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What do nuts (almonds, etc) cost where you live?

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Curious if the nuts here are crazy expensive or just normal expensive.


(how many of you will snip my quote so that you quote me "Curious if the nuts here are crazy....")(sorry, just cannot figure out a better way to word that...)


I pay R$7-ish for a 150 gram thing of toasted, salted almonds. That is roughly $3.50 US for 150 grams (5.29 ozs).


Curious how this compares to prices in the rest of the world.

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We also pay between $5.99 and $7.99 per lb. The premium nuts cost more but they taste better. We've had some cheaper generic nuts and they turned rancid in a week. :( Macadamias are more around $10.99 per lb. and pine nuts are something crazy around $18/lb, but that's come down a lot since last year!!

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I work at a small health food store, and we sell all our nuts in bulk. They are also all certified organic--in some cases, this means they're a little more expensive than convential. In a lot of cases, this means they're a lot more expensive than conventional. And of course, being bulk, prices fluctuate often. This afternoon I paid ~$10 per pound for organic, raw almonds. Organic raw cashews are about $20 per pound right now. I can't remember many other prices off the top of my head at the moment, but hazlenuts and pistachios and whatnot are somewhere between $10 and $20 per pound...anyway, nuts are crazy expensive here, too!


Oh, I just saw a previous poster mentioned $18 per pound for pine nuts--ours are $30+ per pound, which is down from $50 per pound last year! There was a pine nut shortage last year, stemming from a poor harvest, that inflated the prices.

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Okay, so just a little crazy expensive then, it looks like.


My price converts out to $10.50/lb. for non-organic almonds, which is higher than US prices, but not insanely so. That makes me feel a little better (though I would love if I could get them in bulk; I can only find them in these little 150 gram tubs).


Pine nuts were something like R$40 for 400 grams, so I guess around $20/lb more or less. We thought that was crazy high, but sounds like that is on par, too. Interesting.


I've not priced the cashews or hazelnuts.....

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Our biggest grocery store in town has a bulk section and I buy raw almonds (whole, silvered and/or sliced) when they go on sale there for $3.99/lb, which is usually every 6-8 weeks. They're usually $5.99/lb.

Edited by milovaný
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