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Best app on Ipad for lesson planning

Mommee & Baba

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Right now I'm using the free version of Homeschool tracker and I like it! It's simple, easy to navigate, and I can input lessons, time spent, adjust the lesson to another day if needed, and I keep attendance with it too.


I will be purchasing an ipad2 in March and want to know what you would consider the best app for this sort of thing?



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All right, this post motivated me to look into the different types of programs for planning. My issues with my paper planner has been all the erasing that takes place and how it doesn't often reflect what we did (which makes it hard to plan the next week). Also I try to fit it all on one page so my space to write gets quite small. I have two children, ages 7 & 8 that do their work together in all subjects except math where my 7 year old is a bit behind my 8 year old.


I looked at Scholaric and did a free trial yesterday. I do not need to keep track of hours or do scores (grading) so those areas were not helpful. I did not like how it printed out my lessons. I didn't think that using it would be any easier than using my paper printouts.


So I tried the other suggestion on a free trial: Planbook. I really liked Planbook. I put in this week's lessons and I found it very easy to use. I could add things on the fly or change things without all the erasing. I could even add attachments to lessons or websites to it. For example, we do nature walks and the next day we read about what we saw. Yesterday we saw shrew tracks in the snow and picked up three samples from trees. I was able to add that to my lesson plan so easily and then in the evening add the pages that we were going to read next. Today we read two extra chapters for Language Arts and I had the wrong copywork associated with that lesson (somehow I got ahead of myself). I was able to make changes in my lesson plans easily and rearrange the following days' work. At the end of the week I will print out our week's lessons and put them in my plan book. This can replace the original week's lessons. It just makes it neater! I am not sure how well this would work if you have a lot of kids to do this with. . .maybe one plan book for each?


So, I am considering using Planbook. I'll see how I like it for the rest of the free trial. My criteria for changing from paper book to Planbook would be if my lessons are more detailed and easier to do. I will be asking myself: Is this taking me more time to do? Are we functioning better with this new tool? Or am I just creating extra work for myself just to have things look pretty?

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All right, this post motivated me to look into the different types of programs for planning. My issues with my paper planner has been all the erasing that takes place and how it doesn't often reflect what we did (which makes it hard to plan the next week). Also I try to fit it all on one page so my space to write gets quite small. I have two children, ages 7 & 8 that do their work together in all subjects except math where my 7 year old is a bit behind my 8 year old.


I looked at Scholaric and did a free trial yesterday. I do not need to keep track of hours or do scores (grading) so those areas were not helpful. I did not like how it printed out my lessons. I didn't think that using it would be any easier than using my paper printouts.


So I tried the other suggestion on a free trial: Planbook. I really liked Planbook. I put in this week's lessons and I found it very easy to use. I could add things on the fly or change things without all the erasing. I could even add attachments to lessons or websites to it. For example, we do nature walks and the next day we read about what we saw. Yesterday we saw shrew tracks in the snow and picked up three samples from trees. I was able to add that to my lesson plan so easily and then in the evening add the pages that we were going to read next. Today we read two extra chapters for Language Arts and I had the wrong copywork associated with that lesson (somehow I got ahead of myself). I was able to make changes in my lesson plans easily and rearrange the following days' work. At the end of the week I will print out our week's lessons and put them in my plan book. This can replace the original week's lessons. It just makes it neater! I am not sure how well this would work if you have a lot of kids to do this with. . .maybe one plan book for each?


So, I am considering using Planbook. I'll see how I like it for the rest of the free trial. My criteria for changing from paper book to Planbook would be if my lessons are more detailed and easier to do. I will be asking myself: Is this taking me more time to do? Are we functioning better with this new tool? Or am I just creating extra work for myself just to have things look pretty?


I must check into planbook.


May I ask though, why print?


I switched to a virtual planner to save on paper and to make it simplier and easier.

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  • 1 month later...
  • 4 weeks later...
I am waiting until the Well Planned Day software comes out.

I already use the paper version, so this looks good. I think it will be like cozi but with lesson planning. The thought of syncing all my lists across devices (using only one program)sounds wonderful.


Cost will be a deciding factor. :D


Wow so you could use this software on your iPad? If so this appeals to me big time!

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I have iStudiezpro and iPlan lessons and both work nicely. I like the more robust nature of Homeschool Tracker Plus, but, honestly... I am really excited about the Well-planned day software coming out. I think my brain is just holding out on making a decision because it's waiting for that:)

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I have iStudiezpro and iPlan lessons and both work nicely. I like the more robust nature of Homeschool Tracker Plus, but, honestly... I am really excited about the Well-planned day software coming out. I think my brain is just holding out on making a decision because it's waiting for that:)


I'm confused... I keep seeing people talking about the WPD "software." is it software, or is it online?

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I am looking for one that easily shifts everything forward a day, or just 1 item forward a day and skips holidays. Do any of these work that way? I'd love to find this. Thanks for this thread! I bought HSTplus and just haven't found it easy to use.


Scholaric does this. The Scholaric Blog is where to look first for answers to your questions. I have found the developer is also very helpful with questions.


It is very reasonably priced at $1 per month per student.

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simply Charlotte Mason is online. But, they seem to be iPad friendly and I keep wondering if an app is in their future. It sounds like maybe when they answer questions on their forums.


You input everything. Then it tells you what you do for today only. If you don't check it as complete it will push it forward tomorrow.

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  • 4 weeks later...

Well I need to look up the ones that have been mentioned. I've been using Paperless with my dd. It's a checklist app and does what we need. I set her up with a checklist for each day. You can easily copy items from one list to another. There are expansion blocks to make notes on the items. I can fill it in Sunday night and it's ready to go for her Monday. I don't retype the main things. I just go in and reset the check boxes and add notes on anything in particular. Most stuff has enough structure (do the next lesson, etc.) that it's not necessary for me to be more specific than that. Works for us!


And if that wasn't what you needed, then consider this a bump. :)

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