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Favorite Green Drink Recipe?

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Have to confess that based on the thread title, I thought you were thinking ahead to St. Patrick's Day. I was just reading somewhere about having drinks made with lime sherbet and ginger ale for St. Patrick's Day. But that's not what you mean at all!! Oh well. Here's a bump for you.

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This is the green smoothie I make for dh in the morning:

1 banana

1 glug of kefir

generous handful of whatever green I have on hand-usually spinach, kale, or swiss chard. I have been known to throw in collard greens if that is all I have.

1/3of a cup frozen cranberries

1/3 of a cup frozen wild blueberries

1 Tbs coconut oil

1/3 cup of water


Sometimes I throw in black currants, or grapes, or some other berries. Sometimes I toss in an avocado. I also throw in a couple of cloves of garlic for him. This makes it taste very garlicky.

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2 cups of greens (collards or spinach usually)

1 banana (covers the taste of the greens)

1/2 cup blueberries (turns it bluish instead of green)

1-2 oranges

cup frozen strawberries or peaches or any other fruit I have

1 1/2 cups of "milk" of any kind, or water



sometimes I throw in flax seed, pollen, ginger, parsley... little stuff I happen to have.


for my kids I add a little less than 1/4 c of sugar to 2 quarts of smoothie so they'll drink it.

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Mine right now is (measurements are approximate):

1/2-3/4 cup unsweetened coconut like (the carton kind, not canned)

1/2 frozen banana

about 1/2 a cup or so frozen berries

2 good handfuls baby spinach

1Tbsp. ground flax seed

2 Tbsp. ground hempseed


The kids like:

Raw milk


Frozen banana

Mixed frozen fruit (right now we have peaches, strawberries, pineapple & berries)

A little raw honey

A couple good handfuls baby spinach

Some hemp and flax seed

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We have this green smoothie every morning with a wheat germ muffin:


2 cups organic spinache


1 banana


2 cups frozen wild blueberries


1 cup frozen strawberries


2 cups orange juice


1 cup cold water


In my Blentech blender this makes enough smoothies to feed both myself and my 4 youngest childre an 8 ounce smoothie each.


I rotate my greens every few weeks, rotating greens is very important because of toxins building in the body if over consumed. So we typically do a week on and then a week off of various greens such as kale, spinache, swiss chard, romaine lettuces and then a wild greens mixture. Only greens have to be rotated, you can use the same other fruits and or veggies without rotating them.

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Although I agree with KungFuPanda for my own green drink options, my small child would be - well, probably quite drunk - so for her I just use spinach, fruit, and that V8 fruit/veg drink. I was making her one last night and I added the spinach while she was standing there. "You're putting LETTUCE in?!!" she asked. When I told her I always used spinach but just never told her, she said, "Well, I guess I sort of LIKE spinach then!" Bingo, small child... :lol:

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I rotate my greens every few weeks, rotating greens is very important because of toxins building in the body if over consumed. So we typically do a week on and then a week off of various greens such as kale, spinache, swiss chard, romaine lettuces and then a wild greens mixture. Only greens have to be rotated, you can use the same other fruits and or veggies without rotating them.


I didn't know this! Do you have a link to more information about this issue and the related health symptoms? Thanks!

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Ours are pretty basic but yummy: mango, banana, pineapple, a splash of orange juice and fresh spinach. It has a nice bright green color and the tropical fruit really hides the "green" taste. We'll use whatever fruit is available, but generally it helps if at least one of the fruits is frozen instead of fresh/room temperature.

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I didn't know this! Do you have a link to more information about this issue and the related health symptoms? Thanks!



I'm so very sorry, I missed this question you had for me a few weeks ago. Here is some links you may find helpful to you.


Click here: Importance of Rotating Greens | Green Smoothies


Click here: Victoria Boutenko's Guildelines to Drinking Green Smoothie | Green Smoothies

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  • 4 weeks later...

My all time fave- 1/2 c. frozen strawberries, 1/2 c. frozen mango, 1/4 cup. frozen blueberries, 1/4 c. frozen pineapple, 1 scoop Green Superfood powder, 1 giant handful of kale, spinach, chard or turnip greens. I add just enough water to mix into a frozen deliciousness- probably about 1 1/2 cups.


My favorite juices is are 1.) 2 stalks celery, 4 carrots, 1 cucumber or, 2.) 1 large beet, 2 green apples, 1 handful spinach, 1 small knob of peeled ginger root

Edited by thescrappyhomeschooler
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