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Quick question re WWE and WWS....


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I'm looking at Writing With Ease and Writing With Skill because, ah, 12 years at this homeschooling gig means sometimes I need a change of pace. But it seems as if using multiple levels for multiple children would be rather consuming, no? Just trying to imagine implementing, say, WWE 2, WWE 4, and WWS 1 all at once. If you have more than one child using the program(s), please share how that plays out for you. Thanks!

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But it seems as if using multiple levels for multiple children would be rather consuming, no? Just trying to imagine implementing, say, WWE 2, WWE 4, and WWS 1 all at once. If you have more than one child using the program(s), please share how that plays out for you. Thanks!

We've found using different WWE levels for 2 DC very doable (sometimes, when life got busier, I'd fudge the lines a little with WWE and get the younger student to give me a narration after listening into the older child's WWE excerpt for that day, or throw some pages of our own together).

Having a scheduled space in the day for me to do WWE with each DC helped.

When the dc were proficient enough to be able to read the story portions inside WWE, that was a mum time saver too.


And we're finding WWS is very student directed. Nice!


Just our experience to date.

Chelle :001_smile:

Edited by tuesdayschild
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Ds12 is doing WWS, mostly independently, I just check it when he's done. When he does have questions he moves on to a different subject until I have time to help him.


Ds9 is doing WWE3, he reads the passages then I ask the questions and he gives me a narration (which I write down) or it's just a dictation day so I read the dictation passage to him and he writes it down. This takes 15 minutes, mostly because he hates it.


Dd6 is doing WWE1 and I read to her and write down her narrations. On copywork days we talk about it then she copies. It takes maybe 10 minutes on a long day.


I don't know if that helps you, but I have found WWE to be so quick and easy, open and go, and effective for my kids! Managing 3 different levels has not been as hard as I was afraid it would be.:)

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Thanks for the replies thus far. I'd be using at least three levels (two of WWE and one, possibly two, of WWS) so I need to go in with eyes wide open, kwim? I love copywork, dictation, and narration and it's always played a role in our schooling, but realistically, I have far less time to copy a young child's narrations (for example) than I did in the past. I'm glad to hear the programs are fairly self-directed. I hope to order at least one WWE workbook soon so I can get a better sense of it. Yes, I'm of the old-fashioned school that needs to actual hold the book and see it "in the flesh" before I can fully wrap my brain around it.;)

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Bumping this in case anyone else wants to offer input. I haven't been hanging out here regularly, but I thought there'd be more discussion about/interest in WWE and WWS. Maybe I'm just late to the party?:D

Edited by Colleen
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I'm looking at Writing With Ease and Writing With Skill because, ah, 12 years at this homeschooling gig means sometimes I need a change of pace. But it seems as if using multiple levels for multiple children would be rather consuming, no? Just trying to imagine implementing, say, WWE 2, WWE 4, and WWS 1 all at once. If you have more than one child using the program(s), please share how that plays out for you. Thanks!


I only have one, but I can't imagine various levels being blended to save time. I would think each child would need their time with their level (and you). Therefore, I would see it as three independent programs.

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I only have 2, doing WW3 and WW1 (8 and 6yo.)


I do not do it every day. I do Day 1 and 2 in one day, and day 3, and 4 in another day - we do it 2-3 times a week. For both. For me it is easier to combine. I have 2 younger ones so I don't have a lot of time, but we do go through them. Writing down the WWE1 & 2 does not take long. I do not skip much.

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:bigear: I'm reading with interest because I am getting ready to take the plunge for my 5 (basically the same ages as Colleen's).


What do I lose in ordering *just* the student pdf pages? Are those the same as the WWE Student books? COMPLETELY the same?


I was hoping more people would jump in too!


(And Colleen, I poked into your blog and it made me yearn for W WA! My eldest was born in B'ham. We also lived in Lynden and on Birch Bay. Aaaahhhh...I miss it. :) )

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:bigear: I'm reading with interest because I am getting ready to take the plunge for my 5 (basically the same ages as Colleen's).


What levels are you looking at?

