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S/O Pre-Algebra Fence Straddlers--Anyone decided yet?

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I think I've decided, and my decision enables my fence-straddling because I'm going to use a variety of programs :)


Dd would die with AOP, etc!


This is for the rest of 6th grade and all of 7th grade (including math over this summer), for non-mathy dd. The variety of programs I've started to include over the last several months has helped her math approach SO much that I plan to continue with them:


A. Finish CLE6 and do CLE7


-it has always worked well for her and she needs spiral and 7 has a good amt of pre-alg (even though CLE says both 7 AND 8 together are their pre-alg.) CLE will also keep up the emphasis on basics (division, etc) that many pre-alg programs don't have so she can keep that fresh and solid

-I've read many people on here go right into alg from CLE7 and they are well-prepared


B. Finish cherry picking thru MM 5 and 6


-a TON of this is review after CLE so we skip a lot, but we do many of the word probs and other "conceptual" practice

that she needs

-Again, people have said that they have gone from MM6 into alg


C. LOF thru all Pre-Alg bks


-she just finished Fractions quickly-2 chap/day-was very easy for her but stretched her in a different way, extremely profitable for her!


D. Hands-On Equations-we'll pace this out over a full 12-month period if need be, a few times/wk


It sounds like a lot, but all this only takes about 45 min. I'm thinking of also adding in MUS Alg 3x/wk because I think the visual explanations will really help her, and I would like a more "actual" systematic pre-algebra other than the above. That is only a remote possibility though-need to think about it more.


I want her to have a very strong base going into algebra. She has always been shaky with math and since I've started approaching it from different angles like this she has had *remarkable* improvement and is enjoying it more. We have time in our schedule for math, she is enjoying it for the first time in her life, and I know this is the time to get her solid before moving on!


I have no clue what we'd use for Algebra-possibly do it at co-op. I would mostly likely have her do whatever of CLE8 she could get thru over summer 2013 (maybe the first few LightUnits) before going into Algebra, just to keep it all fresh in her mind.


Has anyone else made any decisions yet? Would love to see what everyone is deciding to do!

Edited by HappyGrace
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To answer your question, while my dd has done bits of MM6 and Dolciani's Prealgebra, currently my dd is plugging along through AoPS Prealgebra by itself.


-Again, people have said that they

have gone from MM6 into alg


Just to be clear, I don't recall that there are posters who have gone from MM6 to Algebra 1 (maybe you're thinking of SM6? There may be more posters who have done that). Maybe those posters will chime in - there are not likely to be many, as MM6 was only finished a year ago. While MM6 certainly has quite a bit of overlap with "prealgebra," there are a few topics typically covered in "prealgebra" addition to those (e.g., square roots, pythagorean theorem), and others in more depth (exponents and solving equations). So, after MM6, at a minimum I would add those topics from another text before moving on to algebra or take a quick run through an entire prealgebra text, testing out of chapters where necessary/appropriate.

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Just to be clear, I don't recall that there are posters who have gone from MM6 to Algebra 1


I'm sure I read a couple people doing that. But yes, I do realize that is not the norm-in fact, Maria (MM author) on her site talks about suggested Pre-algebra courses.


Dd is rising 7th; if we needed another yr to do an actual Pre-Alg course, we could. That's why I'm considering the MUS Alg as Pre-Alg though for this fall.


Glad to hear people are starting to have clarity on decisions! :)

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That's why I'm considering the MUS Alg as Pre-Alg though for this fall.




Your note on MUS is what I am concerned about. Pre-algebra is just what is says Pre-. Entering Algebra directly from another program in MUS can be frustrating. Maybe you know MUS and have used it before, so you would be good to begin there. It seems that if one is to stop MUS, they should stop after Zeta and before Pre-algebra. Also if one begins MUS at a later point, they should begin at Pre-algebra. There were a lot of the same words used in Pre-Algebra as in Algebra, so it helps to have that word foundation.


Just a few thoughts.

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Your note on MUS is what I am concerned about. Pre-algebra is just what is says Pre-. Entering Algebra directly from another program in MUS can be frustrating. Maybe you know MUS and have used it before, so you would be good to begin there. It seems that if one is to stop MUS, they should stop after Zeta and before Pre-algebra. Also if one begins MUS at a later point, they should begin at Pre-algebra. There were a lot of the same words used in Pre-Algebra as in Algebra, so it helps to have that word foundation.


Just a few thoughts.


Can you explain your post? MUS's alg is just simple basic alg.:confused: Math is a language and a solid elementary math program should have been using the correct terminology to begin with. Kids that have mastered all elementary math concepts should be able to complete MUS's alg w/o any difficulty regardless of their prior program.

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Sigh. I don't think I am going to completely decide until we start, and I see how things go with DS. We'll begin the below after finishing MM5B, which should be by May.


1. Bits and pieces of MM6--cherry picking as HappyGrace will be doing. He knows a lot of this, but just want to be sure there are no gaps.


2. SM CWP 5&6


2. Dolciani Pre-A: An Accelerated Course.


3. AoPS Pre-A for extra challenge. Depending on how this goes, we may use this as our spine. Otherwise, we'll use Dolciani as our spine and this as our suppplement.


4. Alcumus, math games, Number Devil, puzzles, codes.

Edited by Halcyon
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We have finished SM 6A/6B and reviewing all left IP6/CWP 6 questions we skipped earlier. At the same time, we working on Key to algebra. I figure those 2 combined will served as our PreA.

