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I would just like to complain

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That I would really love to be able to watch Wimbledon with the three boys I have here without having to deal with Levitra commercials.


I'm all for sexual education. But there are somethings my darling young men don't want to know. How their bodies might betray them when they are old men is one of them. The also don't need to know that if certain events occur for 4 hours, they should call their doctors, lol.

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Use the MUTE button.


As for those horribly sexist commercials played during sports events, I think we moms are just going to have to avoid them in their entirety. There have been many times I have questioned why our household even owns a TV.




Claire in NM

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Use the MUTE button.


As for those horribly sexist commercials played during sports events, I think we moms are just going to have to avoid them in their entirety. There have been many times I have questioned why our household even owns a TV.




Claire in NM


Well, when I watch tv, I am a consistent "mute" user. But this week we were at the beach with my sister and her husband, and her husband was holding the clicker, and I sort of hate to demand that he mute when I want.


So those of you who change channels or mute are smart. And those who don't watch at all are probably smarter, except that I do like to watch tennis. Or watch the Heels play. Or, for example, tomorrow I will probably watch the soccer game, even though the commercials will probably be horrendous. But I will be at my parent's house, and I feel fine bossing *then* around about the clicker!

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ITA. And FTR, I don't care about "Bob" and what he does with his life, or what his friends think, or his wife. Ugh.




I hate those commercials with "Bob"


Although sometimes on those medication commercials it's funny to hear the announcer say so calmly that one of the side effects is death. WHAT?? Don't they think that warrants more than someone rambling on a mile a minute in the most calm and soothing voice, saying things like


"Side effects include but are not limited to, dry mouth, runny nose, headache, and death"

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My poor Aunt Marie....she's 80. She called me to chat recently and asked, "FOUR hours?! FOUR HOURS?!?! Forget him, who the h*ll could keep their legs in the air for that long??? They'd be bringing ME into the emergency room, with my legs stuck up in the air. FOUR HOURS? Who ever heard of such a thing?"


She's a riot, that Aunt Marie is.


BTW, I agree with you about not showing these things during all hours. We were watching some show as a family (probably AI, but it could've been Jeopardy), and I found myself tappin' my toe to a catchy tune. My kids were HORRIFIED. Here it was a Viagra commercial. Little did I know...


Of course, there's always that HORRIFIC Viagra commercial with the dude in the baby blue, polyester leisure suit a/k/a his wedding clothes. Dude....you've gotta be kidding me, right? And she actually goes upstairs with him! I'd run for the hills!

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My poor Aunt Marie....she's 80. She called me to chat recently and asked, "FOUR hours?! FOUR HOURS?!?! Forget him, who the h*ll could keep their legs in the air for that long??? They'd be bringing ME into the emergency room, with my legs stuck up in the air. FOUR HOURS? Who ever heard of such a thing?"


Oh my word, get Aunt Marie to join and login so we can all rep her!

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I asked my dh the other night, "Why don't these guys with this "condition" take up reading? I mean they must just watch TV gauging by the number of commercials that are on for this "condition." Good grief, keep somethings to yourself would you!!"


As my Grandma used to say, "There are just some things you shouldn't talk about." I'm just glad they took off most of the tampon commercials so I don't have to discuss that with my three ds's also.

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I didn't read anything else - but I didn't think that chemistry.com (think eharmony) commercials where the man was asking the woman to promise to just not wear a nightgown ever was appropriate during the olympic gymastics trials last sunday. It WAS 7pm.... but gee people.....



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I didn't read anything else - but I didn't think that chemistry.com (think eharmony) commercials where the man was asking the woman to promise to just not wear a nightgown ever was appropriate during the olympic gymastics trials last sunday. It WAS 7pm.... but gee people.....




Oh yeah, the other night during the Daily Show there was an *incredible* commercial about "his" and "her" K-Y Jelly. I have no idea why they night need seperate jelly, and the commercial didn't really say (and if you do know, please, please spare me, because I don't need to know). I realize this is late night tv, but I found it mortifying with my DH there, and I would have died if my adult son were in the room.

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