What do I lose in ordering *just* the student pdf pages? Are those the same as the WWE Student books? COMPLETELY the same?
My understanding is that they're the same, but don't quote me on that.;) My trouble with pdf purchases is that I do better with something more substantial in my hands. And I inevitably forget to print pages out in time, or have a printer problem, etc.


(And Colleen, I poked into your blog and it made me yearn for W WA! My eldest was born in B'ham. We also lived in Lynden and on Birch Bay. Aaaahhhh...I miss it. :) )


Someone looked at my long-neglected blog. Woo hoo!:D When did you live here ~ and where are you now?

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I can't speak to WWE, but WWS is designed to be independent. My dd had never used WWE and only rarely needs help. She turns in her assignments each day and I look them over against the TM. Sometimes I give them back with suggestions, but that is about all I have to do. The biggest problems she runs into is that she doesn't like reading directions and has to redo something because she didn't read the directions carefully. I don't mind that. I think it is a good lesson for her :D

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What do I lose in ordering *just* the student pdf pages? Are those the same as the WWE Student books? COMPLETELY the same?



The student pages pdf is only the student pages portion of the workbook. You need the whole workbook. You can get a pdf version of the whole workbook.

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:bigear: I'm reading with interest because I am getting ready to take the plunge for my 5 (basically the same ages as Colleen's).


What do I lose in ordering *just* the student pdf pages? Are those the same as the WWE Student books? COMPLETELY the same?


I was hoping more people would jump in too!


(And Colleen, I poked into your blog and it made me yearn for W WA! My eldest was born in B'ham. We also lived in Lynden and on Birch Bay. Aaaahhhh...I miss it. :) )


The student PDF pages are NOT the full workbook. It is basically a set of lined pages with cute little pictures on it. It doesn't have any passages to read or things to go over like "These are quotes, and they are used for direct quotations . . . " There is a PDF of the workbook, but it is not called the student pages.


Here is a link to level 1 student pages only. They are 9.50, and they do not have the parent stuff you need. This link (I happened to link level 4) is a PDF of the whole workbook, and it is 29.50. You would need this one or the hard copy.

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I'm kinda thinking that ~ but hoping someone will say otherwise.;)


OK, look at this way. If you are thinking of WWE for your 9 and 7 year olds, it will prepare them for WWS. Which is more independent. So, you'd have at least one kid being independent now with WWS, another one on the cusp of independence with WWE4 (as in, next year he'd be more independent with WWS), and another one with just a few more years to go to independence, with WWE2. And, WWE and WWS are so well-written, so laser-precise, so well-defined in it's expectations and "teacher helps" that they don't take very long for *you* to do *your* part.


It's sort of like the difference between telling a six-year old to do copywork of two paragraphs from Dickens, as opposed to telling him to do copywork of one nicely-written sentence from Laura Ingalls Wilder - doing the Wilder copywork will help him so much more to gain writing skills than will the frustration of stopping/starting/stopping/starting with Dickens. WWE/WWS develop skills slowly but precisely.

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We're doing WWE 1 and 3 and WWS 1, and I don't find it to be too time consuming. As others have said, WWS is meant to be done mostly independently (and we've found that to be true) and WWE generally only takes a few minutes. I do WWE3 with DS8 while DS10 is doing WWS (and DS6 if off playing somewhere). Then when the older two are reading on their own, I do WWE1 with DS6.

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Okay, I'm thinking I might as well get the actual *books* instead of pdfs. They can write in their own notebooks and we'll just reuse the books.


I was thinking I'd need all five. (WWE 1-4 and WWS) My dd who is turning 16 wants to work through WWS. I'd put each of my boys in the others, my 14yo in Level 4, my 12 yo in Level 3, my new 10 yo in Level 2 and my 6 yo, turning 7 this summer, in Level 1.


If someone sees a way I can do this differently, LET ME KNOW! LOL!!!


Colleen, we moved to W WA in '87. We moved to the N MS area in '92 to be near my mother, who was fighting breast cancer and we just stayed. I miss W WA TREMENDOUSLY!!

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