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cloth diaper allergy????

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my friend's baby has the neatest cloth diapers. She's been using the TJ's brand of detergent to clean with - free & clear. BUT, baby is breaking out in a rash (bright red and painful) when he wears them. It wasn't as bad to begin with, but now it's almost instant. These are the kind of diapers that have the insert pockets and the snaps, so they function like a regular diaper. Has anyone had experience with this or know what to wash them with that WON'T do this. I have never used cloth diapers and I'm her friend who's had children, so she really has no one else to ask. So, I immediately thought of you ladies and thought someone here just might know what to try next.

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my friend's baby has the neatest cloth diapers. She's been using the TJ's brand of detergent to clean with - free & clear. BUT, baby is breaking out in a rash (bright red and painful) when he wears them. It wasn't as bad to begin with, but now it's almost instant. These are the kind of diapers that have the insert pockets and the snaps, so they function like a regular diaper. Has anyone had experience with this or know what to wash them with that WON'T do this. I have never used cloth diapers and I'm her friend who's had children, so she really has no one else to ask. So, I immediately thought of you ladies and thought someone here just might know what to try next.


I'd suspect an allergy to the laundry soap she's using and I'd wonder how often she's changing his diapers before I'd worry about an allergy to his diapers.


I'd also wonder if she's getting them clean enough. Does he stink strongly of ammonia after he wets? This would be the sign that the diapers aren't getting clean. Drying them in the sunshine helps with this.

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I use bummer genius detergent for cloth diapers. I know many people use regular detergents without any problems, but others will say that using regular detergent messes the diapers up, ymmv. Is she doing enough rinses to get the detergent out? I do a cold wash first w/extra cycle and then a hot wash w/extra cycle. I put detergent in the 2nd wash.


Yeast can also be a problem in cloth diapers. This site is good for diaper questions: http://www.pinstripesandpolkadots.com/YeastvsCloth.htm

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I'd suspect an allergy to the laundry soap she's using and I'd wonder how often she's changing his diapers before I'd worry about an allergy to his diapers.


I'd also wonder if she's getting them clean enough. Does he stink strongly of ammonia after he wets? This would be the sign that the diapers aren't getting clean. Drying them in the sunshine helps with this.


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We haven't noticed any strong ammonia odors, so hopefully that's not a problem. I was thinking it might be the detergent too, but I know NOTHING about cloth diapers, so wasn't sure. Thanks for the website - I'll check it out!

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I've used cloth diapers with all four of my kids, washing with 2-3 tablespoons of tide detergent with no problems. It could be a reaction to the detergent (either one she's using) and it could also be that there is too much soap residue still left on the diapers. Why is she adding detergent twice? What cycle is being used? Extra rinses? I usually ran a pre-soak cycle, a heavy-duty wash cycle, and one last extra rinse, only adding detergent once. Towels and cloth diapers can easily have too much detergent build-up. If she runs the clean diapers through the washer with no detergent, does she see suds? :) Hope she's able to find the source of the problem...

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We used cloth diapers for all three of our kids. I always did a final rinse with APPLE CIDER VINEGAR. It kills bacteria and balances the pH. They would break out if I didn't add this to the final rinse. I do not remember the quantity as the baby is now 11, but I am thinking it was a cup or so. I put it in the rinse dispenser opening.


I had a top-load washer then, and this may make a difference versus a front loader because front loaders use so much less water and may not clean the diapers as effectively as a top loader ... ?

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some kids are allergic to the suedecloth tho, which is what is used in Bum Genius, I believe. She might need to change to natural fibers such as hemp or cotton.


Yep. My kids have way more problems with rashes with pocket diapers than anything else. While I love the idea, the synthetics just don't work well for us.

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My 15 month old DD is allergic to latex and can not have anything that contains latex or she will stop breathing. We have had to be very careful with cloth diapers that are not 100% cotton, BumGenius contains Spandex in some of their fabrics for the stretchability. The rash you are describing is very similar to how she breaks out when her skin contacts latex. Only with her following the rash she starts to squeak.

