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what to do for 10 days in Paris

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My mom wants to visit some friends of hers in Paris and wants me to come along. Originally the trip was going to include Rome as well, which I was super excited about because I've always wanted to go to Rome. Unfortunately, Rome will be too expensive so that part of the trip has been scrapped. I'm sure spending time with my mom will be great, but I'm not sure what we can do there for 10 days. Eiffel Tower, Louvre, cafes. What else? The trip will be in early September, if that makes a difference.

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You must go to the D'Orsay museum! Their impressionist painting collection is the best.

Also just walk the Paris streets, along the Seine is beautiful. Make sure you go to the Louvre at night, the lights are breath taking. The Eiffel tower night show is pretty too.

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You must go to the D'Orsay museum! Their impressionist painting collection is the best.

Also just walk the Paris streets, along the Seine is beautiful. Make sure you go to the Louvre at night, the lights are breath taking. The Eiffel tower night show is pretty too.

:iagree: :iagree: :iagree:

These were our favorites. We LOVED Paris. :D

You're going at a perfect time. I envy you.

The Orsay is delightful.

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We spent a week in Paris and had so much we wanted to see that we were exhausted at the end of our trip. We hope to go back someday and just be able to walk around and relax at a cafe, browse all the beautiful shops, take our time at a museum or two, etc. Maybe you'll have time to just...be...in Paris. It is so beautiful.

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Are you taking kids? Some of these are kid-centric, but not most.


Musee d'Orsay (this is where most of the impressionist paintings are located)

Rodin Museum (one of our favorites)

Sewer Tour

Arc de Triomphe

Jardin des Tuileries

Notre Dame (there is also an interesting archaeological exhibit underneath with a separate entrance outside)

Shakespeare and Company Bookstore (right around the corner from Notre Dame)

Sacre Coeur


Opera House

Disneyland Paris

Bois de Boulogne

Parc de le Villete

Cite des enfants

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You absolutely have to visit La Sainte Chapelle. It's on the Ile de la Cité, so you can make a day of it with Notre Dame.


I recommend the Cluny museum as well. Orsay is also a must as others have said.


Versailles will take up a day.


Shopping along the Boulevard Haussman is fun. Or go to a flea market.



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Make a list of lots of things that you want to do. That way, if there's a strike that closes down half of Paris during your entire stay, you won't be scrambling to find out what else you can do with your time.


Yes, my honeymoon in Paris was... frustrating. But we didn't really struggle too much to come up with other ways to spend our time. It was just disappointing to not get to see the Louvre, or Versailles, or go up in the Arc de Triumph, etc. We did go back a few years later to spend a few days, but there are still some things that I haven't seen that we had planned on all those years ago...

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Paris is my second favorite city in the world! People have already suggested the major things to do. I'd also recommend a stop at the Shakespeare and Company book store.




It's very fun, and is actually featured in a lot of movies. :)


Do you need a hotel recommendation or are you staying with friends?

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I forgot to add that we enjoy strolling through the Montmarte area of Paris, where the street portrait artists are. They will paint your portrait for a set price. We never actually did that, but it was fun to watch. They had one person who would sketch an amazing portrait in 60 seconds, or something like that! There are also set price menus at fun little outdoor cafes in this area. The gorgeous, landmark basilica is there, along with a quite amazing view of Paris.

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I forgot to add that we enjoy strolling through the Montmarte area of Paris, where the street portrait artists are. They will paint your portrait for a set price. We never actually did that, but it was fun to watch. They had one person who would sketch an amazing portrait in 60 seconds, or something like that! There are also set price menus at fun little outdoor cafes in this area. The gorgeous, landmark basilica is there, along with a quite amazing view of Paris.


I think it's the best view of Paris.

The view from the roof of the Galeries Lafayette is nice too. A panoramic view right in the heart of Paris.

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We spent 2 days in Paris & 3 days driving in the countryside. Maybe you could take a few day trips outside the city.


Our Paris stops:

Eiffel Tower (day AND night--line for trip up is long)

Versailles (at least half day) with massive gardens

Notre Dame (stairs to top may be too much for your mom)

Louvre Museum

Museum d'Orsay

Museum Orange (Monet's murals)

Walked up Champs Elysees= which is like a walk through French History--Palace, Guillotine site, Arc, then modern shops


Truly just walking around is special. Learning how to manage the Paris Metro. Get a Paris Museum Pass, which functions as discount admissions AND "line jumper"--essential for Versailles.


