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Where to find a cheaper magnetic board?


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Okay, I have AAS and AAR and I THOUGHT I had a magnetic whiteboard and of course, it is not magnetic. I am looking online and they are super pricey. What does everyone use? where did you get it?



Edited by k3bzr18
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Our house is probably made up of magnetic whiteboards LOL.


We have one HUGE teachers sized one, on wheels, this goes against the counter/breakfast bench, one side is used for meal planning (side facing kitchen) other side is used of schoolwork, roleplay, AAS etc.


We have another smaller one (about 2 A4 sheets big) that is used for reminders/bills/notes etc, its on the wall in the dining room/schoolroom.


I also just purchased a little pink one for tabletop use, meant for maths, but since its magnetic, it could also be used for AAS lol.


Since most of our stuff is multi-use items, I have been looking at using a file folder like this: http://www.hopeforhomeschool.blogspot.com.au/2011/11/aas-letter-tiles-mini-office.html for the tile storage.


I know its not what your after, but hopefully it shows some ideas and alternatives for others, since we use different sizes. I also can't keep the tiles out, because I have little ones, and they will pull the tiles down (or as DH just said "destroy the world as we know it" LOL) :lol:

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