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Any recommendations for earth science for a second grader?


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We used LLB and enjoyed it. I have also heard good things about REAL Science. I love Franklyn Branley's books. There are a ton of them perfect for early elementary.


Here is my LLB review:

Living Learning Books website is: http://www.livinglearningbooks.com


We used LLB Earth/Sky for 2nd grade and LLB Chemistry for 3rd grade. My son is not particularly science oriented. Neither am I.



• A good overall introduction

• A variety of topics were covered in an well-organized, easy-to-follow, clearly laid out manner (ie. easy for the teacher)

• I was able to obtain most of the supplementary books through the local library

• All supplies needed for the projects were readily available at home, the local grocery store, or the local Kmart.

• Lessons took approximately 30 minutes twice a week.

• Any religious overtones were kept in the appendix

• Inexpensive curriculum



• It was “lite†ie. not particularly challenging or in depth


Overall, I was happy with the curriculum. My son enjoyed it and learned from it. I could have done a more thorough job if I had had the time and energy and desire to pull it all together myself, but I didn't. I would use it again given the choices available at the time.


REAL Science http://www.pandiapress.com was not available when we started LLB. If I was starting over, I would consider this. We used Noeo Biology 2 for 5th grade, and I liked LLB better.

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What about this one? www.lulu.com/content/1026490? It's written by Jessica at Trivium Academy and is cheap for the content. She's simple in the approach, but you'll get LOTS of hands on experiments and lots of book suggestions with video suggestions mixed in. You'll spend your money on good books rather than packaged curriculum and it will be a good year in science.


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Regarding Jessica's earth science, does anyone know if she has samples of this anywhere? I have asked this before, but haven't received a response.


I like to see what it looks like before I purchase it. I want to know if there is notebooking pages to go along with this as well. The description doesn't mention it at all. :)


I am sure it is great, I just want to know what I am purchasing prior to actually purchasing. :) Ya know. :)





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I like:


ScienceWorks Geology

Geology Rocks!

Delta Science In a Nutshell kits: Our Changing Earth, Rock Origins, Soil Studies


For a spine, we are using Google e-Guide Earth. It's internet-linked and fantastic! For this age, it is a read-aloud with great pictures.



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Just agreeing with Child's Geography of the world. I'm using it for Earth Science for 2nd grade as well. In keeping with the WTM science schedule-I'm using Apologia Astronomy one semester and the Child's Geog. of the World for the 2nd sem. (Someone on a forum somewhere said that the author of Apologia elementary texts recommends this as an earth sc. text since Apologia doesn't have one---but I don't know if that's a fact or just hearsay. :tongue_smilie: )


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