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Our renters are finally gone!

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Finally! It's been a very long and for me emotional 7 weeks! We had to hire an attorney to go to court and get the official paperwork but the renter never showed so it was over in a few minutes. Today our new property manager went to the house with the sheriff and there was a squatter there. He was not on the lease. No clue who he was, just a slime ball as our PM called him.

The house is dirty but no apparent damage. Thankfully!

Finally we can move on. I am still in shock that people do this to other humans. First renter decides he can live somewhere and not pay rent for no apparent reason other than he doens't want to, and then when we start catching up with him, he gives the key to someone else and then leaves!

Laugh of the day, the squatter told the sheriff that the eviction notice was for the people on the lease, not him, so he thought he could stay!

The sheriff told him to get his stuff and he was leaving. The squatter then went to the bathroom and brushed his teeth! The sheriff called his bluff and he was gone with a few minutes. No one knows who the furniture belongs to.



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No one knows who the furniture belongs to.




Burn it. I would remove and destroy every last thing in that house that does not belong to you.


Let's see if anyone dare's to show up and claim anything. At this point it would definitely be trespassing.

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Burn it. I would remove and destroy every last thing in that house that does not belong to you.


Let's see if anyone dare's to show up and claim anything. At this point it would definitely be trespassing.



Legally we are supposed to inventory it and store it for 60 days. Seriously.

OUr PM said he is putting it in the garage with the rest of the trash( apparently they used the garage as their garbage can) and when the house is clean and ready to rent, he will dispose of the furniture along with the trash. No, we will not be paying to store it for them!

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I've been following along on this story and so glad it has been resolved. I can't believe how long it took though. Crazy people out there :glare:


Our previous property manager quit smack dab in the middle of this. No clue what her problem was but she left us with a mess. Yes, we have asked our attorney about sueing her, but he said to just cut your losses and move on. It will cost too much in attorney fees.



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When we were trying to sell our last house there were lots of people that wanted us to rent it out and wondered why we didn't. Stories like this are why we decided not to. It is one thing if you are up for dealing with the possible problems for renters and you can look at it as a business. It just wasn't for us. I am sorry your experience was soooo bad.

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Crazy, isn't it?! Don't forget to change the locks. You never know who has a key.


Locks changed, broken window boarded up, no tresspassing sign posted, neighbors alerted to the fact that there is no one who has access to the house but the PM.

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Locks changed, broken window boarded up, no tresspassing sign posted, neighbors alerted to the fact that there is no one who has access to the house but the PM.


Legally we are supposed to inventory it and store it for 60 days. Seriously.

OUr PM said he is putting it in the garage with the rest of the trash( apparently they used the garage as their garbage can) and when the house is clean and ready to rent, he will dispose of the furniture along with the trash. No, we will not be paying to store it for them!


Really? I've seen evictions with the curb pilled high quite a few times.

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Laugh of the day, the squatter told the sheriff that the eviction notice was for the people on the lease, not him, so he thought he could stay!


What???? That is unbelievably audacious! He actually thought he could keep staying rent-free??? The nerve of some people!

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What???? That is unbelievably audacious! He actually thought he could keep staying rent-free??? The nerve of some people!



Don't forget, whoever gave him permission to live there, also put the gas/electric back in our name, so he was paying absolutely nothing!

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Really? I've seen evictions with the curb pilled high quite a few times.



Nope, the city owns the trash business. They will only pick up what is in the bags you buy from them. Will have to get a dumpster I suppose. The PM is handing this, and yes, we have planned a trip there to check up on it in later this month.

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