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Wolf's A Hottie...

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At least, that seemed to be the thinking of the cashier at the grocery store yesterday.


I was at the deli counter when he went to line up...and a cashier literally came out from her till and grabbed the front of his cart, telling him to come to her till, as opposed to the other empty one.


I wondered why she looked at me kinda weird when I showed up.


She asked if we needed carry out service, and I said, "No, that's why I have him." and Wolf piped up, "Yeah, she owns a husband!" Cashier says, "Yeah, I want one myself!"


I told Wolf that's enough. He's getting poor cashier's hopes up, he needs to get a wedding band again. :lol: He had one, but had lost weight, and it came off his hand and we never found it.

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So, I'm at the deli counter and there are 4 women behind it gabbing away and I am the only customer standing there. Me: Excuse me? Excuse Me? Ummm, hellooooo? I'd like 1/2 pound of turkey. Them: blah blah blah. My husband comes up behind me - dh: Did you get it yet? Them: All four turn around and rush over to help him. This happens all.the.time.


We laugh about it. :glare:

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You've mentioned this before and it makes me wonder, just how hot is Wolf??? :lol::lol::lol:

I was thinking the same thing. This happened not too long ago.....another cashier gave him the look up and down. It seems a little dangerous to have him go to the store anymore.....you better lock him up.


Edited by ~AprilMay~
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It's hilarious to me the response he gets at times. I was teasing him that in a small town, he was quickly identified as being 'fresh meat' :lol:


One thing the pics don't show is what I call 'hockey player butt' :w00t::drool:

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You do have a handsome dh. What sweet pics of him with baby!


My dh gets 'the look' sometimes. (Of course, I think he is really hot!) His wedding ring broke some time ago and I need to get him a new one, but he insists he can fix his with Marine Goop. <snort> We've been married for 17 years and I tell him to just get a wedding ring tattoo...but he says he doesn't want to commit to that. :lol:

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Impish, you are lucky your dh looks so good. Mine could look good, but he often likes the long hair, long goatee, homeless bum look. He says it's so people won't sit by him on the Metro. ;) He finally cut his hair and shaved recently, so I'm trying to enjoy it while it lasts. :tongue_smilie:

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Impish, you are lucky your dh looks so good. Mine could look good, but he often likes the long hair, long goatee, homeless bum look. He says it's so people won't sit by him on the Metro. ;) He finally cut his hair and shaved recently, so I'm trying to enjoy it while it lasts. :tongue_smilie:

Ha! He shaved off his goatee, and I just about cried. I refused to kiss him for a day, I was so mad. He didn't even warn me first, dang it!


I also would *love* it if he grew his hair out, but he won't w/the job he has. I loathe it in the summer, when he has it cut brutally (imo) short. I mean, I understand *why* he does, he works outdoors, and it's hot, but I like it better when its longer.


That being said, I love it when he wears a suit. Yum. :D

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I'm seriously beginning to wish we could trade places. You have an adorable baby, you're now living in the most delightful little town, are growing luscious long hair again, AND you have the hottest husband! It's not fair.


(Only kidding, I know you have your cross to bear, but your list of blessings is growing every day).



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I hope he does get another ring soon, but it may not do the trick with some women/ or men.


I have known of women and men who only go after married ones so that there is no commitment. ( Pretty sick)


And I have also be verbally threatened : told my dh was going to be taken from me no matter what!


The worst experience was at a fair and we had not been married very long ( about 2years)

Our ds was riding the carousel and I went on the other side to take a pic.

I saw across the carousel a woman come up and start hugging all over my dh and she kissed him!


I was HOT!! Marching over there, he introduced us! She left immediately, but I was still mad at him for letting her do that. He said it shocked him and that she was drunk!


Now, he is more jealous than I was.;)


1/2 of all marriages end in divorce. We have to fight for ours everyday!:grouphug:

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I'm seriously beginning to wish we could trade places. You have an adorable baby, you're now living in the most delightful little town, are growing luscious long hair again, AND you have the hottest husband! It's not fair.


(Only kidding, I know you have your cross to bear, but your list of blessings is growing every day).



LOL! Honestly, I don't think it's a matter of my blessings growing, so much as my appreciation of them, if that makes sense.

Send him out chaperoned by your crew!


My dad is a hottie and my mother always used to send us with him as a chaperone, 4 kids until 4 years old. My middle sib are twins. :D

:lol: Funny thing, he's had women hit on him when he's w/the kids...they think he's a single dad!

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Congratulations to you!


I admire your sense of humor and perspective about this. I think manywives would get jealous and hateful in such a situation.


FWIW, I got a lot more attention from women AFTER I was married (and wearing a ring). Maybe it is a subconcious confidence that married men have, or maybe I seemed less "threatening" since I was obviously attached, or maybe they realized I was a catch since some woman had obviously thought highly enough of me to marry me.


DW has been known to get free drinks from time to time if she goes out with some girl friends. Doesn't bother me in the slightest.

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Congratulations to you!


I admire your sense of humor and perspective about this. I think manywives would get jealous and hateful in such a situation.


FWIW, I got a lot more attention from women AFTER I was married (and wearing a ring). Maybe it is a subconcious confidence that married men have, or maybe I seemed less "threatening" since I was obviously attached, or maybe they realized I was a catch since some woman had obviously thought highly enough of me to marry me.


DW has been known to get free drinks from time to time if she goes out with some girl friends. Doesn't bother me in the slightest.

The only time I've gotten upset is when someone is just being blatantly disrespectful...like the time Wolf and I were out (preinjury) playing pool. I came back from the bathroom, and watched a woman chase him around a pool table. She kept invading his space, he kept backing away until he'd done an entire circuit of the table. As I approached, I heard him say, "Lady, back off already! I told you, I'm MARRIED!" and she still tried to lean up against him. I went over, said, "I'm The Wife" and gave her my evil smile.


That kind of carp will make me upset, but not harmless stuff when someone doesn't know he's married.

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