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Yup. One of our dogs is a fruit cake, and his thunder shirt is a miracle. Dh is a vet, and he bought one for our crazy dog at a conference. It works so well that we started selling them at work. The manufacturer offers a 45 day money back guarantee, too, so it is a no risk trial.


They are awesome for dogs who are anxious, hyper, scared, etc. I. I recommend it.

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Yup. One of our dogs is a fruit cake, and his thunder shirt is a miracle. Dh is a vet, and he bought one for our crazy dog at a conference. It works so well that we started selling them at work. The manufacturer offers a 45 day money back guarantee, too, so it is a no risk trial.


They are awesome for dogs who are anxious, hyper, scared, etc. I. I recommend it.


Great to hear! I saw one at a vet's office and picked up a brochure. If it works $40 is so so worth it.


My dog has a horrible time when it rains.

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I'm so glad to hear the positive reviews on this!!:hurray: Our dog is very high anxiety, and anytime there is a pressure change, she goes crazy. Thunderstorms are a nightmare, because she will run around, pace, jump on & off furniture, pant in your face & scratch up the rug under the bed. I dread spring, because I know our sleep will become nonexistent.


If this works, it will be such a blessing!

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Someone on this board actually recommended the Thundershirt to me for my toy fox terrier who was horrible during thunderstorms. With the shirt on, she's still on my lap the entire time but the shaking and strange panting are gone.

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We have an Anxiety Wrap (same idea, slightly different design) for our anxious dog. The first time we used it I definitely noticed a change for the better, but the effect doesn't seem there now. So, a mixed result.


Our last dog had major anxiety that we treated numerous ways, but with little to no improvement. He was a great dog, too. Good luck with your dog.

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Yes. We have a very anxious Brittany spaniel. For her, it's any pressure change--"Oh no! It's raining SOMEWHERE! Take cover!"


The Thundershirt definitely helps.


Ours is a Brittany, too!!! We got her as a rescue dog, and she's always been anxious, afraid of storms, and has sep. anxiety.

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Guest Dubuquedogtrainer

Yes, I have seen the Thundershirt and seen it on one of my client's dogs (it had no effect), and recommend the original Anxiety Wrap. I first bought an Anxiety Wrap for my dog a couple of years ago and was so impressed I have been recommending the product to my clients with fearful and anxious dogs. It continues to work like a charm!


I believe the original, patented Anxiety Wrap is a superior product. Its patented design targets acupressure points as well as providing "maintained pressure," more maintained pressure in fact than any other product currently on the market.


The unique design of the Anxiety Wrap also includes adjustable, detachable rear leg straps that apply gentle pressure over acupressure points in the hind end where dogs hold tension, much like people hold it in their necks and upper backs.


The Anxiety Wrap is a lighter weight material that is stretchy like a ballet leotard or thin swimsuit. It can even be worn while swimming! My dog wore hers swimming. When wet it acts to cool the dog.


The Anxiety Wrap comes in 11 different sizes whereas the Thundershirt only comes in 7; the Anxiety Wrap not only covers more body surface area, but has elasticized draw strings for providing an even better fit. The makers of the Anxiety Wrap also offer custom sizing if needed.


Another plus of the Anxiety Wrap is that it was designed by a certified professional dog trainer and comes with FREE online support by certified professional dog trainers - a value hard to beat!


In terms of research, only the Anxiety Wrap has been studied clinically. In a recent study at Tufts University by veterinarian Dr. Nicholas Dodman the Anxiety Wrap was found to be effective in 89% of thunderstorm-phobic dogs - compare that to the 80% effectiveness reported by the makers of Thundershirt based on surveys of their own customers.


I wholheartedly recommend the Anxiety Wrap for all of the above reasons and also because the folks at Animals Plus LLC who sell the Anxiety Wrap are great folks. Susan Sharpe, the inventor of the Anxiety Wrap is a certified professional dog trainer and T-touch practitioner and a very kind and ethical person.


Best of luck with your dog - I hope this information helps! :001_smile:

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Guest submarines

What an amazing product! The more I think about it, the more I feel that I'd love to have something tight I could wrap around myself when I'm stressed. :001_huh:


Why does pressure help? Some infants loved being swaddled tightly.

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anytime there is a pressure change, she goes crazy.


This is my dog as well.



I bought the Thundershirt yesterday, and we'll see how it works. I put it on him for fit and he didn't seem to mind it.


