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Surprise Opportunity Freaking Me Out!

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I received a call today about a job I applied for LAST SUMMER before I started HS journey. I am now a die hard HSer and am committed to going all the way through with my kids. The job is a full time teaching position with a small, local, Christian school. I'm in shock! They want me to interview next week. I don't think it pays much, but both my kids could attend.


Boy does this put a wrench into things! My head is spinning. The only reason I am considering it is because my DH is in school right now changing career fields. He does not expect to make much income the first 2 year but after that it should pay well.





Edited by Ruby Sue
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I agree with the other responses and with your desire to pray about it. I don't see this opportunity as the same as you taking a full-time job and putting the kids in school and daycare. They would be in the same place as you and you mentioned that it is a small school. Your children are still young and even if you did it for the 2 years your husband is finishing up school they would still be young when you went back to full-time homeschooling. Unless it is a pretty rigorous private school I would still plan to afterschool and just consider what's done during the day as fun socialization time. In I were in your situation I would also want to make sure this was an idea my dh was fully behind before I did it though.

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Thanks. I'm going to interview. I'm wondering if this is a blessing from God to help us throught the next couple of year. I'm not really excited about it as I'd rather just HS. Lots of praying in my future.

Oh, I feel ya. I'd rather be just homeschooling too, but I have a part-time job that just happened to fall into my lap out of the sky a couple of years ago, right before we had some (more) financial struggles...


So, yeah, go to the interview and do some praying and see how it goes.

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UPDATE: The school called this morning to cancel the interview. The principal was called away for meetings this week. I was actually relieved as I had contemplated canceling myself. I had talked myself into just going to hear more about the opportunity, but the truth is that I'm really just not interested. I love HSing my kids and I truly believe it is the best thing for them. I have so many things already planned for next year and beyond. I have a rough idea of how things will go up to 5th so far. So, when they call to reschedule I'm going to decline. Although I hate saying no when thing are so up in the air financially, I know that by the grace of God we have made it this far and we will continue to have what we need.

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UPDATE: The school called this morning to cancel the interview. The principal was called away for meetings this week. I was actually relieved as I had contemplated canceling myself. I had talked myself into just going to hear more about the opportunity, but the truth is that I'm really just not interested.


Sometimes it's great when the decision is out of your hands, isn't it? :001_smile:


I'm glad it worked out the way it did; you seem very relieved!

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