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What are your plans for 1st, 2nd & 5th graders next year?

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I am condensing 3 threads into 1 :lol: So if you will have a 5th grader, 2nd grader or 1st grade mind sharing your plans? We are doing the following:



DS 1st grade

Bible- Awana and We are following the listed reading in MOH1 to follow along with history.

Phonics- ETC 1, 1 1/2, 2, 2 1/2, Phonics Pathways, Reading Pathways

Math- Horizons 1

English- FLL 1

Writing- WWE 1

Science- CKE Biology and watching Biology 101 dvd's with sister

History- MOH 1 (audio), SOTW 1, Diana Waring cd's What in The World vol 1, Digging Deeper Vol 1, True Tales Vol 1 + a TON of extra lit & historical fiction read alouds

Spelling- AAS 1

Handwriting-A reason for Handwriting A



DS 2nd grade


Bible- Awana and We are following the listed reading in MOH1 to follow along with history.

Phonics- ETC 2, 2 1/2, 3, Phonics Pathways, Reading Pathways

Math- Horizons 2 & calculadders (not timed to start)

English- FLL 2

Writing- WWE 2

Science- CKE Biology and watching Biology 101 dvd's with sister

History- MOH 1 (audio), SOTW 1, Diana Waring cd's What in The World vol 1, Digging Deeper Vol 1, True Tales Vol 1 + a TON of extra lit & historical fiction read alouds

Spelling- AAS, not sure level- depends how far we get this year

Handwriting- A reason for Handwriting B


DD 5th grade


Bible- Awana and We are following the listed reading in MOH1 to follow along with history.

Math- TT6, Key to Series, Calculadders

English- FLL 4

Writing- WWE 4 + writing in Science, History & Lit per WTM

Science- Science Shepherd Life Science and Biology 101 DVD's + alot of extra books

History- MOH 1 (book and audio), SOTW 1, Diana Waring cd's What in The World vol 1, Digging Deeper Vol 1, True Tales Vol 1 + a TON of extra lit & historical fiction reading

Spelling- Spelling Power 3x a week

Vocabulary- Vocabulary Cartoons 2x a week

Edited by wy_kid_wrangler04
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DD will be doing a 2nd/3rd combo


MCP Math B

Climbing to Good English 2

Pathway readers grade 2 & 3

Easy Grammar 2

Behold & see 2 science

Inquisikids DVDs

Zaner Bloser Handwriting a Way to Self Expression 2M

R&S Spelling 4

Tour the Continents – CHC

Map Skills B

R&S Communities book

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These are my plans for 2nd grade

Bible- As of right now we will continue with VOS Childs Bible Story

Phonics- No more phonics, we read from several books

Math- Rod and Staff

English- PLL (*maybe* LLATL Yellow, money is an issue)

Writing- PLL

Science- Burgess Bird Book, Nature Study Handbook, bird unit from ABeka 4th sci, Among the Meadow People, Herroit Treasury

History- An Island Story, Fifty Famous Stories Retold, Viking Tales, Paddle to the Sea (geog)

Spelling- learned from reading and copywork.

Reading- Just So Stories for Little Children, Parables from Nature, maybe Children's Shakespeare , Fairy Tales

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I'm thinking about doing a year long Harry Potter unit study for 1st grade next year. If I don't do that here is my plan for 1st:


Singapore 1A/B

Life of Fred Apples

Life of Fred Butterflies


Apologia Zoology 1

Burgess Bird Book

Fabre's Insect Book


Pentime 1B

Hooked on Phonics 4 and 5

Typing Instructor for Kids

Literature read alouds


Galore Park Junior History 1

online Chronology class

History read alouds




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I'll have 2nd and 5th graders! We've had a pretty good year so I'm mostly planning to continue with what we've been using.



Math - Saxon 3 (she should finish this mid-year then likely continue to CLE 3)

Grammar - FLL 2

Writing - WWE 2

Spelling - SWO

Reading - Pathway & Sonlight readers

History - SOTW 3 & AG

Science - Elemental Earth Science & Astronomy or maybe Physics

art - Atelier

music - children's chorus

P.E. - year-round soccer, summer swim team



Math - CLE 6

Grammar - GWG 5

Writing - WWS

Spelling - ??