I'm not supposed to leave it on him when we leave right?


I'm not sure what is happening with him when we leave now. He never had separation anxiety before, but just in the last two weeks I come home to piles of drool everywhere. I'm wondering if I need to go back to crating him. He doesn't like his crate though.



I'll look into the Anxiety Wrap as well.

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  • 2 weeks later...
Guest Jenn Merritt- CPDT-KA

Linda Tellington-Jones, founder of the TTouch Method is actually the originator of using pressure wraps on dogs (and other animals). As a TTouch Practitioner, I've been using body wrapping with a variety of animals for many years prior to any mass produced wrap. I prefer the Thundershirt with my own dogs and with my client dogs because it is by far the easiest type of wrap to put on and adjust, has no cumbersome extra straps, and, in my experience, improves behavior in the vast majority of cases, eases anxieties, relaxes body tension, reduces arousal, etc.

And, the Thundershirt is readily available at retail stores, from your vet, or from your local professional dog trainer, so you can take your dog with you to get the perfect size/fit. My clients love the clean look of the Thundershirt, the variety of colors, and the light, soft material. More importantly, it eases stress and anxiety quickly and easily.

Jenn Merritt, CPDT-KA, Tellington TTouch Practitioner

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Guest Dubuquedogtrainer
Linda Tellington-Jones, founder of the TTouch Method is actually the originator of using pressure wraps on dogs (and other animals). As a TTouch Practitioner, I've been using body wrapping with a variety of animals for many years prior to any mass produced wrap. I prefer the Thundershirt with my own dogs and with my client dogs because it is by far the easiest type of wrap to put on and adjust, has no cumbersome extra straps, and, in my experience, improves behavior in the vast majority of cases, eases anxieties, relaxes body tension, reduces arousal, etc.

And, the Thundershirt is readily available at retail stores, from your vet, or from your local professional dog trainer, so you can take your dog with you to get the perfect size/fit. My clients love the clean look of the Thundershirt, the variety of colors, and the light, soft material. More importantly, it eases stress and anxiety quickly and easily.

Jenn Merritt, CPDT-KA, Tellington TTouch Practitioner


Susan Sharpe, CPDT (certified professional dog trainer) and T-touch practitioner was the inventor of the first Anxiety Wrap in 2001 and used her knowledge of T-touch to develop the wrap.


Dr. Temple Grandin was the person who came up with the idea of pressure applied to the thorax as a way to calm herself, an individual with autism during her anxiety attacks. She got the idea from observing cattle in a squeeze chute at her aunt's farm while they received their inoculations. Susan actually consulted Temple during the development of her product.


Squeeze machine: http://www.grandin.com/inc/squeeze.html


I don't know who came up with the cattle chute idea.


I personally have observed the application of pressure to calm (non-verbal) people with autism in my work as a registered nurse.


Susan Sharpe's Anxiety Wrap was the first of its kind and is patented. It may be based on her knowledge of T-touch but the Anxiety Wrap is the first pressure wrap for animals and is the only patented pressure wrap on the market: https://anxietywrap.com/default.aspx'>https://anxietywrap.com/default.aspx


In my work as a professional trainer, I have found the Anxiety Wrap to be a superior product. I had a client accidentally order the Thundershirt and neither of us saw any decrease in her dog's anxious behavior. However, after we added the Calming Face Wrap, another product from Animals Plus LLC we saw a significant reduction in anxious behavior.


The original Anxiety Wrap was recently studied at Tufts Cummings School of Veterinary Medicine by Dr. Nicholas Dodman and found to be effective in 89% of study participants. There is no research to compare for the Thundershirt. The company advertises a 80% success rate based on surveys of its own customers.


One of the drawbacks of the Thundershirt is the velcro fasteners in the front as well as around the torso. The sound of velcro pulling apart is startling for dogs with sound sensitivity, which after all describes the majority of dogs that need a pressure wrap.


For a more complete comparison of the original Anxiety Wrap and the Thundershirt, see this article: http://dubuquedogtrainer.hubpages.com/hub/dog_anxiety_wrap


The Anxiety Wrap is easy to order online (https://anxietywrap.com/default.aspx) with a money-back guarantee and free online support from certified professional dog trainers. Professional dog trainers and retail stores also carry the Anxiety Wrap.



Cindy Ludwig, M.A., KPA-CTP

Karen Pryor Academy Certified Training Partner

Registered nurse - inactive status, Iowa

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