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A question for Kindle users

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Or any ereader really. How do you organize your books on your device? Right now, I've just got pages of books in alphabetical order. I am thinking of creating collections per genre, like mystery, fiction, etc. I just wondered if I'm thinking too organized. :)

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I do sort my books. Right now I have a general fiction collection, but I also have folders for certain authors or series. I have a few non-fiction folders sorted by general subject. I don't have that many book on my Kindle, but as/if I add more I might get more specific.

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I've got one folder for library books, one for "current reads", one for books I've downloaded for my son to read, and then some by genre if I want it on the kindle rather than archived and I've read it. Also one for homeschool resources :)

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I go by genre in categories that make sense to me. I have obvious categories like Literature (adult), children's literature, contemporary (recent releases, mostly non-fiction), and poetry. Then I have not-so-obvious categories like Plutarch (a number of resources I have for Plutarch) and then others such as my children's books for each year of school or just a category. I also have a category of books I think my husband would like - the category is simply his name.


But all of my books are sorted onto one or more shelves. And within their categories, I keep them in order by author because I like to remember who went to all the trouble of writing them (and I once worked in a library and that's how libraries are organized within categories).

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On Kindle you can make a "collection" like a folder. I do most of mine by subject - one called Kids so they know where their stuff is, one for school-type stuff, one for home stuff, one for misc fiction. If you have a Kindle reader on computer or phone or whatever, you can sync your collections too.

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"Nightstand" collection for books that I am currently reading.


"Bookstore" for samples.


"Shelf" for books I own but haven't read.


If I have finished it, it goes to the archive.


"School" for things I am reading to the kids for school.


"Hebrew/Greek" for language study.


"Church bag" for scriptures and similar.


"Misc" for, you know.

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