Reading - CLE 5

History - either SOTW 3 or HO 3

Science - Elemental, not sure which

Spanish for Children

art - Atelier

music - children's chorus

P.E. - year-round soccer, summer swim team

logic - she's very excited to start, Mind Benders and Logic Liftoff


My 5th grader is the trickier one b/c she's way off the history and science cycle due to being combined with either older or younger sisters as needed. My current 6th grader is using HO this year and wants to continue next year. I just don't think my 5th grader will be ready for that kind of work, she's more of a reluctant writer. My 2nd grader will definitely be ready for earth & space science, but probably not physics, and I think my 5th grader really needs some physics b/c I've skipped over it due to a personal aversion to physical science. It looks like I'll end up w/ 3 different sciences to fit everyone's needs, but I think I've done well this year bulking up Elemental Bio for my 4th grader. I also need to decide what to do for spelling for her. She doesn't like SWO. She's enjoyed the spelling portion of CLE this year, but I'm pretty sure I'm switching to GWG next year. She's a pretty natural speller and feels like SWO is busy work. I let her test through several levels last year. She would probably love Spelling Power, which, of course, I've bought and sold b/c it didn't fit my oldest when she was younger.:tongue_smilie:

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DS 1st grade


HOD Beyond then begin Bigger after Christmas

Happy Phonics (if still needed, we'll see)

HOD Emerging Readers set

ETC 3&4

Singapore Math 1b&2A (unless we go to MUS, but unsure for now)



Piano lessons

Art, Apologia Astronomy, gym class, etc. with weekly Co-op

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My second grade plans:


R&S 3


SM 3a&b along with IP and CWP 3

RS4K Chemistry, possibly Physics depending on how fast we move. We have spent a year slowly doing biology and he is really recalling a lot of it since we spend so much time.


Lit from What You Second Grader Needs to Know and anything else we want to read.

Reading is done aloud daily and we will up silent reading to 30 minutes a day and using Reading Eggs for fun.


Music: Musical theatre and possibly piano

PE: at co-op, dance, gymnastics

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DS will be in first grade next year:


Language Arts:

narration, copywork, and simple grammar from stories that we read aloud (Bible stories, fairy tales, and tall tales)

practice reading books as able from the library

finish AAS 1/start AAS 2



probably continue with Miquon and Singapore Primary Math


History: read biographies of famous Americans


Science: nature study/informal readings or RS4K Biology and Astronomy


Faith Formation: various resources


Latin and Spanish: still informal, with songs, prayers, books, games, etc.

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For DD in 2nd:


Bible - Various story Bibles plus What the Bible Is All About for Young Explorers and catechism.

Math - Right Start C

Reading - lots of good books

Penmanship - HWT cursive

Spelling - AAS level ? We are halfway through 2 now.

Grammar - FLL

Writing - WWE

Poetry - working our way through the IEW lists, plus a few personal favorites

Science - RSO Earth and Space

History - SOTW 2

Geography - as in The Core

Latin - SSL

Art - ??

Composer study


Piano lessons, choir, ballet and either a seasonal team sport or swimming.

Edited by ScoutTN
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DD in 1st:



Spelling Workout A and B

Sonlight Readers 2 and library books

AReason for Handwriting A


Singapore 2A and B and CWP and IP

Xtra math to continue drill


Apologia Astronomy


Sonlight A


How to teach art to children


Piano lessons


Ballet and Tap

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My plans are not complete yet, but so far:


DS 2nd Grade:

MFW CtG/RtR (we switch in Jan) for Bible, History, Science, Art...and whatever content areas I'm forgetting that MFW covers

Miquon as main math with a hodgepodge for supplementing as needed/wanted

Picture Study Portfolios from Simply Charlotte Mason - hopefully 3 throughout the course of the year

Primary Language Lessons

Copywork...I need to find a good source, or make my own. I'm not in love with Queen's, so I don't know quite where else to look. MFW schedules copywork 1x/week, but I prefer it for 4x/week at this age.

Nature Study - Outdoor Secrets/Companion from SCM, and ??? after we finish that.

I will put together a book list for reading - he's becoming pretty fluent, but will still need (I suspect, at this point) daily or near daily time to sit and read aloud to me. Don't have a list together yet.

Poetry study, using the Year 2 poets from Ambleside Online

Kindermusik/Church Choir/Some kind of sport, probably basketball


DD5th/6thish grade will be doing most of the above:




Picture Study Portfolios

Copywork (maybe only 1-2x/week, but will also be continuing to learn to type)

Nature Study (same as above)

Reading - yeah, will have a list for her, too, but probably a lot of book basket books from MFW, along with a number of classics

Same poetry study as above

Spanish - we'll continue with The Learnables and then...not sure

Vocab - MFW

Spelling - Spelling Wisdom from SCM

Grammar - finish ILL

Girl Scouts, Youth Group, Dancing, etc., etc., etc.


