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HMM, this could be interesting

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I have been praying hard for a few weeks now trying to figure out if I am still making the right decision to homeschool. And if so asking God to make it a little less stressful as far as financially. So this morning my daycare mom says to me "I have been telling everyone I know about you and how great homeschooling your kids has been for my daughter. I have a friend of a 4 year old that wants to know if you will teach him preschool."


NOw keep in mind in my tiny town we are the ONLY homeschooling family. There is a preschool in town but it is more of a play school than a preschool as in no academic focus. WHich for many many families is what they want. THis mom wants her son actually learning though not just playing. As she said, he plays all day at home, I am not paying for him to play there.


Anyway, daycare mom also said that this preschool mom mentioned to her that there is a couple other moms from teh preschool that have felt the same way and if it went well with her 4 yr old she was the type of mom that other's listened to and would likely net me another 1-2 kids just for preschool at my house.


Now of course this is all speculation at this point. I did tell daycare mom I was more than happy to meet with preschool mom and see what she is thinking of as far as what academics she is expecting of a 4 yr old. But essentially it would be 2-3 days a week, possibly just half days as preschool only, or full days and she will have the full day to tend to things she needs to. But I think it has some merit. I am trained and certified to be an assistant teacher in a regular preK school, it is the same certification that makes me a high level in the daycare world. As well I have done things like the 2 day training for HWOT etc. I am fully capable of teaching preK I just wouldn't be licensed as such. Essentially I would be a babysitter still but teaching another child with potential for more.


The idea has merit and could be very interesting for sure and I said as much to daycare mom. She is going to give my info to preschool mom (who may be coming tonight to pick up daycare child anyway) so she can talk to me about this.


The funny thing is I have been in a panic about my finances and figuring it out. I just said to my mom last night that really by summer when ds8's disability payments start I will only need about another 100-200 a month to keep afloat any thing more than that will just help over all kwim. If this woman only wants 2 half days a week it works out to 160 a month based on my current rates. If she wants 2 full days it is 320 a month. Basically it will cover exactly what I was saying to my mom.

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I met with preschool mom today. I now have a preschool child every Tuesday for sure, she will let me know by tomorrow if I will have him Thursdays as well.


He starts Kindy at the ps in the fall and she wants me to homeschool preK with him so that he is ready for it.


At $40 a day even with just Tuesdays it makes me that initial amount that I told my mom I needed to stay afloat. If he comes twice a week it means I will be able to stay afloat and put some into my emergency fund. I will only have him until the end of summer so hoping that word of mouth will bring me similar type kids next fall. I got daycare kid via word of mouth and it was her mom that talked me up to preschool mom. Preschool mom told me today she already knew her son would come here for preK she just wanted to confirm my price and what curric I use.

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Sounds like an exciting change! My ds1 went to an in-home preschool (before we considered homeschooling him) and it was the best thing for him. It was 3 days a week/3 hours per day with an extra hour per week in the last quarter or so to focus on beginning reading skills. I loved it! Her kids were in school, though; she had 8 kids in her home preschool. It was really preschool/K4 and not daycare. It was great! Too bad she moved. (Her dh was military.)


It was their moving that started us homeschooling. Ds1 was advanced academically but not old enough to meet the kindergarten cutoff. We looked at one other school; no others were quite right. This one was small enough that it would allow him to do K work even though he'd be in the K4 class age-wise. But it was too far away for me to drive 3 days a week so we decided to give homeschooling a try.


Well, that was a long story. I hope your new situation works out well for you and your family.

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