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Anyone know about NAET for allergy elimination?

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I took my ds to a chiro today because of his peanut allergies. Doc did his thing and told me to give him peanut butter in 24 hours.

Has anyone ever had a child go through this and give them the food and nothing bad happens?


A friend told me about this and she took her kids to the same doctor and her kids no longer have allergies. I don't doubt her AT ALL. I just need to hear from more people that it was safe.


I looked it up on youtube and so many people really have good results.


any thoughts?



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Ummmm, well I guess it would depend on how bad the allergy was to begin with.


I asked at our chiro and he isn't a fan of it.


DD has topical allergies and I wouldn't hesitate to do it. She gets eczema from milk.



If my child had anaphylactic

reactions....nope, not pushing it. LOL

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I think success depends on a few things, including how good the health provider is.


From what I've read, often times the results are not permanent and people revert back to having those same allergies at a later time. Around here, NAET treatments are very expensive and while I had been very tempted to give it a try (no life threatening allergies) I'm not really willing to spend thousands of dollars just for a few months reprieve. :(

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I have a friend who swears by it. She felt her son's behavior issues were allergy related. She had done a food elimination diet and saw behavior improvements, but they couldn't avoid all food triggers. After they had done NAET, his behavior improved dramatically and he was able to eat most foods. He did NOT have any life-threatening food allergies, though. I am not sure I would trust it for that.

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Ummmm, well I guess it would depend on how bad the allergy was to begin with.


I asked at our chiro and he isn't a fan of it.


DD has topical allergies and I wouldn't hesitate to do it. She gets eczema from milk.



If my child had anaphylactic

reactions....nope, not pushing it. LOL


Well he did about 4 years ago. I was thinking about talking to the allergy doctor about retesting him. Then do the food testing. How do ya tell your everyday allergy doctor about something that he probably has never heard of? Ya don't I quess...lol He would think I was a "NUT"...lol

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Our oldest went thru NAET about 8 years ago. It did help with behaviors that we found were food related (preservatives, yeast and some others), and even helped with things like cut grass and seasonal hayfever. However, I would not (then or now) have been willing to try it for a life threatening allergy. And, ftr, we find it still best to just avoid his triggers, so idk if it cleared him from them or just made us more aware to avoid them.

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I wouldn't even think of doing that to anyone who had an anaphalactic reaction or even a strong reaction, not anaphalactic, to a food. And definitely not in the home.


Have you seen an anaphalactic reaction, a bad one? My daughter had one after a wasp sting and it was downright scary- she had to be put on oxygen, given multiple injections and IV drugs and then put on high doses of steroids after she left the hospital. I don't have that kind of equipment or expertise and I wouldn't risk anybody having that at home.

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I took my ds to a chiro today because of his peanut allergies. Doc did his thing and told me to give him peanut butter in 24 hours.

Has anyone ever had a child go through this and give them the food and nothing bad happens?


A friend told me about this and she took her kids to the same doctor and her kids no longer have allergies. I don't doubt her AT ALL. I just need to hear from more people that it was safe.


I looked it up on youtube and so many people really have good results.


any thoughts?




So, this was a NAET chiropractor? I'm curious what "his thing" was....was it just a simple adjustment? I would have also questioned his comment to give your child pb in 24 hours at home. I would think that doing such a thing should be done at a hospital. What did you decide to do?


He probably has heard of it and doesn't believe it to be credible. I wouldn't mention it, if you want to retest and do a food challenge just go for it. As others have mentioned, doing a food test for a life-threatening food at home IMO is a bad idea.



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My sister and her family use NAET and it has relieved their terrible skin reactions (mainly eczema).


My sister was NEVER able to eat corn -- she would immediately break out on her face and hands if she touched it. She now has popcorn all the time! No reaction at all anymore.


My nephew also has terrible eczema due to allergies. He used to be covered head to toe-- very painful! NAET has made life so much easier-- his previous food allergies limited his diet greatly-- now he has much more freedom. He still has issues but not nearly as bad.


It can be expensive-- and in some cases you need to be seen on a regular basis to keep it up...

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I don't have time to search, but here's one.


Wow...that is very sad. The poor guy. What I don't understand is why didn't the doctor have epipens right there with him in his office if he was doing this treatment on people? The patient clearly needed a shot when he was coughing in the bathroom at the doctors office. He never should have be allowed to drive home. So sad.