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With pocket diapers, do not use any free and clear or "natural" detergents. Use the normal formula of Tide or something similar with no fabric softeners in it. Wash with only a tiny amount of detergent and use hot water. When the washer finishes, start it over, with NO detergent the second time through.

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Free and Clear detergents sometimes are prone to build up, and that can cause problems with stink and or rashes.


As PPs said, he may be allergic to synthetics (not uncommon at all!)-fleece, suedecloth, etc. can all cause reactions in some kids.


It could be yeast but it doesn't sound like it 100%. She could google yeast diaper rash images and see if it looks like her DC.


We do a cold rinse, a hot wash with Charlie's Soap, and then an extra rinse at the end. If she has build up (good chance she does) she will want to strip the diapers-multiple hot washes until no more suds, etc. THere are instructions on how to strip diapers on various cloth diapering websites.

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My baby's rash got a lot better after we switched to wool covers. Before that we used prefolds with synthetic covers... but all-in-ones like your friend has will have the same problem, in that they don't breathe very well. So if allergy is not the problem, I would look into more breathable covers. Wool is more expensive, but you don't need many.


It also helped a little when we switched from prefolds to flats. They're a pain to fold but they get cleaner easier. In the same way, prefolds are going to get cleaner than all-in-ones, so that might be something else to try.


Hope it's the detergent, though; that would certainly be easier to fix...

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Free and Clear detergents sometimes are prone to build up, and that can cause problems with stink and or rashes.


As PPs said, he may be allergic to synthetics (not uncommon at all!)-fleece, suedecloth, etc. can all cause reactions in some kids.


It could be yeast but it doesn't sound like it 100%. She could google yeast diaper rash images and see if it looks like her DC.


We do a cold rinse, a hot wash with Charlie's Soap, and then an extra rinse at the end. If she has build up (good chance she does) she will want to strip the diapers-multiple hot washes until no more suds, etc. THere are instructions on how to strip diapers on various cloth diapering websites.





I agree with this post 100%! We use Charlie's Soap, too, and I really, truly think it's the best thing out there. You can read on the internet all about the oxidizers and other junk in most detergents that will remain as residue on clothes. That's bad news for dipes.


People get really passionate about laundry detergent in the cloth diaper world, though. :001_smile: Everyone has their favorite!


My DS6 is very sensitive to synthetics and harsh detergents. When he was a baby, my husband would come home from work and hold him, and within 5 minutes my DS's cheeks would be bright red. We figured out it was the Tide detergent (we have since discovered it's the harshest thing out there!) and his polyester-blend dress shirt.


Anyway, all-cotton diapers and a good, clean-rinsing detergent are the best answers. And a rash cream like CJ's Butter or just Lansinoh Lanolin (the lanolin is available in the baby section at Target) will help clear up the existing rash and prevent future ones.


(My favorite diaper-educating site is http://www.greenmountaindiapers.com. It's a bit of a mess, but a wealth of info!)

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Can you use soap nuts with cloth diapers? Not sure it would be a good idea, but didn't know. I never used the cloth diapers with my 5, so I'm getting an education here as well.


I've passed on all of ya'lls advice to my friend and she asks me to thank you all for this information! She feels very blessed to gain this information from people that have BTDT!

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Can you use soap nuts with cloth diapers? Not sure it would be a good idea, but didn't know. I never used the cloth diapers with my 5, so I'm getting an education here as well.


I've passed on all of ya'lls advice to my friend and she asks me to thank you all for this information! She feels very blessed to gain this information from people that have BTDT!


Bumgenius instructions warn specifically not to use soap nuts with their diapers. I never tried, so I wouldn't know.

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Our family tends to break out with any type of "free & clear" stuff. Definitely the detergent. It sounds like she needs to strip the diapers also (a bit of Dawn and a couple of extra rinses). Detergent build up in diapers is not a good thing. Honestly, the best thing that worked with ours was just hot water and vinegar. Sometimes I would use homemade laundry soap.

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