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Kids upcoming Dr. visit...

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I hope this is the place to ask this question: my kids have doctors appointments this week, for general check-ups. We take them about every 2 years or so; they do not get sick, ever, enough to warrant doc visits. This is a new doc for them, but within the same practice that they've always been in.


I do NOT want to get into a debate.


Will I be offered/asked/pressured about Gardasil for them? I just did a quick Google and I see that it is recommended for boys as well?? If so, can someone point me to reasonable articles that will help me make an informed decision?


Again, I do NOT want to start a debate, just make an informed decision on this matter.


Thank you.



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I have done no research but at our last appt when dd was almost 12, I made it clear that we would not be interested in it. The office seemed to take the advice but dd wouldn't turn 12 for another 6 weeks. I don't know if that was why.


I won't be allowing it for now. I have not done research.

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Just say "I'd like to do some more research to be sure of my decision. Do you have any info I can take home and read? Then if I decide to go with it we can do it at the next visit. Do you have a recommendation, or any sense of what the studies are showing about it?"


You can leave off the second part if you don't care for their opinion. No reason for a doc to be unpleasant about it. Vax's have side effects. In many cases, a vax is worth the risk, but in some cases, for some people, it's not. You have the right and the responsibility to weigh the issues before making a decision. You may also want to discuss whether your insurance will cover it (or again, you might not want to bother if you know you don't want the vax).

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I just asked our Ped about this a few weeks ago for our son. He'll be 10 at his next well visit where he would get any vax he would need. My husband read the lit and it was saying 10 and up for boys, so that was why I asked. The Ped said they usually recommend 12-13 for boys at that office.


With your son being 16 they may say he's too at this point for fear he is already sexually active.

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My ds just had his 11yo checkup with a new practice (we moved here a year ago, but of my kids he had not been). He had his checkup and needed a vaccine. My ds wanted to see the physician assistant, because my ds new he was a younger guy. Anyway, we had the whole visit and then he left the room. He popped his head back in the door a few minutes later while the nurse was getting a vaccine ready. I am not sure if he was uncomfortable initially or truly forgot, but he asked if we were interested in the Gardasil vaccine. He said it is really pushed for girls, but boys are recommended to get it as well. He saw the look on dh and I's face and said I suggest only because we all hope for our children to wait for marriage but if not you want to protect them. Needless to say we declined. I was actually shocked to hear him offer it.


My opinion at this point is that my ds is way to young for me to even consider. I personally had HPV and even got cervical dysplasia, etc so I am super sensitive to the concept, yet I am still torn about what I will do. But I have to say I am leaning towards no.

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You might. I understand that it is recommended for boys now but my 15yo son's doctor did not mention it at his last check up.


If it comes up and you don't want it, just say "No, thank you." That is what I plan to do if it comes up for my boys.


Just as a warning, my own doctor told me that to get boys to want to get the vaccine they were asking them if they wanted warts on their private parts and that the boys were very motivated to get the vaccine after that. She seemed to think that this approach was a good one. I think I would have a fit if my sons' doctor said something like that. (And my kids are fully vaccinated.)

Edited by EKS
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Our doctor is opposed to Gardisil and only gives it if the parents request it so it's easy for us (we wouldn't get it anyway). If the doctor asks, just say no or not yet. It's not on the required list at this point, so most doctors are pretty cool with people declining.

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They may ask you to sign a waiver, stating something to the effect that you understand the risks of not vaccinating and decline the vax. Our family doctor has required that for my little boys; I don't know specifically about the Gardasil, because the doc is new to us, and she's not yet seen the only one of my children who is close to old enough (my 10yo DD).

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It was brought up at my 13 year old's recent physical. I was given the standard papers but they weren't very informative. I'm generally completely pro-vax so I said it was fine (I did know what was generally in the press about it). Not trying to hijack your thread but I would also be interested in some info about the vaccine from a generally provax, or neutral source.


My son got the first of 2 vaxes for it and had a pretty bad reaction (for him), so I'm leaning toward him not getting the second. I'd like more information, however.

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