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Where can I find out if this package will cost me?? (duty taxes question)

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Someone is mailing me (well, it's already been mailed) a package of relatively expensive software. The software is a CD-Rom (or set of CDs), and this person mailed it in the original packaging and insured it for the full value (around US $200). I assume then she also declared the full value on the Customs Declaration.


We *never* have people mail stuff to us here (Brazil) that is that expensive, because we'd rather not hassle with Customs, Duty fees, etc. not to mention possible theft. I told this person all of that but the package was mailed anyway.


The package should arrive in the next week or so, and I'm trying to decide what I'm willing to pay to ransom the package when it gets here.


I did not buy this software, it's coming to me as a gift, but I don't know if that was marked on the declaration, or if that will matter.


I have tried researching what the duty fees might be but I get so many different answers, all in technical mumbo-jumbo language that professional importers might understand but which I simply do.not. get.


Is there *any* way to find out "software is taxed at x percent"??


And, if the duty fees turn out to be more than I'm willing to pay, does anyone know if I can have the post office Return to Sender?? At my dime, or their's?


I need to figure this out before the package arrives, so I know what steps to take when the time comes. thanks for any input!

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It will be according to Brazil's laws, both the tax and the possibility of returning to sender. Do you have a Portuguese-speaking friend who could help you search?


I do understand your pain: my MIL once sent Husband some shirts for his birthday from the US to the UK. She bought them on sale but then declared their full value when she mailed them. The UK charged us as much in taxes as she had paid to buy them.



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Okay, I think I found it....looks like 60%, if she marked that it was software. If she did not mark that it was software, looks like this says the tax would be charged on the cost/value of the item + shipping + insurance, at a rate of 60% for all of it.



Here's what it says:

III - Taxation Rate:


The taxation rate is 60% (sixty per cent) over the price stated on the commercial invoice added of the transport and insurance costs if they were not included on the merchandise total price. In the case of the goods imported using the services of international express companies (Courier), it will be added a 18% State VAT (ICMS);


Notice: In the case of gifts, the taxable price will be the one declared by the sender as long as compatible with similar goods available on the market;


IV - Software import taxation


Software media are taxed on a 60% rate only if the media value is separately discriminated in the invoice.




If the media value is not discriminate in the invoice the taxation will be imposed on the total value of the merchandise.


Now to decide if I'm willing to pay that to ransom this package....oye, just calculated 60% of the value, even without shipping & insurance....I do not think I'm willing to pay that, if the package gets flagged for customs fees. Hmmm, what to do....

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Have you asked her how she marked it when she mailed it?


I haven't. I sort of think she won't be very forthcoming with info, and also I can't separate my frustration from this issue long enough to write an email asking that w/o sounding thoroughly annoyed.


Even "Hi, was wondering, as I try and calculate what duty fees I might be facing -- what value did you list on the package?" sounds snarky to me, since I *feel* snarky as I write it.


And since I already told her not to mail it, because of the duties, I worry that if I ask about it now that she has mailed it, it will just seem like me reminding her of why I didn't want her to do it this way in the first place. Does that make sense?


Any ideas how to word the question that don't sound accusatory, annoyed, frustrated, etc?

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I haven't. I sort of think she won't be very forthcoming with info, and also I can't separate my frustration from this issue long enough to write an email asking that w/o sounding thoroughly annoyed.

Even "Hi, was wondering, as I try and calculate what duty fees I might be facing -- what value did you list on the package?" sounds snarky to me, since I *feel* snarky as I write it.


And since I already told her not to mail it, because of the duties, I worry that if I ask about it now that she has mailed it, it will just seem like me reminding her of why I didn't want her to do it this way in the first place. Does that make sense?


Any ideas how to word the question that don't sound accusatory, annoyed, frustrated, etc?


I don't think there is anything wrong with saying just that (the bolded above). If she is as clueless as she sounds, I'm sure she won't hear any snark. :) But really, it doesn't sound snarky to me.


You asked her not to mail the package; she did it anyway. She is obviously disregarding your wishes. Don't feel bad about making her feel bad, kwim?


Also, I'm curious - why do you think she went ahead and mailed this to you? Did she think she was doing you a favor or being generous? Did she not understand that it would cost you a hunk of change to actually receive the package?

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I don't think there is anything wrong with saying just that (the bolded above). If she is as clueless as she sounds, I'm sure she won't hear any snark. :) But really, it doesn't sound snarky to me.


You asked her not to mail the package; she did it anyway. She is obviously disregarding your wishes. Don't feel bad about making her feel bad, kwim?


Also, I'm curious - why do you think she went ahead and mailed this to you? Did she think she was doing you a favor or being generous? Did she not understand that it would cost you a hunk of change to actually receive the package?


on the note, thank you, I'll probably ask her so I can decide.


