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If you believe the world is ending on 12/21/12...

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I'll be happy when all this silliness is over and everyone can get back to more important things: making more Sherlock.


THANK you! When is the next bit coming out, do you know? I have heard that it might be a bit edgy for the kids. We are all anxiously waiting to find out!


Edited to add: I see! May 6! And the Hound of the Baskervilles is on the lineup (May 13) !!!!!!

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Sooo...what do you mean?! YOU DON'T believe in Sasquatch?! How do you explain all those blurry, grainy home videos? What about Nessy or Chupacabra?





ha, learn something new everyday. I'd never heard of chupacabra. I had to look it up - considering sightings only started being reported in 1995, It's no wonder. Not nearly as famous as sasquatch or nessie.

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THANK you! When is the next bit coming out, do you know? I have heard that it might be a bit edgy for the kids. We are all anxiously waiting to find out!


Edited to add: I see! May 6! And the Hound of the Baskervilles is on the lineup (May 13) !!!!!!

After these three episodes (already aired in the UK and seen by those of us outside the UK lacking patience :tongue_smilie:), there will be no more until "2013" according to Steven Moffat. I was hoping for another series this fall.


ETA: Moffat and Mark Gatiss are working on Doctor Who. Benedict Cumberbatch is going to be the villain in the next Star Trek movie. I'm not sure how long Tim from The Office and Cumberbatch will be involved in the Hobbit. :glare:


ETA 2: A friend just told me it's on iTunes, but she's in Canada, so it might not be on the US iTunes.

Edited by nmoira
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After these three episodes (already aired in the UK and seen by those of us outside the UK lacking patience :tongue_smilie:), there will be no more until "2013" according to Steven Moffat. I was hoping for another series this fall.


ETA: Moffat and Mark Gatiss are working on Doctor Who. Benedict Cumberbatch is going to be the villain in the next Star Trek movie. I'm not sure how long Tim from The Office and Cumberbatch will be involved in the Hobbit. :glare:


YOU'VE SEEN THEM?!? :w00t: My family is going to flip out!


We watch next-to-no TV, with the exception of BBC on PBS / Masterpiece Theater (that my mom DVRs and sends) and films (classic, foreign, and some modern- and musicals when I can trick the boys into getting involved in the story before they realize it's a musical :D).


I had no idea about the Sherlock/Dr. Who connection. If I love Sherlock and the BBC Office will I love Dr. Who? I am getting excited thinking there might be something new we could watch!

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YOU'VE SEEN THEM?!? :w00t: My family is going to flip out!

Yes, we had a small party for each episode, everyone crowded round the sofa. It was great.
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My FIL believes this. He is broke, but somehow recently managed to finance a fancy new Harley and my DH said he's probably counting on the fact that he won't have to pay it back.


But my FIL (and SIL, for what it's worth) live on an entirely different plane of reality, all their own!

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Well... 12/21/12 will be our 21st wedding anniversary, and that makes too many "1s" and "2s" for nothing extraordinary to happen, right? :D


On a serious note, doesn't every major religious text state that no one but God knows the exact date/time the world will end? So...why the speculating? :confused:

Edited by AHASRADA
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On a serious note, doesn't every major religious text state that no one but God knows the exact date/time the world will end? So...why the speculating? :confused:


Yep, and that's exactly what we're going with ;) However, being ex-LDS we were always taught to be prepared anyway. Have 72hr kits for any natural disasters, food storage, etc... I have a large family and very little space for food storage, but I am trying to be better about emergency preparedness in general.


In a funny note, though, I played off of the whole 2012 thing, and told the kids Santa would be brininging 1 present this year, and if we all survived 2012, "we're goin to Disneyland"... cause I mean, c'mon isn't that what everyone does after they win something big?? LOL

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