn't have had access to his email to begin with.

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My dh heavily uses his email, so it would be a logistical nightmare for us to share one. In your dh's shoes, I can absolutely understand him preffering for you to set up your own email. As for being "upset" with you about the way you handled it, I would need more info to know whether or not that was an overreaction. He may feel disrespected by you moving in on his account without talking to him first. While the action isn't that big of a deal, men react in strong ways towards perceived disrespect.


I am not going to jump on that "maybe he's hiding something" bandwagon. If he was hiding something, you wouldn't have had access to his email to begin with.



Gmail, yahoo, juno.... free, "secret" email accounts are easy to set up for anyone who wants one. The fact that you actually have access to his account should set your mind at ease.

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I don't know that my dh would be angry about me using his email account, but it just wouldn't be practical for us since I get a lot of emails every day and I think he gets quite a few as well. I save a lot of mine too. Dh has a part-time business enterprise and doesn't really need my emails cluttering up his account. If he started having his emails routed to my account I suppose I might be a little annoyed. I don't want more stuff to sort through and it's easy enough to set up another email account.

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I would hate sharing an email address with my husband. I think he would hate it too.


There's nothing secret in our email accounts, just the intrusion of the other person's things would annoy. It would be like if he started marking things in my planner or inserting his own pages into my notebook.


This. Our email is pretty much always open, and we both have access to each other's calendars, but it always strikes me as weird when I see messages from people who share an email address. And, that, right there is the correct analogy to my feeling.

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