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The police just left...

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Our girls (together with the neighbor girl) were waiting for the bus today, when a guy sitting on a bench at the stop pulled out his p... and started m...ing.:eek:


The girls left, but instead of calling me immediately, just went to the next bus stop to catch a ride there instead.


They literally "spilled the news" hours later, between pizza and strawberries: "Can you imagine the crazy guy we saw today...?!?"


I called the police immediately and am relieved that they took this seriously - showed up instantly, four of them. We pressed charges against unknown, so the girls will be further questioned, shown photos, etc. over the next days.

What a pain!!


I am so relieved that my girls were well prepared to deal with a situation like this! They seem amused by all the attention more than anything...:tongue_smilie:

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I remember facing a similar situation in the kids' section of the library. Like your girls, I was well-prepared, and told my mom, but wasn't traumatized by it nearly as much as those around me (or at all, really). Hopefully, they'll catch the guy before he traumatizes (or worse) someone else.

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Oh geez. What is wrong with people! It's it strange how we as parents get more upset about things than kids sometimes. I would be beside myself.


I wonder if the reason that children are able to handle this with more equamity is that they aren't s#xually aware. Whereas, as adults we know exactly how sick and potentially threatening this man's actions are. Children would more likely relate g#nital exposure to bathroom habits and think gross/weird. In some ways their innocence protects them, in others it makes them more vunerable.


just pondering.

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I wonder if the reason that children are able to handle this with more equamity is that they aren't s#xually aware. Whereas, as adults we know exactly how sick and potentially threatening this man's actions are. Children would more likely relate g#nital exposure to bathroom habits and think gross/weird. In some ways their innocence protects them, in others it makes them more vunerable.


just pondering.

You're probably on to something. Having been in that position, you're right, I associated those parts with bathroom, etc.

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Gross. This happened to me in the college cafeteria, with a non-student. It was after normal mealtime; I think I was there studying and having a frozen yogurt or something. When I looked up and saw what he was doing, I went and told campus police. I thought it was gross, but not threatening. Even then, I was more naive than I am now, I guess. I think now I would feel more fear (vs. just disgust).


I'm glad your dd had a friend with her; seems it might be easier to process and blow off having been with someone else. And I'm glad the police took it seriously!

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I remember a "flasher" showing his thing when I was in 2nd grade at recess - He walked out of his house which was against the fence of the playground. My friend and I told our teacher and everyone got called in from recess. I wasn't scared or scarred from the experience, but I do remember it vividly. Interesting to look back on the experience as an adult and think about the ramifications.

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