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When do you start latin?


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We start in 3rd grade. We used Latin Primer (I, II, & III) for years, but switched to Visual Latin this year and we love it! It's enjoyable for my kids to learn (all of my kids like watching the lessons whether they are "doing" Latin this year or not :)), and I love the translation approach. They offer plenty of helps and answer any questions we have.



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Depends on what you mean by starting Latin. Song School Latin has a nice gentle introduction. It's more just memorizing vocab words by singing silly songs. This can be done at any age. Literally. I posted a couple posts on my blog about how I started it because we did it with my dd when she was 4. Her younger sisters were 2 and an infant. That was a year ago. I skipped the workbook and literally just did games and activities that I made up with the songs. Then for my dd's Kindergarten year we went back and did the workbook. We're breezing through it since she already knew the songs and everything is just cementing into place. Now she'll pepper her everyday conversation with a Latin word or two.

I am looking forward to getting my hands on SSL2 if only they would publish the darn thing already.


Oh- and one more thing to note- my 20 month old can sing some of the songs from the CD already! Granted the meaning goes over her head but my 3.5 year old is starting to grasp it now.

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Depends on what you mean by starting Latin. Song School Latin has a nice gentle introduction. It's more just memorizing vocab words by singing silly songs. This can be done at any age. Literally. I posted a couple posts on my blog about how I started it because we did it with my dd when she was 4. Her younger sisters were 2 and an infant. That was a year ago. I skipped the workbook and literally just did games and activities that I made up with the songs. Then for my dd's Kindergarten year we went back and did the workbook. We're breezing through it since she already knew the songs and everything is just cementing into place. Now she'll pepper her everyday conversation with a Latin word or two.

I am looking forward to getting my hands on SSL2 if only they would publish the darn thing already.


Oh- and one more thing to note- my 20 month old can sing some of the songs from the CD already! Granted the meaning goes over her head but my 3.5 year old is starting to grasp it now.



We are starting SSL this summer. I talked to them at the convention yesterday and he said it will be summer or fall before SSL2 is out.

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We have just started Prima Latina with DD5.5 who is finishing K. I have been doing L'Art de Lire French with her for ~ a year (once upon a time I was fluent so we just started with what I remembered, then moved to the curriculum). She enjoys languages. I think reading ability and English background is going to be more important than age. She is reading at a 3rd grade level and is finishing FLL1.

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I don't understand the drive to start Latin so early. Wasn't Latin generally done as a secondary school subject?


I would start Latin with a child who was old enough to follow either the Cambridge or Oxford Latin courses. I was nine or ten.

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