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International adoption

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God has really been opening me up to adoption. I have always had a spot on my heart for adoption, but I really feel like this is the way our family should grow. I am really interested in Korea because I have had friends who have adopted from Korea and it has gone really smoothly. I also love Haiti, but my inlaws are a little racist and I worry about that. :banghead::cursing::banghead:


I would love to hear which agencies you all have used or recommend. Also, which countries are the best to adopt from. I prefer a country that uses foster care for the infants instead of institutionalization. I know Haiti uses orphanages, but I know of some that are very lovingly run and the kids get a lot of individual attention.


Thanks and God bless!!!!

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It really depends on where you wish to adopt from as to what agency is better.


We adopted from China and our son was in the foster care system and lived with an older couple who loved him very much. The older woman also worked in the orphanage during the day and would take him there to play with the other kids but then take him home at night.


I met the orphanage director and she seemed absolutely wonderful. She told me her goal was to make sure ALL of her orphans had the education needed to get to college if they wanted to go. There were about 4 or 5 girls with her doing some college tours and they seemed to dote on the director which told me a lot about her.


We are so blessed to have my youngest son and I can't imagine life without him. He is a truly awesome kid.



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It's been years since we considered agencies. Most agencies specialize in a few countries, those that try to be the be-all-end-all usually have problems somewhere along the line. If you are not sure what country you should consider, there are some good books on Amazon.com about international adoption, with summaries by country. I would start there, or google for a good international adoption web site where you can read summaries of various countries.


In Washington State, I know WACAP is very good. We considered them. Although, honestly, they will probably tell you that you should not be considering adoption at this point in your life, given that you have three children, the oldest of whom is five. They are very blunt like that...don't ask me how I know...:glare:


It is great that you are open to international adoption. You need to be educated however, of the challenges that adopting internationally can bring, including cost, significant travel (who will take care of your children), most likely a rough adjustment process for all family members, and usually some level of special needs involved, with sometimes multiple therapies, for the adopted child. It does not mean you shouldn't do it, you just need to be aware and prepared for what it will mean for your family.


Best of luck to you!

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European Adoption Consultants is another one that assists with adoptions in multple countries. My experience with them was pretty good. Can't really speak for everyone, though.


Each country and program has its own list of pros and cons. Information is your friend. You might also want to ask around on a country-specific adoption forum.

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The most important decision right now is to decide on a country. You need to know which countries you qualify for and which you do not. Korea is going to be stopping their program in the not too distant future so you have to decide if you are willing to risk loosing out on a referral after a long wait and lots of money spent. Haiti is taking YEARS to get the kids home who have already been referred. (I have a friend who flies down every 6 months to visit with her son and he is growing up before her eyes) Foster care in IA is no better or worse than an institution I have seen bad FP in China and bad orphanages as well.


We are currently in the middle of a special needs adoption from China (which is the ONLY viable program for China) The cost is running around 30K by the time it is all said and done but the Lord is providing that money in ways we never expected so don't let that be the breaking point!!


We tried to adopt from the US foster care system but we had our license for a few months with no calls and realized that waiting for a single child who was free to adopt wasn't going to happen unless they had severe special needs.


Do your homework. Find a country, then ask for recommendations for that country as far as agencies, and take it from there. Adoption is the greatest thing to ever happen to our our family but it has been VERY challenging and we expect it to be another challenge this summer when we travel again.

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both of our adoptions (from Korea) were thru Holt International Childrens's Services and I highly recommend them. Everything went so smoothly. Both or our dc were in foster homes from birth until they came to be with us. THeir foster homes took photos and videos to send us and my dd's foster mom sent a traditional Korea outfit that she had made for dd.

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We tried to adopt from the US foster care system but we had our license for a few months with no calls and realized that waiting for a single child who was free to adopt wasn't going to happen unless they had severe special needs.




This is why I want to do an international adoption. It is very hard to adopt in our state because it is a reunification state.

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We went through An Open Door adoption agency. We adopted our son from Guatemala in 2004.


Both sides of our family had issues with race too. But we went ahead with God's plans for our family anyway. My dad, the one most outspoken against our choice, fell in love with my ds and is very pro-adoption now.


If you feel that God is leading you to Haiti, follow that plan...there will be blessings to reap from it. Your family might not do the turn-around that mine did, but there is a reason you are led to Haiti. :)

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both of our adoptions (from Korea) were thru Holt International Childrens's Services and I highly recommend them. Everything went so smoothly.



We adopted our youngest child through Holt. We had a wonderful experience with them & I highly recommend them to others. Our daughter was in an orphanage, but China also has a foster care system. I would imagine you could request a child that was in the foster system. Also, I wrote an article about our adoption that you might be interested in reading. Here's the link: http://holtinternational.org/blog/2010/05/for-we-walk-by-faith-not-by-sight/

May you be blessed on your journey!

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I agree with others about researching countries first to see what their qualifications for adoption are, cost, travel, etc. There are SO many variables in each country - age, number of children at home, health issues, financial situation, years married, etc. Talk to as many people who have adopted internationally as you can about the countries they went to, why, and their experience. All that information will help you decide on an agency.


We didn't have many choices as far as our adoption because there aren't many who work with the country we adopted from. And the agency we chose, we would not use again.


WACAP is a great agency - my sister has used them twice.


Adoption is a long, long haul. :) We had a total roller coaster ride with our adoption, but agree with others when they say it has been one of the greatest blessings in my life. Read, read, read. Adoption is a wonderful experience with daily challenges. The more informed you are about all the possibilities and challenges, the more prepared you will be! :)

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