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mommy and the horrible no good very bad beyond stressful day/week/life!!!

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**Warning--mega vent ahead.....


So things have been crazy at our house since we got the two babies...but that was to be expected initially while we found our groove.


However, we weren't planning on two babies with special needs (medical) and we weren't planning on baby girl L to stay very long...(now we hope she stays forever <3


Last week we decided to put ds7 (hard core special needs) back in school....I didn't want to but I felt like something had to give (long story). Of course I have been battling with the school district because they insisted on putting him in a 2nd grade class when he's academically at a Kinder level plus he has severe ADHD, severe Anxiety, severe LD's, bipolar and FASD. Needless to say he is only going for 30 minutes in the morning while he transitions and they are working on assessing him so we can find a better placement (there is a whole long back story here but I won't get into it).


Well he went the first day (last Friday) and wound up throwing himself on the floor 15 minutes into the day (when the teacher told him to fill out a paper , he told her he didn't know how to read...and she didn't believe him and told him to "try"...grrrr)


Fast forward to Tues (his third day)...he woke up with a raging tooth infection so I had to keep him home and take him to the dentist....he had to have a tooth pulled (7 shots of novocaine and laughing gas and he STILL wasn't numb or cooperative). They got the tooth pulled (abscesed sp?)....but he still needs 7 more root canals and several fillings....God help us! They want to do it under general anesthesia....which is not covered by insurance so it will be $600.....so now I need to check with his Ped. ....


So skip to yesterday.....I got a call from our little guy's social worker ...she informed us that our little guy we were planning on adopting (we picked him up at 9 days old, named him, spent a week in the hospital with him, take him to countless dr's appts, are currently working on figuring out what's wrong with him (pancreatic insufficiency so far).....is probably going to be moved to some RANDOM people's house.....because it's a sister in law of an aunt (to the mom) who has her other children. so basically this person has never met Sammy...but they want him...never mind that we are his parents....we have invested in him and love him as our own. He has attached to us and has all sorts of developmental delays....:( We are all he knows :(


So I was freaking out and bawling.....but had to go to this meeting at DCFS office about a long assessment they had done on Sammy. Everyone at the meeting agreed he should stay with us and gave us kudos for being a good advocate for him and for trying to hard to make sure he was hooked up with all the right services.....even the assessor was crying!!! But none of that matters, because the social worker has to follow protocol...My best bet is to call the baby's attorney and try to have him plea my case in front of the judge next week but it may not matter :(


So then I had to rush to my dad's cardiac surgeon's office to help him through an appt...he has to have a valve replaced and I needed to help ask questions because my mom couldn't go because she broke her ankle/foot on New Year's day!!!


I finished there and came home....stopping to get a burrito to soothe my stress....I come home to ds7 FLIPPING OUT and having a rage....I put my food down and helped get him calm....but not after he punched me and bit dh.....then I shared my burrito with him......an hour later......................

He vomited .....in the shower.....and I was forced to clean out chunks of burrito out of the drain....oh...did I mention I am emetephobic (fear of throwing up....severe severe fear)....he then continued to vomit for like 4 hours...and had other issues (won't go into that here ;) )


....oh but wait...there's more.................dh called this morning from work to tell me the results of my mil's MRI are back and she does in fact have cancer on her liver!!!!!



What the heck??!!! :crying::cursing::banghead:

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I am so sorry. At the same time I appreciate you making realize my week hasn't been as horrible as I thought.


I am glad there are foster parents like you out there. I have no idea if I could love a baby so deeply only to have them taken. I hope someday to foster but I don't know if that will ever happen.

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