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From an NAET website-



"Attention Patients Please Read!An open letter from Dr. Nambudripad


NAET does NOT claim to cure allergies or food, chemical, and environmental sensitivities. NAET does not support the use of lasers, in lieu, of acupressure and acupuncture modalities. Do-it-yourself at home type kits can be extremely dangerous or harmful and laser devices to treat allergies are currently being investigated by the FDA for inappropriate activities and claims. NAET is not responsible for any damage that is done, by such devices, that are attempting to mimic the NAET techniques. Any and all allergy treatment must be supervised by an approved and licensed health professional."



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So, this was a NAET chiropractor? I'm curious what "his thing" was....was it just a simple adjustment? I would have also questioned his comment to give your child pb in 24 hours at home. I would think that doing such a thing should be done at a hospital. What did you decide to do?





AprilMay~ If you look on Youtube for NAET allergy elimination technique. You can see that it's not an "adjustment" but they do something with the back.

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AprilMay~ If you look on Youtube for NAET allergy elimination technique. You can see that it's not an "adjustment" but they do something with the back.


Thank you....I wasn't sure what it was. I have two kids with severe peanut allergy and one is also allergic to eggs. I've kind of heard of this before, but never investigated. We don't have any place near here that does it and we couldn't afford it anyway so I never really looked into it. I hope it works for your son.

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I agree that it depends on the person administering the treatment. A friend's son had been very unfocused and returned to co-op in the fall almost a different person! I asked his mom and she said she had traveled to have NAET treatments for him. It made a WORLD of difference. She had learned about it from a family who had the same success.


When I realized that a local chiropractor did the treatments, I inquired. He would treat your kids for free if you were a patient. So I went to him for chiropractic and let him treat our kids. I don't think he knew quite what he was doing. I'm pretty sure we did things right on our end. I even read Dr. N's book.


I would find people who had success with a practitioner and travel to him/her.


I've also heard of people having success using a simple $7 laser light and the same theories.




How To Laser a Food Sensitivity

These are the directions for lasering a food allergen or sensitivity. First you muscle test. Hold your arm out in front at a 90 degree angle to your body. Have someone else push down on your arm to test your strength. It should be strong without the allergen in your hand. Next hold the allergen in your hand and have the person push down again. If you have a problem, your arm will be weak and will easily be pushed down, much more easily than when you tested your arm strength with nothing in your hand. If it's still strong, you aren't necessarily okay for that item. Still holding your arm out, have your assistant press firmly at the bridge of your nose between your eyes while pushing down on your arm. If he/she is unable to push down your arm (it's strong) while pressing the bridge, then you are SO allergic that your polarity has flipped. so you must treat. If your arm goes down easily when pressing the bridge and is strong without pressing the bridge, then the item is fine.


Now for the treatment. Take the allergen and hold it out from your navel about 2" then shine a laser light back toward the item so the light would pass through if the item were not in the way. Shine the light for 2 minutes. Wash your hands and avoid the allergen for 24 hours. Then 24 hours retest the item and see if you are strong now. If not, retreat it the same way.


If you have a lot of allergies, it's best to do a full course of treatment in the proper NAET order. You would have to buy allergen vials to do some of these and you need the NAET guidebook to know what to avoid. Kaleein found a kit with vials that will work here: http://www.the-allergy-kit.com/


The 12 basics are:

1. Chicken/ egg mix

2. Milk/ calcium mix

3. Vitamin C mix

4. B complex mix

5. Sugar mix

6. Iron/ meat mix

7. Vitamin A mix/ Fish mix/ Shellfish mix

8. Mineral mix

9. Salt mix/ chlorides

10. Corn mix

11. Grain mix

12. Yeast mix/ Candida (Nambudripad, The NAET Guide Book, p. 28).


If you have airborne allergies, put out a glass of water for 24 hours in the vicinity of the problem (weeds etc) then treat the water and try to stay inside for 24 hours. If you have a problem with cat hair, put the hair in a glass (must be glass) then treat that way and go stay somewhere away from cats for 24 hours.


You can layer 2-3 treatments. Do one, then the next. Avoid only the last item treated.


This is the easy way to fix problems and it works great!

Last edited by grammy1952; June 4th, 2011 at 04:23 PM.


And make sure there isn't anyone within 10 feet of you or they can "steal" the treatment.


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