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Exercise thread 4/1-4/7

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Happy Sunday and April Fool's Day.


I spent a good chunk of time in the garden yesterday so I'll consider that my workout.


I wanted to share the happy news that I've gained my 4 lbs back that I lost last week. :hurray: Now, I look like my normal self and not like a sickly skeleton.



Any happy successes on your end?

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Since I am still recovering from my 19 miles running yesterday, I just did 15 miles running and an hour's bike ride today.





























April Fools!!


I slept 11 hours. Then I moved to the couch. I'm going out to dinner b/c the kids' April Fools (not funny) jokes ruined my dinner.


Getting to and from the car will be the extent of my exercise today.

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Exercising is going to be a challenge this week because our car died spectacularly on the freeway this morning on the way to church. Fortunately dh was there and managed to coax it along banging and lurching the remaining few miles to church where it died for good.


So - I hope to keep my normal schedule but (sigh) I don't think that will happen every day. I HATE doing exercise to DVDs. I'm in awe of all of you who do your exercising happily at home.

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I took sunday off.


Today, I will eventually get around to it.


Tai Cheng arrived and like most of the BB programs, you do an assessment test. For the ones I have, I do well. The TC one is different as it is a functionality test. Failed a couple of the assessments.


Anyway, so far, TC is very easy on the body and it doesn't seem like work.

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Sunday: Rest

Monday: Insanity Pure Cardio & Cardio Abs. Didn't get to it until after bedtime, since DD woke up at 3am spilling her poor little guts out. I let her sleep the rest of the night on the couch (easier to get to the bathroom from the couch than from the top bunk of a bunk bed), and so I couldn't do my workout in the living room like I usually do. She ended up being completely fine for the rest of the day, of course. :glare:

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Sunday: Rest

Monday: Insanity Pure Cardio & Cardio Abs. Didn't get to it until after bedtime, since DD woke up at 3am spilling her poor little guts out. I let her sleep the rest of the night on the couch (easier to get to the bathroom from the couch than from the top bunk of a bunk bed), and so I couldn't do my workout in the living room like I usually do. She ended up being completely fine for the rest of the day, of course. :glare:


So sorry your dd was ill. I saw in your siggie that she is 7. Obviously, moving her out of a top bunk was imperative, but I always gave my ds a metal mixing bowl to keep right by wear he was sleeping as well. Is that too "ick" to even think about?? Maybe so, but much better than the alternative if just can't make it to the bathroom.

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So sorry your dd was ill. I saw in your siggie that she is 7. Obviously, moving her out of a top bunk was imperative, but I always gave my ds a metal mixing bowl to keep right by wear he was sleeping as well. Is that too "ick" to even think about?? Maybe so, but much better than the alternative if just can't make it to the bathroom.


We've tried that, but her aim is significantly better when she's standing. ;)



Insanity Cardio Power & Resistance this morning.

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I mailed in my Cotton Row 2012 10K registration. I thought if I posted it I may be less likely to chicken out and switch to the 5k when I pick up my packet.


I am working on an intermediate 10K training over the next 8 weeks.

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Leah Sarago's Ballet Body Signature Series - Lower Body workout.


Oh. my. word. I am going to be incredibly sore tomorrow! This was SO hard. I was sweating like crazy and my legs were like jello. I really liked it though. She alternates between quads and hamstrings/glutes. Just when you can't take one more second on your quads, she switches.


Biggest differences between this and the sole Bar Method DVD I have (which is Change Your Body):


Change Your Body is allover body while this one is (obviously) only lower body. Leah has two more in her Ballet Body Signature Series. I may get them in the future, but I need to wait awhile as I have been on too much of a workout DVD spending spree as of late.


Also, another big difference is that Bar Method incorporates stretching throughout whereas Leah's has one loooong (about 13 minutes) stretch at the end. I am not usually a fan of "cool downs" - especially when they are only a two - three minutes long, but one would be remiss in skipping this one. The workout is HARD and things seemed really tight afterwards. Plus, I am wondering if the stretching doesn't help prevent bulking up??? Not sure about that.


Anyway, I am liking this bar-type stuff pretty well. I may ask dh for a bar for Mother's Day.


