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How old was your dc when they read The Diary of Anne Frank?

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7-8 years old, the same year I read The Scarlet Letter. I was a weird kid. I'm glad there seems to be more age-appropriate literature these days.


But I will say I recently re-read The Diary of Anne Frank, and it wasn't AT ALL how I remembered it. It really just reads like a young girl's diary. I don't think it's the book that is super heavy, I feel like it's all the OTHER stuff that always comes with it- the Schindler's List kinds of discussions and movies. In other words, the context you get for the book, because the book itself isn't really all that shocking. I read the book at 8 but then we did it all as a class with the field trip type stuff when I was 9 or 10 and that's when I remember getting freaked out about it. Don't get me wrong, I think the context is so important. But, to me, the context is what should be age-monitored, the book itself isn't really that big a deal, in that way.

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We haven't read it. Dd14 knows exactly who Anne Frank was and prefers to skip it. I pretty much wish I had never read it. I don't think it is possible to do the book without the sadness. It is a powerful story but it is very haunting. Doubt we will read Lord of the Flies either. Her choice -- my son will be perfectly happy to skip both.

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My boys have not read it yet. However, we will read it this year for modern history along with some other books equally sad (Elly - My True Story of the Holocaust, The Breadwinner (Taliban), Out of Line -- Growing Up Soviet). I find all of these situation disturbing. And while I don't think these matters are 'fun' or light-hearted I have come to the conclusion that the kids do need to know these things are still happening today. Imho, the middle school years are a good time (age-wise) to go there.


My boys are 11 and 13, btw.

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