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Eczema relief for dd.


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She has the itchiest legs due to eczema. I've tried various lotions and creams and the give relief for a short while then the itching starts again. I need to try something else but what? I thought coconut oil? The other thing I am thinkin is neosporin eczema essential cream. Ideas or suggestions?

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Just a suggestion but try limiting her milk for a week. My DD-8 had regular baby formula as an infant but when we switched to cows milk she developed eczema so bad it looked like we took a brillo pad to her. The doc told us to take away milk. I thought he was crazy but we did and within a week of NO dairy, her skin was clear. For an experiment, we gave it back...yep, rash again. Now she is 8 and can have an occasional glass or milk with cereal but she knows when she is feeling itchy to not drink milk for a while.


For a prescription, triamcinalone (sp) cream works great but it is a steroid.

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You might look into food issues. My son also has milk issues that flare as eczema, so maybe start there. When his flares, we layer hydrocortisone under Aquafor. We slather it on THICK and then add fleece pajamas on top. The Jammie's keep the mess from getting everywhere and also helps the goo to stay put. By the end of the night, it has seeped into the skin and looks loads better.

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Just a suggestion but try limiting her milk for a week. My DD-8 had regular baby formula as an infant but when we switched to cows milk she developed eczema so bad it looked like we took a brillo pad to her. The doc told us to take away milk. I thought he was crazy but we did and within a week of NO dairy, her skin was clear. For an experiment, we gave it back...yep, rash again. Now she is 8 and can have an occasional glass or milk with cereal but she knows when she is feeling itchy to not drink milk for a while.


For a prescription, triamcinalone (sp) cream works great but it is a steroid.





I would eliminate dairy. When I became a vegan, my skin condition, Keratosis Pilaris, totally cleared up. My dh had it worse and his cleared up also.

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I agree with the no milk but my kids also have to eliminate cheese, yogurt and ice cream when they have bad flair ups. We've worked it out that they can have butter in moderation and cheese once a week and no milk and that keeps things pretty calm. We use coconut oil on the small spots and if it flairs too badly (like a week at camp where we can't control the milk), then we resort to hydrocortisone. Usually after 2-3 days we can settle it down enough that we can go back to the coconut oil. I don't like to use steroids but it's better than having them scratch themselves until they bleed.

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My Ds (6) has had eczema since he was an infant. We have not had success with removing dairy, using coconut oil, or many of the other things suggested.


For the first four years, we limited bath time as many resources suggest. However, we noticed that he could tolerate lotion a lot better after a bath (it didn't sting as badly), so I started having him soak in the tub daily (20 mins or so). Then, I slather him with aveeno cream which is thicker than the lotion (I use Aveeno skin relief moisture repair). This seems to seal the moisture from the bath into his skin. As long as we keep up with this routine, his skin does pretty well. If we miss a day or two, his skin is noticeably rougher and itchier.


When he has a major flare-up, we use a prescription ointment called triamcinolone acetonide, but fortunately, we only have to use this 2-3 times a year.

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