And, speaking of dh, he is going to do a Half Iron Man in June! He rocks! See? He does enough cardio for BOTH of us! :lol:

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Insanity: Pure Cardio + Bob Harper's Yoga Abs. I like BH's abs workout much better than the Insanity one, which ends up hurting my hips (not in a good way) without creating much burn in my core, except for the very last move.

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Insanity: Pure Cardio + Bob Harper's Yoga Abs. I like BH's abs workout much better than the Insanity one, which ends up hurting my hips (not in a good way) without creating much burn in my core, except for the very last move.


How are you liking Insanity in general??


I know you had written that were not keen on the restrictiveness of it. You also mentioned in another post awhile back that you had not lost any weight. I don't know if this was a personal goal or not, but I was wondering if that had changed???


I just don't think I could ever do it. I am already starting to drift away from the small amount of cardio I do. But I certainly admire people who CAN do it! Good for you!

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How are you liking Insanity in general??


I know you had written that were not keen on the restrictiveness of it. You also mentioned in another post awhile back that you had not lost any weight. I don't know if this was a personal goal or not, but I was wondering if that had changed???


I just don't think I could ever do it. I am already starting to drift away from the small amount of cardio I do. But I certainly admire people who CAN do it! Good for you!


In general, I like it. The workouts ARE hard. They make me sweat more than any other! I've only done the first month, and they're starting to feel a bit too short (none of them is more than 45 minutes). The month 2 workouts are supposed to be longer, so I'll hopefully feel more "satisfied" after those.


What I don't like so far: The recovery workout (I've been doing Yoga instead), and the Cardio Abs workout. The "c sit" position he has you hold for so much of it is SO painful on my hips, and I hardly feel any work going on in my core at all. I've been substituting my own ab workouts for that one (the Yoga Abs one that we're both fond of ;) )


And my lack of weight loss is largely my own fault. We've had a rather stressful month here, and I haven't been eating the way I should. :tongue_smilie::tongue_smilie:

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Just got back from a wonderful swim


My neighbor enjoys swimming, too! Just not anything I could ever get into. Seems like too much effort to go somewhere! Which is probably why I do ALL my exercising at home. Plus, isn't it kind of weird sweating and being in the water at the same time??? :confused:


Saturday: Bob Harper's Yoga Abs and BBL High & Tight. I should do some cardio. :tongue_smilie: Maybe tomorrow! :D Or not!

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Ellen Barrett - Slim Sculpt - really like her. Great workout. :)


My neighbor enjoys swimming, too! Just not anything I could ever get into.

Cynthia, yes, like everything, it's a matter of personal taste. I've loved swimming since I was a child. Just love being in the water. And the best part is at the very end, when I float for a few minutes and look up at the clouds. Yesterday, the sun had just come up and the sky was gorgeous. :) I love the feel of swimming - always feel that I'm working pretty much every single muscle in my body. When I was at my very fittest, I used to swim for an hour or so almost every day. I am blessed in that our pool is right here. But even when it wasn't, during my college and grad school years, I was at my very happiest when I'd go swimming.


I don't think you should force yourself to do cardio or anything that you don't really enjoy. Life is too short to do workouts that we don't like and that have a dread factor, IMHO. :grouphug: You're doing so wonderfully already. Didn't you mention that you walk your dog? Those sort of things are already cardio. :D

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Ellen Barrett - Slim Sculpt - really like her. Great workout. :)



Cynthia, yes, like everything, it's a matter of personal taste. I've loved swimming since I was a child. Just love being in the water. And the best part is at the very end, when I float for a few minutes and look up at the clouds. Yesterday, the sun had just come up and the sky was gorgeous. :) I love the feel of swimming - always feel that I'm working pretty much every single muscle in my body. When I was at my very fittest, I used to swim for an hour or so almost every day. I am blessed in that our pool is right here. But even when it wasn't, during my college and grad school years, I was at my very happiest when I'd go swimming.


I don't think you should force yourself to do cardio or anything that you don't really enjoy. Life is too short to do workouts that we don't like and that have a dread factor, IMHO. :grouphug: You're doing so wonderfully already. Didn't you mention that you walk your dog? Those sort of things are already cardio. :D


No, I said I SHOULD walk my dog! :lol:


Glad you are so happy with swimming and have an awesome place to do it!

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