I feel like I'm forgetting things, but like I said, I haven't finished making plans yet. Some of these things could change, but MFW will almost surely not, and that's the biggest chunk of stress/worry/planning for me. :)

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We pretty much started our new school year already.


2nd grader:


Singapore Math, some Miquon, some Life of Fred



We're going to read through the Magic Tree House series (with the fact tracker books). Also reading...Little House in the Big Woods, On the Banks of Plum Creek and Farmer Boy...


5th grader:


Writing with Skill/The Creative Writer

MCT's LA - we're trapped somewhere in Town Level right now


Red Herring Mysteries

finishing Math Mammoth and heading into Jacob's Algebra


Latin Prep 1

Rosetta Stone German


Art: A History (she's notebooking with this and making her own art)


Kingfisher History Encyclopedia with supplemental readings -

Black Ships Before Troy

The Wanderings of Odysseus

In Search of a Homeland

Archimedes and the Door of Science

D'Aulaire's Book of Greek Myths

and whatever else she is interested in...


Tales from Shakespeare (Lamb) and a list of books she wants to read + read-alouds (for me, of course).


Physics with her brother - some ueber-expensive Hobby Lobby kits :tongue_smilie: + Visual Encyclopedia of Science


She is also asking to do Apologia's Anatomy and Physiology (we'll see ;)).


When we finish all this (next fall or winter), she and my son are going to try TOG.

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First Grade:



Peterson Directed Handwriting - Cursive

Finish Sonlight Readers 3 and begin 4/5

AAS 2 and maybe begin 3



Read-alouds from various sources



SM and MEP - probably year 2 for both








Maybe some extra science via BFSU

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This is what we did for first this year:


Bible: BSGFAA year 1

Math: MM 1B-2A



AAS 1-3 (not sure how far we will get in 3, we will start it next month)

Abeka Phonics 1 (finished in the Fall)

ETC 3-5?? wherever we end up

HWOT (finished by Christmas)

Sonlight Readers 2 and some of Readers 3 (Will be starting soon)

SOTW 1 with AG lit from WTM/SL/TOG/VP

ES Biology for the grammar stage


Piano and gymnastics


Plans for 2nd:

Bible: BSGFAA year 2

Math: MM 2B-3A



AAS finish 3-4

ETC 6-8

Zaner Bloser 2 transition

Sonlight Readers (finsh Readers 3 and start 4-5)

BP Middle Ages




Piano and gymnastics

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Here's my list for 5th and 2nd. I just made my decisions last night! Good to have it figured out, now I can look for the things that I need to buy.

5th Grade:

Language Arts:

MCT Island

ILL workbook

How to Teach Spelling with How to Spell workbook 3 and Megawords 1

Writing Strands 3

Vocabulary: English from the Roots Up—Greek Portion

Reading: From Ancient History List and 5th Grade Literature


MUS Epsilon-Fractions

Life of Fred-Fractions

Bible, History&Geography, Science, Music Appreciation, Read-Alouds:

MFW Creation to Greeks combined with MOH1


Extra Curricular:


Piano Lessons

Foreign Language: Rosetta Stone Portuguese

Mark Kistler Online Art Lessons

2nd Grade

Language Arts:

Phonics review: MCP Phonics C ($8.99 CBD)

Spelling: AAS1/2/3--we're doing it this year, so I'm not sure where we'll be when we start 2nd

Supplement: MCT Island with Michaela (1st Semester)

Grammar: (2nd Semester) Primary Language Lessons by Emma Serl (Workbook)

Handwriting: Combined with PLL, and then make my own cursive transition

Vocabulary: English from the Roots Up—Greek Portion


CLE Math

Bible, History, Science, Art, Music Appreciation

MFW CtG, supplement science with online videos of experiments

Extra Curricular:


Art Lessons

Piano Lessons


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Here are our current plans for 2nd grade - They will probably change several times between now and May when I order books again.



- ETC 7+8

- AAS 3 and part of 4

- Grammar and Writing - a mix of FLL2 and GWG2 along with WWE2

- Lots of free reading

- Handwriting without tears 2nd grade book



- Singapore 3A,3B with IP and CWP

- Primary Challenge Math

- Maybe some LOF



RSO - Earth and Space


Still debating on Latin or Spanish

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I'll have a 1st, 3rd, and 5th grader next year. {gulp!} Oh, and I'll have a 2 yo, too!!