Next step in NEM, which also start with PreA. But I plan starting having him use algebra expression to solve question when he works NEM1. I am hoping that by the time he finishes NEM1 he will be able to working AOPS as supplement independently... I am waiting for his maturity to catch up his intellectual ability:toetap05:

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Can you explain your post? MUS's alg is just simple basic alg.:confused: Math is a language and a solid elementary math program should have been using the correct terminology to begin with. Kids that have mastered all elementary math concepts should be able to complete MUS's alg w/o any difficulty regardless of their prior program.



My experience is that when you change programs, there is a learning curve with each program. MUS is no different. Having gone through many levels, I see the way it is taught different than other programs. I was concerned about this student jumping into Algebra without any prior knowledge of the way MUS is taught. It has been two years since my daughter went through Algebra I, so I am not remembering anything specific at this point. But there were places where the reference was to something she learned in Pre-Algebra.


Yes it is basic algebra. It involves more graphing than I remember learning in Algebra, but that way many years ago. Lessons 7 and 8 seem to have most of that.


Sorry for any confusion.

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We have just started SM 6B and I expect to finish by June. He is halfway through LOF pre-algebra 1. We are also supplementing with Khan Academy when we start a new topic.


For next year, 7th grade, we will be using LOF pre-algebra 2, TOPS Science Math Lab and their Probability unit and Key To Algebra.


For Algebra 1, 8th grade, I am thinking we will use... cybertexts? Is that it? I cannot remember the name right now. It is an online program and I think it covers Algebra 1, Geometry and Algebra 2.


It also has pre-algebra and I may still end up using it for next year. But, a good friend, who has successfully taught several kids high school math, suggested we take 7th grade to explore some more 'fun' math activities. She warned that high school math doesn't have a lot of room for entertainment and that 7th grade in general can be a difficult year. By going with TOPS units we will be doing some exploring and keeping it very hands on. I am hoping by getting off our more beaten path I can give him the year to mature a little bit and get ready for high school.


ETA: Kinetic books! That's what it is. I need another cup of tea....

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It also has pre-algebra and I may still end up using it for next year. But, a good friend, who has successfully taught several kids high school math, suggested we take 7th grade to explore some more 'fun' math activities. She warned that high school math doesn't have a lot of room for entertainment and that 7th grade in general can be a difficult year. By going with TOPS units we will be doing some exploring and keeping it very hands on. I am hoping by getting off our more beaten path I can give him the year to mature a little bit and get ready for high school.


I would be interested to know which TOPS units you are using, if you don't mind sharing.

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My experience is that when you change programs, there is a learning curve with each program. MUS is no different. Having gone through many levels, I see the way it is taught different than other programs. I was concerned about this student jumping into Algebra without any prior knowledge of the way MUS is taught. It has been two years since my daughter went through Algebra I, so I am not remembering anything specific at this point. But there were places where the reference was to something she learned in Pre-Algebra.


Yes it is basic algebra. It involves more graphing than I remember learning in Algebra, but that way many years ago. Lessons 7 and 8 seem to have most of that.


Sorry for any confusion.


I have had 5 students go from Horizons 6 into MUS alg w/zero problems adjusting. I am completely unaware of anything that they would have needed from MUS's pre-alg program since I have never even seen it before.

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No - not decided. My girl is flying through SM5 right now. I think she'll have finished the SM6 books by next fall. She picks up on math so easily and doesn't need much repetition to retain it, but she doesn't take much pleasure out of it. I want to find something entertaining and challenging.


I might put together my own mix of topics using a pre-algebra book as a spine and lots of supplemental materials to increase her interest (like brainpop, Zaccaro, LOF, Danica McKellar, AOPS videos, murderous math). Or maybe not. I'm curious to find out what we ultimately go with.

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I have decided to continue with R&S 5 and LOF Fractions and Decimals & Percents to finish out this school year, then continue on with LOF Pre-algebra I & II. That is all the further I can commit to planning! :lol: I have no idea when she will finish with the two pre-algebra books (we do math over the summer break), and I don't know whether LOF is going to work for her long-term. I don't know if she is going to hit a wall and need to slow down, or if she is going to continue to gain momentum. My tentative plan is to let her move through the LOF series at her own speed. She liked the preview of Jacob's Elementary Algebra that I showed her, though...it is something that I am keeping in mind. And if she continues to need more and deeper math than I can give her, I will start her in AOPS. I say continue because most days the "new" topic I present her with for her math lesson is met with much eye rolling and "duh, I already know this!" :tongue_smilie:

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GuestHollow's website has a pre-algebra put together something like you're saying-she ties in BrainPop, Kahn Academy, etc. It looks really good, even if you just use it as a jumping off place:



Thank you!! This looks really interesting and is almost exactly what I envision, although with some slightly different materials -- I'm thinking more AOPS, less Holt. But the games and books are exactly what I need to make my ideal math program. But I'm not going to worry about it for now... I have a half-year to figure out what will be a good fit.

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This looks really interesting and is almost exactly what I envision, although with some slightly different materials -- I'm thinking more AOPS, less Holt.


I thought it looked lower level for you, based on the materials you mentioned, but even if it is a help with planning, I figured I'd mention it. Also knew others might be interested in it too.

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