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PG Test Gurus -- is this possible? (possible TMI)

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I think 10 days post ovulation is considered very early for a test to show up +. Some people who are actually pg will test positive at that point, but some positives will be missed because they haven't hit the hcg threshold needed for a test to come up positive that early. Even early tests like First Response Early Response typically don't register until the hcg hits something like 30ish I believe. So some pregnant women won't test positive at 10, 11, or even 12 or more days post ovulation. I am not sure something could even implant from Monday until now. I would have to refresh my memory. It takes quite a bit of time for things to implant and then start giving off enough hcg to actually detect it on a HPT.


Have you ever checked out the website peeonastick.com ? You can spend hours there obsessing while ttc, trust me ;)


eta: here you go:


Edited by Momof3littles
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:iagree::iagree: w/ Momof3Littles :)


I'd think of it this way - pregnancy symptoms when it's too early to test (or when a test is negative but the person turns out to be pregnant) are usually the result of lots of progesterone, i.e., a good, strong ovulation :).


The implantation window would be starting about 5 days past ovulation, so it seems a bit too soon for hCG to be getting into your bloodstream from a blastocyst and encouraging the follicle to produce more progesterone, but hey, who knows. Good luck!!!!

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Yep. I had pg symptoms with DD 5 days after TeA. We weren't even trying so it's not like I was looking for symptoms either. But I thought I had food poisoning. When it didn't go away, I thought it was a stomach bug. When it still didn't go away, I went to the doctor. It didn't go away till she came 9 months later. :D

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With my last baby I was tracking so I know when I ovulated and so on. I ovulated on a Sunday. I think I was having symptoms the following Sunday. For example, I ate tons of potato chips when I can usually control myself, but honestly that could have also been caused by extreme PMS if I hadn't turned out to be pregnant.


I'm a pee test junkie (love that peeonastick website listed above) so I was testing using those super cheap/sensitive Internet tests. I did not test positive that Sunday but the next morning, 8 days past ovulation, I had the faintest pink line. So I would say you could test now but don't expect a positive just yet.


KUP! Waiting is so hard.

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I'm pretty sure I ovulated on Sunday PM/Monday AM. TeA time = Monday AM.


I've been feeling queasy and had tender BooKs yesterday and today...


Is it possible to test now or should I wait? (Is there a reason to test now other than satisfying my curiosity??) :)

This Sunday?

I'm going to go with no, don't test yet. But only because it's too early and I don't want you to be disappointed. :D


5dpo "PG" symptoms are usually from raised levels of progesterone. Always makes me queasy, tender, weepy... the works. The earliest a fertilized egg implants is around 5 dpo, and your HCG levels would be undetectable at that time. That said, looks like you've hit it just right, so crossing my fingers for you!

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