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Sand and Water Tables

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If any on you have experience with these tables: Do your kids play with them or do they get bored with it fast?


I'm thinking about getting one for my 16 month old who loves water play, hoping it would keep him occupied on the patio while I do school with the big kids outside. It gets super hot here in the summer, and I'm wondering if I could let him play with it in the kitchen then, or do you find that these things make a huge mess?


Any other negatives or positives or toy recommendations for toddlers?

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Our kids loved the one we had, however, I did get frustrated with the mess and the fact that I had to keep replacing the sand as little ones love to dump it out! We actually used it more in the winter since I would set it up in the garage to keep kids entertained on those long days. It was a lot easier to clean up the mess in there too.

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I find that my kids love it, but *I* get annoyed that it gets gross and dirty from sitting outside really quickly, so I feel like I'm constantly cleaning it.


Yeah, my kids liked the water table. They've never really been in to sand. I wouldn't get both. It lasted about a summer.

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We love ours. We got it for DD for her 2nd birthday. She'll be 4 in June and it still gets used every time she sets foot in the backyard. Yes, they're messy. If you don't mind sweeping up sand after every time he plays and you have a big enough area of non-carpet you could let him use it inside. Ours is kept outside on the back patio. We have the kind with 2 sides so that she can do all sand, all water, or sand and water.

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My youngest and just turned 2. We got him a water table for his bday.


We have a sandbox already (Naturally Playful), and it is 7+ years old and still going strong. My 8 yo will still play in it, as well as my 5 yo.


THe sand/water table is *just* water at our house. It is nice because if I take the kids outside to do a read aloud or something during nice weather, it keeps DS2 occupied for a bit.


A friend of mine used aquarium gravel in hers in lieu of sand, which could be an option to explore.

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My son LOVED it at that age. He would play for a good couple hours and I would sit outside in the shade and read......wow, I miss those days!!! I didn't put sand in ours, even though it was one that divided- I just didn't get around to it at first and then he just loved the water so much, that I didn't bother. He's always been obsessed with fish and had lots of plastic fish to swim around in it. Boats were good too. Very, Very Messy- I only used it outside and I didn't even do sand!!! BUT- I think you could fill it with beans or rice or something (if they don't put things in their mouths) if you REALLY needed the distraction while older kids were doing schoolwork. I think it would work GREAT for that.

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Any kind of sensory play is huge in our house! We got our first water table when our oldest was one, and at nearly six, it's still a favorite with him and both the youngers! They will play with water at any opportunity. This past week, they found a baster and have been transferring water and DRINKING from it non-stop. :lol:


Anyway, back on topic... We have a large sandbox so our water table is just for water (mostly anyway). We also have an Aquaplay that they love in the summer, and a sensory table in the school room for water, corn, rice, etc.


So, I'd go for it! The only question is, will your other kids want to play instead of work? ;) :lol:

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If any on you have experience with these tables: Do your kids play with them or do they get bored with it fast?


I'm thinking about getting one for my 16 month old who loves water play, hoping it would keep him occupied on the patio while I do school with the big kids outside. It gets super hot here in the summer, and I'm wondering if I could let him play with it in the kitchen then, or do you find that these things make a huge mess?


Any other negatives or positives or toy recommendations for toddlers?

We have this Step 2 sand and water table. It's definitely an outdoor toy. I would not use it indoors, whether you used all sand, all water or sand & water.


I got ours 3-4 years ago, at least. My kids (6 & 8) still play with it. We do need to cover it in the summer or algae grows.


If you wanted something like this for in your kitchen, I'd just use a dishwashing-type tub with water and plenty of towels under it.

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We got a Step 2 water table &utm_source=google&utm_medium=products&kw=%7Bkeyword%7D&gclid=CMzM59K5ma8CFaleTAodlxEo7w"]similar to this one when my girls were toddlers. It was played with frequently during the summer months and is easy to clean. My daughters still play with it occasionally, using it with their Playmobil figures or as a 'dishwashing station' when they pretend to camp in the backyard.

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We have the Step 2 one that someone linked to above. We found it at a garage sale one spring for $40. DEFINITELY worth the money. At 5 and 7, my girls still love it. It is on our covered back patio. I empty the water each time they are finished with it so that nothing gets into the water. We only use ours for water....I imagine that sand and water would be a huge mess. I've thought about using it in our sunroom...it is tile. Haven't gotten up the courage yet to try that LOL.

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