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My daughter called. She's engaged.

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Congratulations!! Our oldest daughter was just married a few months ago. They became engaged last October, and we were very happy for them. They did both ask for permission and our blessing first, so it wasn't a surprise. They live 5,000 miles away, so we do a lot of emailing and Skyping. They're coming to visit though in three weeks!


When will your daughter get married? Have they decided yet?

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No details other than a shot of the ring she sent on the phone.


She was sobbing and trying to pull it together, phone call only lasted about a minute honestly. She'll catch up with me later I suppose. I could barely understand her.


Did I really just detail clean my cell phone? :lol:

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I'll be the very best kind I can...which is easy to do from this distance I guess. :)


Any tips on what makes a great mother in law other than silence and gifts of cash? lol


Love him as if he were your own, add a son instead of lose a daughter, and stay out of their lives unless asked for advice. Oh, and learn to share. Dividing my daughters time between us and her in-laws is really hard.



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I had a whirlwind romance, and was engaged 1 month after meeting my guy :001_wub: or possibly less.


When I told my parents, I got a "told you so" out of my father, and my mother was surprised, but took it in her stride. I always said I would never have children & never marry, and if I hadn't met DH, I probably wouldn't. I was very adamant.


Basically best thing to do for all involved, is to act like my parents do, and not like my in-laws.



-Criticise everything about me

-Constantly nose into my business

-Have made me cry on several occassions after doing the subtle digging at me all day long.

-Constantly interefere on their rights about what we should do, they dug at me whilst I was sick till I had no option but to allow them to take my dog to the pound.


My parents:

-Said openly how much they love DH, that hes a great guy, sweet, perfect etc. Constantly extol his virtues

- Let decisions be up to me. If they disagree, they keep it to themselves. Like I am aware my father was not for homeschooling, but its because "i know him". He did not say anything against homeschooling, and just kept his mouth shut.

- If I ask for advice, they glady offer it, elsewise they keep advice to themselves, UNLESS it is more like an idea, "oh, we put a frame up above the desk to write notes on" etc.

-They don't interfere, badger or anything, but if I ask for anything at all (no, not talking money lol) I mean if I ask any questions, or for any help, any advice, they will gladly provide factual advice without getting too personal.


They are basically there for me anytime I need them, but they don't interfere.


Basically, always be happy for your child, laugh & hug her, and be there if she needs you. And make the fiance feel a part of the family :grouphug:

Edited by Ecclecticmum
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oldest dd became engaged about five years ago. we were in australia, she was in san francisco. she told us over skype. we were all excited and happy..... and a little sad because she was there and we weren't, and because its a big "next" step in life.....


we love our son in law. we also really like him a lot.


but fwiw, so many people kept asking us if we liked him. we had already decided that it didn't matter one iota if we liked him or not; they were engaged, she was happy, and it was our job to love them both.


things that have helped: finding things we all enjoy to do together, asking his opinion on things and listening to what he says, letting him know when he does something we really appreciate, thanking him for taking care of our daughter, and for bringing her to see us..... saying "yes" as often as possible to suggestions, invitations, etc... not being negative with him or about him, exchanging gifts and news with his parents....




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oldest dd became engaged about five years ago. we were in australia, she was in san francisco. she told us over skype. we were all excited and happy..... and a little sad because she was there and we weren't, and because its a big "next" step in life.....


we love our son in law. we also really like him a lot.


but fwiw, so many people kept asking us if we liked him. we had already decided that it didn't matter one iota if we liked him or not; they were engaged, she was happy, and it was our job to love them both.


things that have helped: finding things we all enjoy to do together, asking his opinion on things and listening to what he says, letting him know when he does something we really appreciate, thanking him for taking care of our daughter, and for bringing her to see us..... saying "yes" as often as possible to suggestions, invitations, etc... not being negative with him or about him, exchanging gifts and news with his parents....





Where's the like button? +1 :D Love this.

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I did that. I was in New York. My parents were in California. I called on Halloween night and told them I was getting married. It was an interesting conversation.


They met him for the first time later that year when he flew out to California over winter break. My Dad commented later that he was going to like my husband-to-be because I had already chosen to get married. He was extremely happy that my husband-to-be was actually a person that he liked because it made things so much easier.


We will have been married for 19 years in May.

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I once read a story about a MIL who gave her DIL a book of recipes for a wedding gift.


The book was full of recipes written in her handwriting....her son's favorite family recipes.


What was particularly endearing was the note she wrote inside to her DIL telling her that she welcomed her into the family, and that even though these were her family recipes, that she expected the DIL to add her tastes and to adapt them in any way she wanted.


I know this is for a DIL and you are gaining a SIL, but maybe there is something similar you could do for your new SIL to show your acceptance of him into your family.


My parents treat my husband as a son, special cards on special occasions, special gifts on birthdays, etc.

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