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If your son has shaggy, "cool" hair...

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how do you get it that way? What I mean is, what exactly is the style (where is it long/shorter) and does it work for all boys' hair types? Any tips for growing it out?


My ds10 would really like his hair longer. It's straight, thick, kind of medium texture... it's spiky when very short and lays down when in his regular boy haircut. He has never had a "cool" haircut, but he seems to be starting to care about that kind of thing. He may go to private school next year and he definitely noticed when he visited that ALL the boys have the shaggy, 70s thing going on.


So, tell me your best tips for getting this "look." Thanks! :D

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I'm not really sure "how" you get it, but I'll tell you what my boys did. My 18yo used to have the hair you're describing, and all he did was grow it out from a buzz cut. His hair is naturally wavy. It looked good on him. My 13yo tried it, and his hair was just too curly. It just got "big." :001_smile: It didn't look right, so I cut it.

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I'm not really sure "how" you get it, but I'll tell you what my boys did. My 18yo used to have the hair you're describing, and all he did was grow it out from a buzz cut. His hair is naturally wavy. It looked good on him. My 13yo tried it, and his hair was just too curly. It just got "big." :001_smile: It didn't look right, so I cut it.


My dh and son both have super curly hair. It does get big, but then at some point it reaches critical mass and falls down...it is kind of like the Side-Show-Bob effect, but after it passes that point, it looks really suave.

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My ds has some pretty fantastic hair, if I may say so myself. For him the key was getting trims from a top-notch stylist on a regular basis to shape it as it grew. It basically boils down to lots of time, patience and the help of a hair stylist who knows what she's doing!

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I'm not really sure "how" you get it, but I'll tell you what my boys did. My 18yo used to have the hair you're describing, and all he did was grow it out from a buzz cut. His hair is naturally wavy. It looked good on him. My 13yo tried it, and his hair was just too curly. It just got "big." :001_smile: It didn't look right, so I cut it.


My dh and son both have super curly hair. It does get big, but then at some point it reaches critical mass and falls down...it is kind of like the Side-Show-Bob effect, but after it gets to that point, it looks really suave.


That's why I really suggest getting regular trims while the hair is growing out. The woman who cuts ds's hair knows not to mess with the length, but she still thins it out to keep it from getting bushy and to give it a nice shape.

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That's why I really suggest getting regular trims while the hair is growing out. The woman who cuts ds's hair knows not to mess with the length, but she still thins it out to keep it from getting bushy and to give it a nice shape.


:lol: I can only imagine mullet. Anyway, yeah my guys don't do trims, that is why their hair grows. It leaves minimal upkeep, minimal maintenance with cool looking hair. :D (although it did take my ds's about 6 months to go from short hair, to big hair, to cool hair, to really-awesome-looking-hair-that-every-one-notices and comments on.)

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:lol: I can only imagine mullet. Anyway, yeah my guys don't do trims, that is why their hair grows. It leaves minimal upkeep, minimal maintenance with cool looking hair. :D (although it did take my ds's about 6 months to go from short hair, to big hair, to cool hair, to really-awesome-looking-hair-that-every-one-notices and comments on.)


Mullet? :confused: We keep it trimmed to AVOID the mullet, LOL. The back had to be trimmed until the top/sides could catch up.


I dunno. I mean, he gets it trimmed once every 3-4 months. He runs a brush through it every morning, takes 10 seconds. That, IMO, IS minimal maintenance.

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Just let it grow until you can't stand it anymore, then ignore it, and keep letting it grow :)


Love it! OP, this post is just what I needed to read. My youngest wants a shaggy head, and I was at a loss as to how to get there without him looking like he needs a haircut for the next few months. It looks like I will have to ignore it lol. The problem is that he is 6, so people do not think about boys having an opinion at that age, and I am starting to get comments about taking him for a trim. :tongue_smilie:

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Just let it grow until you can't stand it anymore, then ignore it, and keep letting it grow :)

:iagree: When it starts to look like a mullet, time to trim. Every time we've taken him in with the longer hair, we just say "you know, that shaggy boy thing going on right now" and they seem to figure it out. Sometimes it's too short for a week or 2.

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I'm trying to find a good pic of my ds9. He's got a great shaggy cut. His hair is about shoulder length with layers. We keep the front a little shorter because he has a big scar on his forehead he doesn't want people to see. We're working through it because he wants really long hair, but I require that it be pulled back for sports and school. It's an ongoing discussion. :001_huh:

We keep it very layered and it flips in places and looks so good. Here's a good pic. The front is a little longer than usual.

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Your son is absolutely gorgeous. THOSE EYES! Thanks for the tips.

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Thanks all. I guess there are two camps -- trims vs. no trims. We'll start letting it grow and go from there, I suppose. We have 5 months til school would start, so hopefully it'll be decent by then... it's pretty short now, though! (Think traditional boy haircut.) I wonder if my dh will be able to stand it. His dad was military and kept dh's hair SHORT! I think somewhere in his psyche, he still thinks longer hair is Communist. ;) I'll need to help him with that.

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Mine went through that stage the last 3 years.


I have some that just seem to grow out right. No idea why. Their hair just naturally does that with no help. And I have one who needs to go in for periodic trims to make sure it doesn't look too wonky. If you have a stylist you trust ask them to do some touch up work if it looks strange. Usually they'll keep the different layers growing harmoniously and you only need 1 or 2 touch ups before they get it to the length they want.

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My oldest son has straight, THICK, Very Coarse (think wire) hair. It knows how to stand up straight... and become a helmet. Are there any pictures of someone with this type of hair that looks good longer? I just can't get past that helmet stage...his hair looks bigger than his head.

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My oldest son has straight, THICK, Very Coarse (think wire) hair. It knows how to stand up straight... and become a helmet. Are there any pictures of someone with this type of hair that looks good longer? I just can't get past that helmet stage...his hair looks bigger than his head.


This is my 16y/o ds. His hair is so think the first bit of water or rain will just roll off it!!


He tried the 'in style' cuts over the years and just went back to what he was used to. With his think hair, it meant frequent trips to the salon to have it thinned (every two weeks) and it required daily maintenance and styling (gel, pomade, etc). He hated that, so he is just back to a regular 'guy cut'. The longer hair just doesn't work for him!

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My oldest son has straight, THICK, Very Coarse (think wire) hair. It knows how to stand up straight... and become a helmet. Are there any pictures of someone with this type of hair that looks good longer? I just can't get past that helmet stage...his hair looks bigger than his head.


Glad we aren't the only ones. :lol: My ds looks like a hobbit or a mushroom when he grows out his hair, so after a couple of attempts he decided short hair was cooler, at least on him. :D

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