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May I vent, please?

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I have to get this off my chest and vent here so I don't make a phone call that I will regret.

DD has been training for weeks to get ready for an upcoming horse show next weekend. The location is 100 miles away, so hauling the horse trailer is the big expense, which was going to be split with another girl.

Last night the other family decided that they do not want to pay and that their daughter won't show.

I am so mad. It is not a question of a sudden huge unexpected expense (they just had to pay their taxes, as has everybody else). Every family can handle their finances as they see fit, but to bail out a week before? If they do not wish to pay for it, couldn't they have said so months ago???


This of course means either we pay the full hauling bill, or DD can't show. Not the end of the world, but disappointing since she worked so hard to prepare.

People can be so inconsiderate; I bet it did not even cross their mind that this affects somebody else.


Thanks for letting me vent.

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Can you ask around, perhaps call other large barns in your area to see if anyone else is in a similar predicament that would like to share at this late date? Or perhaps find someone who had one spot left in their trailer and would welcome a paying "fare"?

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Can you ask around, perhaps call other large barns in your area to see if anyone else is in a similar predicament that would like to share at this late date? Or perhaps find someone who had one spot left in their trailer and would welcome a paying "fare"?


Thanks for the suggestion, that's what we are trying now. This is a rural area, no large barns. A group from a barn half an hour away is going and we have asked whether they have a spot, but won't know until early next week.

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Every family can handle their finances as they see fit, but to bail out a week before? If they do not wish to pay for it, couldn't they have said so months ago???


Perhaps something came up that they don't feel comfortable discussing with you?



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I'm sorry.

It seems like there have been a couple of threads lately, where the decisions of other parents at the last minute have affected the Hive's kids negatively.


This is a reminder to me that I need to confirm and doublecheck all plans leading up to events so that they work out or if they don't, I will have plenty of warning.


BTW My poor DD5 is going to be so sad, about the Daisy troop she has been waiting to start, for seven months... the person who was to be the leader, and kept stringing us along all this time, has finally decided she can not commit to it. We never even had a meeting. I wish DD5 had not known about it at all.

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Could you possibly give them the benefit of the doubt? I am sure it was a hard decision for them. Maybe their taxes were much more than they had anticipated. Dh and I have had to cancel a bunch of plans based on finances. It's life. It stinks. It's downright disappointing at times. BUT sometimes doing the hard thing is the right thing and the only responsible thing. Fortunately our cancelled plans haven't affected anyone else like this has you.


I think if you step back and try to understand you still will be understandably disappointed but maybe you will see that they had no other option too.

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