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Christian School Admissions

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There is a non-denominational Christian school that is not affiliated with any particular church.


The statement of faith is very general.


Provided the family is comfortable signing the statement of faith, and there are no problems otherwise with the application, would you expect a Catholic student to be admitted? Or would you expect such a school to exclude Catholics?


A debate isn't necessary. I'm just wondering what the general feeling is about this situation.

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I can think of 2 Christian schools near me that are not affiliated with a church. I don't know any Catholics who have attended them. I do know many people who were not regular church goers (maybe not very religious Christians?) who have, so I don't see why someone who was Catholic would be rejected. However, having looked at materials from both these schools years ago, I don't think a Catholic family would be very comfortable in this environment.

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I would not expect the school to exclude Catholics. If I were Catholic I would try to preview some of the texts they use, though, particularly for any religious instruction classes, to see if there are any issues you'd encounter there. I was able once, with several other moms, to meet with the administrator of a Christian school program. One mom specifically asked whether they would admit non-Protestants. He said they would if the parents had no problems with their teaching perspective, which is Protestant. He said they admitted a boy who came from an atheist family; his parents didn't mind the religious instruction. He also said that after many discussions an LDS family decided not to pursue admission; that family wasn't comfortable with the religious instruction.


I think a lot will depend not just on the SOF but on the climate of the school. I think it would be wise to talk to the administrator and other parents, if possible, to get a better understanding before you apply.

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There is a non-denominational Christian school that is not affiliated with any particular church.


The statement of faith is very general.


Provided the family is comfortable signing the statement of faith, and there are no problems otherwise with the application, would you expect a Catholic student to be admitted? Or would you expect such a school to exclude Catholics?


A debate isn't necessary. I'm just wondering what the general feeling is about this situation.


Do you have the statement of faith? You really can't tell without the statement of faith.

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Clarification: We are applying to be part of the home study umbrella program of this school. We are required to go through the same application process as the day school. However, we will be able to choose our own curriculum. So textbooks and school climate aren't an issue for us.


I have the statement of faith and I actually feel it is written in a way to include Catholics. It is easy to write one a Catholic won't sign if they wanted to. (I've seen plenty of those in my homeschooling years). The most conservative priest in my parish has given the statement of faith his approval.


I really thought it was going to be okay until someone told me yesterday that this school rejects Catholics. I don't think that is true but I just wondered what the general feeling is. I'm still going to apply and go through the process. It is the right program for us. I just started thinking I might need a back up plan.


We're in the Bible belt and Catholic homeschoolers are used to having a hard time being accepted in homeschooling circles. However, I think it is wrong of Catholics to jump to the conclusion that everyone is out to exclude us. Sure, some are. That's their right. It's not fair for us to assume all Christian schools/organizations will have an issue. Our choices are limited but we have found a large co-op and a homeschool sports program have accepted us.


I have already spoken with the homeschool advisor and am already with this school and the homeschool administrator is aware of our faith. We just have to go through a more thorough process with the principal and school board for high school admissions. I have no reason to believe there is an issue there except for this rumor I heard.


I was just getting paranoid and looking for some reassurance.



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Sounds like they should accept you, but I honestly don't know of any Catholic families who have attended non-Catholic Christian schools, so this is an interesting question.


My kids have been accepted at a fairly conservative Lutheran school even though I won't make the statement required to be a church member. (They do have different tuition rates for members/nonmembers.) When I was a kid in a similar Lutheran school, we had Baptist classmates, but I don't remember any Catholic classmates.

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