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Have you ever seen an incompetent or otherwise problematic teacher face consequences?

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Dear Hive, lately I have had occasion to make complaints about a particular teacher... as I volunteer with my daughter's K class, I read with the kids at a table in the hall, and I overhear another teacher screaming and yelling at her class. I mean, there's yelling and there's yelling... this was not "get out of the street!" kind of yelling. This was hollering, mean, hateful stuff. Not profanity, but bad enough. Not what you want your kid exposed to.

I have spoken to the principal twice. He carefully noted down the times, dates, and exact words, which leads me to suspect that he is building a case. It is his first year here, whereas she has been here 10 yrs. He was alarmed that I had to go to him the second time. I understand that 'administrative leave' is being contemplated.

The other teachers at this school have been great for my kids. I have watched them at work & respect them & my kids have grown & flourished.

Anybody else faced this kind of problem? What happened and were you satisfied with the outcome? I understand this is the kind of thing that will drive people out of the PS altogether, but that is not where we are at this point.

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Yes. The one teacher we had at our school who was not highly competent was gently encouraged to find another position, which she did.


We also have a very intelligent teacher who has some "anger management" issues. She was required to have some sort of therapy after an incident in her classroom. I happen to like this teacher, she is my "second choice" for next year behind the brilliant-inspiring teacher, and before the nice and quiet teacher, but she certainly has a reputation.



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unfortunately, no, I have not. I think there are plenty of incompetent teachers who NEED fired, but the system doesn't allow this. I'm afraid its just too easy to get by with fair to poor performance. we live in Oklahoma. we have a new state superintendant - it remains to be seen if she can improve this or not.


wish I had more choices in schooling for my kids, but....meanwhile, I am trying to afterschool!

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Through volunteering at DD's school, I had some interactions with a very unpleasant teacher. My DD had a 50/50 chance of having her in the future, and I was actually thinking of transfering DD to another school rather than expose my child to that teacher's behavior. I was considering speaking to the principal about her, but before I did, it was mentioned at a spring budget meeting that the teacher would not be back in the fall. From the tone, I could tell it was not the teacher's decision. Big sigh of relief....


I remember another difficult teacher who couldn't be fired by our principal, as he traveled between multiple schools and had some other boss. Our principal cut that particular class from her budget last year in order to avoid having him back.

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Yes! The teacher who was so terrible to one of my dc last year in FL did not return the next year. It was her first year at that school, and the trouble we had with her was not the only trouble. One child was switched out of her class soon after the beginning of the year.

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I was part of the process to remove an incompetent teacher during my first year of teaching... I was the 'new person' in the school and therefore was the person parents contacted as the other staff (only 3 others - small school) has all been there 15+ years and stayed banded together. Although I couldn't *do* anything myself I helped them work out who to contract in the ministry of education and then had to participate in the investigation. What disturbed me most was that this teacher remained in place for the whole rest of the year before being removed (and, ultimately losing their teacher registration, so I've heard).

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