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what allergy med works for you?

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I have always had seasonal allergies. This year is the worst! I am a captive in my home. I can be outside for just a couple of minutes and it triggers a horribly snotty, itchy response that takes *forever* to get back under control. A good night's rest is a distant memory.

I have tried Benedryl; one at a time didn't work and two made my heart race and turned me into a zombie. I tried Claritin... didn't help, but at least it didn't make me feel like medicine head. My neighbor recommended Sambucol; it didn't help at all. Today, I tried Zyrtec. I took one, 10mg tab at 3:00a.m (also used netti pot) and was able to get back to sleep by 4:00. That was the best result I have had so far, but about 9:00 this morning my heart started racing again and I felt sooooo tired. It only lasted about 90 minutes, but now I'm kinda wondering if I should take it tomorrow (it is a 24hr. type).

I really hate to pay to go to the doctor....not to mention that she is always so busy, I probably wouldn't get an appointment until after allergy season is over (allergy season is going to end, right?). What should I do? What works for you?

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Zyrtec and Claritin caused my daughter to be crazy basically adHHHHHHHd over the top behavior. We just switched to Nasonex which is way more expensive but has worked AMAZINGLY well for this season and we are in moderate grass and tree pollen time which are some of her worst allergies.

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Zyrtec works for our entire family. I need it for indoor allergies (I clean houses) and they need it for seasonal allergies. My dh and youngest take it in combination with Singulair to control asthma.

Hope you find some relief soon!

Oh! And we get ours generic at Costco for a steal!

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Ok, for once I have something to share that no one has mentioned! We live in NC and allergy season has been the worst I've ever experienced. So, someone from our church posted to our email loop that they have seen huge improvements since using D-Hist. Then some other lady emailed and said that last year her dd was hospitalized for 3 days with terrible allergies and this year they've weaned her off of Zyrtec after finding D-Hist. D-Hist is all natural, so they were thrilled. I bought the junior version and sure enough, dd7 is no longer taking Zyrtec. And not only that, Zyrtec hardly helped him but he is like new with D-Hist Jr. I bought ours off Amazon but think they have it at vita cost some pharmacies have it but only the smaller private kinds I think. I also bought a nedipot but haven't tried it yet.

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This year, the only thing working for me is Allegra (once a day pill) and dd9 is on Allegra liquid kids version. I think the 2x a day dosing is the big helper for dd. At the beginning of our early spring, she was like a running faucet and sneezing 10 or 15 times in a row until I finally tried Allegra (after all the other OTC versions). I also use Pataday eyedrops, which are an Rx, and ultra expensive ($50 copay) but the only thing that works for my eye allergy symptoms. I am now able to not use them, but will need them again when ragweed kicks in this summer. I tried Alaway eyedrops last year (OTC) on the advice of my Dr. but it made my eyes feel very dry and tight.

Edited by monalisa
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You sound exactly like me when I don't take my chlorpheniramine (aka "ChlorTrimeton" (about $2 for a box of 30 at walmart). My dad's a pharmacist and this is what he also recommended and I find it works best of all the others. The key to seasonal allergies is to stay AHEAD of it. Once it gets out of control, it's almost impossible to get back in control with a steroid (ask me how I know:)). From mid-Feb to late April I have to take ChlorTrimeton daily / prophylactically. I take one 4 mg tablet in the morning, another after lunch ish /mid-afternoon and a half at bedtime (sometimes a whole one at bedtime). The prescription strenght of chlorpheniramine for adults is 12 mg per tablet every 8 hours ish, so taking 4 mgs three times a day is fine (assuming you don't have any liver/kidney issues). On the rare occasion (like today) when I forget my Chlortabs (chlorpheniramine), and I get like you describe, i have to take a 10 mg prednisone AND a chlorapheniramine to get back on top of it.

At walmart, they are in the allergy section and are called "Allergy Tablets" "Chlortabs" or the brand name is Chlor-Trimeton.


Things I recommend:

1. get local honey (from your local area made from the pollens in your areas courtesy your local bees).

2. take Chlorpheniramine as described

3. stay ahead of them.

4. get/use a NetiPot(Walgreens/online) and use about once a week.

5. keep your nasal sinuses moist with nasal saline (i do this only at bedtime).

6. when they get out of control, you'll find that getting an icepack and laying over your nose/cheeks helps (i put a damp rag on my face between cold pack and skin)......again...this is only necessary when I've not stayed on top of them.

7. also, if they get out of control, it can't hurt to take a tylenol to calm the inflammatory response

8. good luck (PM me if you need more info)

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Ok, for once I have something to share that no one has mentioned! We live in NC and allergy season has been the worst I've ever experienced. So, someone from our church posted to our email loop that they have seen huge improvements since using D-Hist. Then some other lady emailed and said that last year her dd was hospitalized for 3 days with terrible allergies and this year they've weaned her off of Zyrtec after finding D-Hist. D-Hist is all natural, so they were thrilled. I bought the junior version and sure enough, dd7 is no longer taking Zyrtec. And not only that, Zyrtec hardly helped him but he is like new with D-Hist Jr. I bought ours off Amazon but think they have it at vita cost some pharmacies have it but only the smaller private kinds I think. I also bought a nedipot but haven't tried it yet.



Thanks and I am going to try the D- Hist. I am a native North Carolinian and my allergies get worse every year. The whole thought of drowning myself with a neti pot turns me off:ack2:

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Thanks and I am going to try the D- Hist. I am a native North Carolinian and my allergies get worse every year. The whole thought of drowning myself with a neti pot turns me off:ack2:



If you feel like you're drowning, then you're misusing it. It's quite benign actually. ;)

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D-Hist is the only thing I can take during the day. At night I can take an Actifed, but I can't do that more than two nights in a row without being really groggy the next day. As long as I take a night off after two nights in a row, I can keep taking it.



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