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What are good books for Christian mothers?

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If you are a mother and a follower of Jesus Christ, then I would like to ask you a question:


What book(s) have you read about mothering that impacted you? What book(s) taught you to really be a better mother?


I am especially interested in books that deepened your relationship with Christ, focused your mind on Scripture, and helped you to see your children more each day as gifts from God.


Any kind responses will be appreciated! Thanks in advance!

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John C.S. Abbott's The Mother at Home. :)
Oh, yeah...gotta agree with this rec. Also, I like A Mother's Heart by Jean Fleming, Seasons of a Mother's Heart and The Mission of Motherhood by Sally Clarkson, and Praise Her in the Gates by...um...well, I know it's published by Vision Forum.


I also like Homeschooling with a Meek and Quiet Spirit by Teri Maxwell...very convicting--I have to read it once a year!

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What are the others that you like? :001_smile:


The Baby Book and The Discipline Book, both by Sears

"Becoming the Parent You Want to Be"

"You are Your Child's First Teacher"--kind of Waldorfy, but good

"Mitten Strings for God"--(a lovely, lovely book, but not Christian) (Actually, it's not really a parenting book per se, more like a book about being a family)

"Things Will Be Different For My Daughter"

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Very few of the books by Christian authors moved me from a parenting/God standpoint.


I like books by Clay and Sally Clarkson.

I like books by Scott Turansky and Joanne Miller.

Crystal Lutton has a terrific book, Biblical Parenting


I have really been blessed by all of Clay and Sally Clarkson's books. They're really wonderful. I also have been blessed by Scott Turansky and Joanne Miller's book as well as their workshop sessions.


I haven't read Crystal Lutton's book but I think I'll have to pick it up.


I'm enjoying Age of Opportunit: The Biblical Guide to Parenting Teens right now.

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I think I've read almost everyone listed here, LOL.


I will second Homeschooling with a Meek and Quiet Spirit and Praise Her in the Gates (Nancy Wilson is the author.)


I also add The Power of a Positive Mom. That is the one I read when I need a kick in the behind about being a good mommy! :)


And that's about it.

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Raising Your Children for Christ, by Andrew Murray


A Mother's Rule of Life, by Holly Pierlot (Catholic perspective~ although I am not RC, this book is tremendously helpful to me. It addresses all aspects of our vocation as child of God, as an individual, and as wife & mother. Excellent. Someone on the boards here recommended it. ;))


Warm regards,


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For general motherhood I've liked, "The Mommy Manual" by Barbara Curtis, as well as some of the above mentioned.


I really enjoyed that book, too.


I'd also recommend H.C. Trumball's "Hints on Child Training." I haven't finished it yet...but it has already impacted me. I rarely have time to actually finish books anymore, and just glean when I get the opportunity. I'm also enjoying "Homeschooling with a Meek and Quiet Spirit," and I'm looking forward to reading Lou Priolo's "Heart of Anger."

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