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Is using the Kindle or Nook app on an Android tablet the same as using a Nook or

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I have the Nook and the Nook app. If I download free books (like from Project Gutenberg, not free B&N books) or library books, they go in a section called "My Documents". I haven't figured out a way to access those books on the Nook app. If you're reading books from B&N, though, I love the Nook app on my iPhone.

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The only similarity between the apps and the actual devices is that you can buy from the store and read the books you've bought. If that's all you want, then that would be fine for you.


Organization is a biggie for some people. My biggest issue would be missing the e-ink screen. Reading on a backlit screen for a length of time tends to stress my eyes. The e-ink screen also uses very little battery power, so another difference would be much much shorter battery life.

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One reason I like my Kindle is that I have a zillion pdf files that I've put on it, that I've gotten from all kinds of places. It is very easy to email a pdf file to the free kindle conversion service, and it shows up on the kindle device. None of these files show up in the Kindle app, unless I'm missing something? The only documents that show up in the Kindle app are the ones that you've "purchased" (even the free ones) from the Amazon store.

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I have a rooted Nook Color, making it an Android tablet. I use the Kindle and Nook apps, as well as the Kobo and Google Books apps! I've got more books, on more apps, than I'll ever be able to read :001_smile:.


I had a Kobo first, so I had a lot of books that I'd downloaded through Kobobooks. I remember when it dawned on me that all I needed to do was download the Kobo app to my Nook Color to read those books. I was thrilled!

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One reason I like my Kindle is that I have a zillion pdf files that I've put on it, that I've gotten from all kinds of places. It is very easy to email a pdf file to the free kindle conversion service, and it shows up on the kindle device. None of these files show up in the Kindle app, unless I'm missing something? The only documents that show up in the Kindle app are the ones that you've "purchased" (even the free ones) from the Amazon store.


The Kindle app for iPad has its own email address for PDFs. I don't know about android tablets or more specifics about the PDFs in Kindle since I am a die-hard Goodreader fanatic.

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I love my kindle. The best thing about it is that I can read in the car without getting sick. No idea why but I just don't. I pick up a book an I get nauseous. The screen is really easy on the eyes but you can't read in the dark.

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My biggest issue would be missing the e-ink screen. Reading on a backlit screen for a length of time tends to stress my eyes. The e-ink screen also uses very little battery power, so another difference would be much much shorter battery life.




My daughter has a Kindle. I've read for hours and hours on it without getting a headache. I can't stand reading on the Kindle app; the screen gives me a headache rather quickly.

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I have a Kindle and I also have it installed on my computer and android tablet. I have no idea if it is an app or not as I didn't install it. I love the Kindle. It is so much easier for these old eyes to read. It does bug me that it didn't have a backlight funtion for nighttime reading but now I can use my tablet for that. I managed my books on my computer but I only use it for reading when the other two devices are being borrowed but family.

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I have a Kindle 3 with keyboard and an Android tablet.

I would never give up my k3 for reading. It just isn't the same.

The tablet is an 8", too heavy for me to read comfortably and organization is impossible. With over 1500 books on my Kindle, no way I am scrolling through the way you have to do on the app. Eink is wonderful for reading as well for any length of time.

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The only similarity between the apps and the actual devices is that you can buy from the store and read the books you've bought. If that's all you want, then that would be fine for you.


Organization is a biggie for some people. My biggest issue would be missing the e-ink screen. Reading on a backlit screen for a length of time tends to stress my eyes. The e-ink screen also uses very little battery power, so another difference would be much much shorter battery life.


If I am understanding this correctly, on the apps the books are listed, but in random order. Is that correct? so if one has several hundred books, you have to search through the titles? Please correct me if I am wrong.


I have a Kindle 3 with keyboard and an Android tablet.

I would never give up my k3 for reading. It just isn't the same.

The tablet is an 8", too heavy for me to read comfortably and organization is impossible. With over 1500 books on my Kindle, no way I am scrolling through the way you have to do on the app. Eink is wonderful for reading as well for any length of time.


Thanks for this, but I think I should have clarified that I am looking at the Fire and Nook Tablet. It is my understanding the the eInk reader not on these two. Again, please correct me if I am wrong.


Thanks everyone! Any other advice or insight is welcomed. I don't want to spend a lot of $$ on something I am not happy with.

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If I am understanding this correctly, on the apps the books are listed, but in random order. Is that correct? so if one has several hundred books, you have to search through the titles? Please correct me if I am wrong.


I have the Nook color but am using the CM7 program on the SD card which makes it like a tablet. I have the Kindle app and you can order your books alphabetically by author or title or by the most recently used. You cannot organize your books by genre like you can with the regular Kindle. At least I have not figured out how to do that.


Thanks for this, but I think I should have clarified that I am looking at the Fire and Nook Tablet. It is my understanding the the eInk reader not on these two. Again, please correct me if I am wrong.


Yes you are correct, the Fire and the Nook Tablet are backlit and not e-ink. Someday maybe they will come out with one that you can switch back and forth. :001_smile:

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