Rick Steves should be a bit help as well. :001_smile:


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Spend many days at the Louvre. Wonder at the tiny size of the Mona Lisa.


Be sure to visit the Eiffel Tower at night when the lights come on.


Museum Orange is so beautiful. Should I ever luck into piles of money, I want a room filled with Monet-like murals.


Museum d'Orsay - very beautiful


My husband liked the Pompidou, but contemporary art isn't my thing.


Eat macarons! Have some crepes! Try as many different pastry and chocolate shops as possible. I highly recommend eating at the little sandwich shops and cafes or picking up fresh food and enjoying picnic lunches. I was not impressed with French restaurants; the best sit-down meal we had was on Air France on the way home.

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I also have to recommend the natural history museum. It is not a touristy place but a hidden gem I think. Outside is a large garden and inside a small museum full of fossils. It's often featured in tv shows about evolution or Darwin but I don't think most people even know where it is!

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Get a Paris Museum Pass, which functions as discount admissions AND "line jumper"--essential for Versailles.




I've been to Paris a bunch of times, and my best visit EVER was when I got the museum pass. It saved oodles of time, esp at the Louvre and D'Orsay (by line jumping past hundreds of people), and got me in to dozens of amazing little museums I wouldn't have otherwise seen. And I was able to visit some of the bigger museums for an hour or so, and return another day, which made the visits more manageable.

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I also have to recommend the natural history museum. It is not a touristy place but a hidden gem I think. Outside is a large garden and inside a small museum full of fossils. It's often featured in tv shows about evolution or Darwin but I don't think most people even know where it is!


Yes! Definitely. It's at the Jardin des Plantes, very pretty and there's a little zoo there too. There's also a big mosque near there (and a very popular restaurant something de la mosquee--I will have to look it up).

Oh and don't miss taking the batobus. you can take it, for example, from the eiffel tower to notre-dame (or vice versa). ETA: or from Jardin des plantes if you're going the nat. history museum!)

ETA 2: http://www.batobus.com/english/index.htm

Edited by LeslieAnneLevine
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Everything!!! J'adore Paris!


Versailles is one of my favorites! I love renting bikes and riding through the gardens. Indy actually learned to ride a bike at Versailles. How many kids can say that? We also rented a boat and rowed around the Grand Canal.



Truly just walking around is special. Learning how to manage the Paris Metro. Get a Paris Museum Pass, which functions as discount admissions AND "line jumper"--essential for Versailles.


This is unfortunately not true any longer. Because of increased security measures, they no longer allow entrance through the side (entrance D). Everyone has to go through entrance A to go through security bag screenings and metal detectors. The line is ridiculous. We opted to go through the gardens first and go back through the palace itself later in the day. Of course we were exhausted by then and Indy didn't enjoy it as much as he probably would have if he'd seen it earlier in the day.


The Paris Visitee Card can be purchased for use on the Metro and the buses. You will need to purchase and extra ticket for the RER to get to Versailles though. It doesn't cost much.


The Museum Pass will get you into over 60 tourist attractions with nothing else to pay. You will get to jump a few lines. There is a special entrance at the Louvre, the D'orsay, the Conciergerie, Arc de Triomphe and several others. Not Versailles though. :sad:

Some other favorites are the Pantheon, Les Infants, The Cluny (the Unicorn Tapestries are there and are gorgeous), The Archeological Museum by Notre-Dame, The Rodin Museum, Sainte-Chapell and Sacre Coure (and the whole Montmatre district). Outside of Paris I like Versailles, Chateau Fontainebleau, Malmaison. All of these are included in the pass.


Oh, and if you can, get up to Monet's gardens. There's so much to see and do! We live 3 hours from Paris and I go as often as I possible can. You are going to love it!

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I agree with everyone who suggest the Eiffel Tower by day and night.


Another note on Notre Dame: when I visited, my friends and I stumbled upon a chance to go up in the bell tower. We didn't plan this, we were just up on the roof area when a tour guide showed up. If they still do this(it was long ago), it's worth asking about.


I also liked Pere Lachaise Cemetery.

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