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Liberty Kids (TV show)

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My kids picked this show for their TV time today (Netflix). And they chose the show that was pretty much a recap of this weeks history lessons! Patrick Henry, Paul Revere...... :))


It doesn't feel like such a waste of time. Ahh, I have time to find some energy. This no carb is hard and I'm hitting the pico de gallo pretty hard. Cheers!

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We love Liberty's Kids! Ds wasn't into history at all this year (my friend was actually teaching him) and when they started studying the Revolutionary War, I introduced Liberty's Kids. Wow...what a transformation! Ds now not only has a passion for the Revolutionary War but he is also enjoying history. Did I mention we love that show? :D

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My older dc used to get up at 6 a.m. to watch it when PBS had it way back when...

Whenever I hear the theme music I picture my dc in their pajamas on the couch, eyes glued to the screen :001_smile:.

Definitely whetted their appetite for history.

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