On the why.....there are so many reasons and none make sense. I really cannot even answer that because I was so very explicit about how NOT to send it and how she COULD send it, and mentioned over & over & over again to just hold onto it for me until we are in the US.


I think she thinks I *need* this software, now, because it will be helpful to me and she wants me to have it and not wait for it.


And I think maybe she doesn't realize that "duty tax" is not just an 8% sales tax, so even though I warned her I'd have to pay duty, she may not realize that it's such a high amount.


But mostly I think she is just the type of person to do what she wants to do, the way she wants to do it, and no one can tell her anything different. I don't say that based on this one thing, but based on a slew of examples.


I'm still holding out hope that maybe, just maybe, it will sneak on through and not get charged. We'll see......

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That is rather baffling (annoying?) that she would go against your wishes like that. I think you're right - she really must not realize how high the duty tax is and she's that kind of person. I hope it works out for you.


Also, I looked through your blog - love your quilts! They are beautifully done. And the one remembering your kitten -so sweet. The pics of the capybaras are pretty cool, too.

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That is rather baffling (annoying?) that she would go against your wishes like that. I think you're right - she really must not realize how high the duty tax is and she's that kind of person. I hope it works out for you.


Also, I looked through your blog - love your quilts! They are beautifully done. And the one remembering your kitten -so sweet. The pics of the capybaras are pretty cool, too.


Sadly, it's not too baffling coming from this person. Annoying, yes; baffling, not so much.


As for the blog, thank you!! I'm such a beginning quilter that it thrills me to hear you say they're beautifully done. Truly!


I've decided on this for an email to the sender if/when I get notice that I have to pick up the package at the post office:


"Hi (Sender), I wanted to let you know that the software arrived, and is waiting for me at the post office. I'll pick it up (insert day here), but can you tell me what value you listed on the customs declaration, so I may properly calculate the duty that I owe? I want to be sure and take plenty of cash with me since the duty is 60% of the value. Thanks!"


If the package somehow arrives and I don't have to pay duty, I'll say nothing and just let it go. But otherwise, how does that sound? (anyone still reading this? LOL!)


I *almost* have myself convinced that it's worth it to pay the $$ in order to protect the various relationships involved, and I do want the software....

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That's frustrating! I wonder if you can go to the post office in person, see what/if they charge you, and then decide on the spot if you want to accept it? If you didn't accept it, I imagine they would either return it or destroy it (or sell it!).


When my son lived in Toronto, it was hit and miss whether a box would be pulled for customs fees, and it was much more likely to happen when sent via UPS rather than the postal service.


If you do go to the post office, I would suggest you bring a native Brazilian along. Sometimes they know ways around it. (They're better able to figure out the loopholes.) When my daughter lived in Senegal last year, if she didn't bring a native speaker with her they would charge her double for fees.


Maybe bring a set amount of money with you (the most you're willing to pay) and no more? Then you can tell them honestly that it's all you brought! Perhaps they'll strike a bargain with you.


Of course every country is different.

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My husband once sent a CD as merchandise to someone in the UK via first class mail. The calculated duty was listed on the package. They apparently never came to pay the duties so it was shipped back. I don't believe my husband would have paid to get it back. It took a few months to return.


So I would imagine you could just refuse it.

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In the UK we have refused to pay and the item is returned.


On top of the insured value percentage which a friend bumped way up, we have to pay a handling fee of £10 to the post office and then a customs charge. Anyway the amount was impressive!

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My husband once sent a CD as merchandise to someone in the UK via first class mail. The calculated duty was listed on the package. They apparently never came to pay the duties so it was shipped back. I don't believe my husband would have paid to get it back. It took a few months to return.


So I would imagine you could just refuse it.


In the UK we have refused to pay and the item is returned.


On top of the insured value percentage which a friend bumped way up, we have to pay a handling fee of £10 to the post office and then a customs charge. Anyway the amount was impressive!


thank you, both! I will definitely ask about refusing it (I still haven't gotten the notice that it's arrived; maybe next week) --- if I can basically "return to sender" without costing the sender any more, I might well do that and then pick up the package when I see them on our US trip this year.


Depending on whether she specified software or not, the % I'm charged will be on the value listed + the shipping value + the cost to insure it. If she listed software, it will be on just the value. Still, 60% is a LOT due to the value of this particular software. So, we'll see.


I would just email her and ask if she marked it as a gift or not.


Unfortunately, Brazil does not have a gift exemption so that would not make a difference in this case.



Also, meant to quote also the person who said to take a native speaker with me; I won't do that, but I will print off the Portuguese version of the regulations that list the % I'm to be charged. I trust my Portuguese to manage this, and the print-out to protect me from any "let's get the gringa for all she's worth" issues. But thank you for the suggestion; I hadn't thought to take the print-out with me until you mentioned that!

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