We are finally starting to build a timeline. I think that is the thing I'm most excited about!


Classical Conversations (Cycle 1) (One morning each week for 24 weeks; includes social time and public speaking.)



The Children's Illustrated Bible (read together)

The Victor Journey Through the Bible (history tie-in)

CC Memorize Exodus 20 (The Ten Commandments)

God Our Provider (Bible memory songs from Sing the Word)

Telling God's Story, Year 2

Hymns For a Kid's Heart

(Luke and Levi: weekly hymns on piano)

(weekly patriotic hymns/songs)

(Christmas: The Handel's Messiah Family Advent Reader)



Teaching Textbooks (Leif 3, Luke 4, Levi 5)

Singapore workbooks and CD-ROM math games

The Critical Thinking Co. math workbooks

Life of Fred

CC weekly memory work (skip counting/formulas/laws) (solidify memorization, practical application of formulas)

CC Essentials challenging math games (Levi)



Christian Kids Explore Physics (finish)

Christian Kids Explore Biology (I think)

Bill Nye and Eyewitness DVDs

CC weekly science memory work (biology and earth science)

CC weekly science projects and experiments

The Kingfisher Science Encyclopedia

What’s Science All About? (Usborne) (covers Chemistry, Physics, and Biology)

The Story of Science series by Joy Hakim (history tie-in)

Supplemental books and DVDs



Swim Team/Lessons (3x week, plus swim meets and family swim nights)

(mini trampoline and outdoor play)


Fine Arts:

CC drawing, tin whistle/music theory, fine art/art projects, composers/instruments of the orchestra

Monthly Fine Arts Study (one composer/artist/poet each month)

Draw Write Now

Piano lessons (Luke)

Piano review (Levi)


Language Arts:

IEW Writing (Luke and Leif: Primary Arts of Language, Levi: Ancients themed writing through CC Essentials)

IEW Poetry Memorization

MCT Poetry, Grammar, Writing, Vocabulary (finish Town level)

Writing With Ease (Luke and Leif)

CC Essentials (grammar, vocab, writing) (Levi only in class, work with Luke at home)

CC grammar memory work (prepositions, helping verbs, linking verbs)

All About Spelling (Luke and Levi: levels 3 and 4, Leif: levels 1 and 2)

Handwriting Without Tears workbooks

Copy work

Typing (Levi)



Critical Thinking Co. workbooks (Red Herrings, Mind Benders, etc.)



Latina Christiana I (Levi and Luke)

CC Latin memory work (declensions)



El Espanol Facil Jr. (with Spanish-speaking Grandpa! if we can ever fit it into the schedule!)



CC World Geography (memorizing a huge # of locations!)

Geography games

Continue map drawing and 'blobbing' continents (CC)



The Story of the World: The Modern Age (with Activity Guide) (finish)

The Story of the World: Ancients (with Activity Guide)

CC weekly history memory work (ancient history and civilizations)

The Usborne Encyclopedia of World History (Luke)

The Kingfisher History Encyclopedia (Levi)

CC History Timeline Cards and U.S. Presidents (solidify memorization)

Supplemental books and DVDs (LOTS!)

Ancient literature


Parent-child monthly book club focusing on literature analysis via Socratic dialogue (a la Deconstructing Penguins and Teaching the Classics)


Lots of free reading


I think that about covers it. :lol:

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I'm still sorting out plans for my 5th grader-to-be:


Math: MM 5 (I also have LOF that I may add in...HOE also looks cool...)


Reading: McGuffey 5


Literature/Poetry: AO year 4....also some books that I choose


History: not too sure yet... we're studying 1600's-1800's with a focus on American History and I have a zillion books on this


Spelling: We may stop AAS... I have Spelling Power and How to Teach Spelling so I may use one of those instead. I also have Spelling Wisdom...so I can't see spending the money on another spelling prog. :D


Science: Elemental Physics (w/ younger brother)


Art/Music: Might use AO


Bible: Awana and maybe Apologia's series...or just read the bible


Writing: continue w/ Classical Writing. We're just using the core book and I'm waiting until the end of the year to decide if I want to continue Aesop next year or if we want to move on to Homer.


Grammar: Ugh! My oldest hates grammar. We will probably continue w/ Abeka b/c it was better for him than Rod and Staff. Or I might check out KISS.


Penmenship: I think we might go ahead and by the HWT 5th grade book b/c his writing is getting sloppy again.


Latin: continue GSWL


I want him to start an instrument as well.

I know I'm forgetting stuff....

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