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My home school journey is nearing its end...

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After discussing ds' future plans with him, we are 95% sure he will attend the cc this fall. He is a junior now, and we will just count his freshman courses there as his senior year. He works 35 hours/week and is excited about being able to have his classes scheduled around that.


It's been a great ride home schooling these 4 kiddos for the last 17 years. I'm finding it hard to believe it is almost over. Gosh. Guess I'm gonna hafta get a job. :tongue_smilie:

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:grouphug: Wow, amazing!


Do you have mixed emotions on it? I ask because as the Mum of younger children {one just about to start highschool and one a couple of years away} I can see the prize at the end, and there are days where I can't wait to reach it. Then I stop and I think, but when I do then hat! :lol:

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After discussing ds' future plans with him, we are 95% sure he will attend the cc this fall. He is a junior now, and we will just count his freshman courses there as his senior year. He works 35 hours/week and is excited about being able to have his classes scheduled around that.


It's been a great ride home schooling these 4 kiddos for the last 17 years. I'm finding it hard to believe it is almost over. Gosh. Guess I'm gonna hafta get a job. :tongue_smilie:


Last year was my first year not homeschooling. Take it slowly and consider what you want to do. While I do miss my kids during the day (I have 2 still at home in private school), I don't really miss homeschooling anymore.

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:grouphug: My youngest is a high school freshman, but I've watched the past 11 years go by so quickly that I know if I blink, she will have graduated. It's weird enough to not be shopping for curriculum any longer, but it will be very weird indeed to not be homeschooling at all at some point. It's just always seemed so far in the future.

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I just don't know what I will do with myself. Dd and dgs will be headed back to Hawaii in 4-6 weeks to be with her dh (who, praise God doesn't have to go to Afghanistan), so I guess a couple of Hawaii trips are in my future (they leave there for good this November). Of course, wherever they are assigned, I'm sure I'll be making some trips there as well; gotta see that grandbaby!!


I do have some projects I'd like to do around the house, and I could always catch up on all my scrapbooks before I go to digital ones. Oldest dd will probably be getting engaged soon so we will have her wedding to plan. That will be fun!!


I definitely want to volunteer, but I'm not sure where. Id like to take some leisure classes at LSU (wine pairing and photography). I also want to get a parrot.


I guess I have a few things in mind!

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those sound great. And, you will be AMAZED at how quickly your time fills up. I still don't know what happens to my day sometimes but I know I *feel* busy. ;) . I had a working friend at church ask me "What do you do all day?" When she found out I wasn't working or homeschooling. I was rather embarrassed that I hemmed and hawed. I do volunteer 1x per week and I weave... I carpool the younger ones to-from school. But none of that equals 40hours a week. :001_huh: And i don't even have grandbabies added to the mix- yet. :) And yet, my day fills up.


Of course, I can't imagine how productive my day would look if I would stay away from the computere more. :D

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