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Can the contraceptive pill (Yasmin) make you sick & faint?

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My 18yo dd just took her first pill last night (she wanted to start it for missing her period while on a beach vacation next month). This morning she felt horribly sick, but went to work anyway (didn't have breakfast, but that's usual:glare:). When she got to work she felt clammy & very hot, then fainted.


She's wondering if it's the pill, or not?


I guess I should read the side-effects, but she has the pack with her, & wouldn't have thought to read it!


So she wants to not bother taking the pill anymore - even having her period at the beach is better than that feeling, she said!

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I tried taking BC for 3 days. I was dizzy, nauseous, had palpitations, and finally fainted. I never tried it again.


Yep this, without the fainting. And for the 1st time in my life I felt really really really girly - it was weird! I lasted 1 cycle before I tossed them and went back to being ME.

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So it seems like it might be a not-too-unusual occurence. One of the ladies at her work said that she was always nauseous on BC pills, and my MIL said she could never take it either.


Oh, well - she doesn't even want to try another one - never wants to feel like that again. I guess I can kiss goodbye to $86!


So, assuming she'll be looking at BC later down the track, what would be the best method of BC for her if the pill is out? I only ever went on the BC pill until we'd had all our kids then went for vasectomy.

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So it seems like it might be a not-too-unusual occurence. One of the ladies at her work said that she was always nauseous on BC pills, and my MIL said she could never take it either.


Oh, well - she doesn't even want to try another one - never wants to feel like that again. I guess I can kiss goodbye to $86!


So, assuming she'll be looking at BC later down the track, what would be the best method of BC for her if the pill is out? I only ever went on the BC pill until we'd had all our kids then went for vasectomy.


I had trouble with BC pills too. The only one I could tolerate was the one that had the lowest estrogen. Sorry, I don't remember the name of it now, it was eons ago that I took them.

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I know some women take them at night before bed and that helps.


There are so many different types out there that IF in the future she decides to try them again there are many options.


Just a note as well, the health department will get you free birth control pills (at least they used to). I had my doctor's script and had to answer an annoying questionaire and then got them for free in college................they really did a double/triple take though when they saw that I had ZERO partners, ZERO experiences, etc. They did give them to me anyway :-) as I was taking them for very irregular and heavy cycles.

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Well, it could be, but it's going to be hard to know if she just took the one and stopped.


Even if she can't take this pill, that doesn't mean she can't use the pill for birth control. There are many variations. It's usually easy to get a free sample if you need to try different ones.


Edited to add that Yasmin lists fainting as a severe side effect, and you are supposed to call your doctor.

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Edited to add that Yasmin lists fainting as a severe side effect, and you are supposed to call your doctor.


Oh, I better call the Dr then. She's gone away for a few days & took the pack with her, so I can't look at the instruction sheet.



Yes, I realize there are other types, and possibly the low estrogen/progesterone only ones might be Ok, but we've heard reports of breakthrough bleeding, which defeats the purpose of taking them to avoid a period on vacation.


We are in Australia, so not sure that we can get it cheaper than the marked price, unless we are low income. Anyway, one of the other girls may be able to try it, so it's not wasted, otherwise, no biggie - better that she stays well than worry about wasted money!

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Well, it could be, but it's going to be hard to know if she just took the one and stopped.


Even if she can't take this pill, that doesn't mean she can't use the pill for birth control. There are many variations. It's usually easy to get a free sample if you need to try different ones.


Edited to add that Yasmin lists fainting as a severe side effect, and you are supposed to call your doctor.


:iagree:Don't throw the baby out with the bath water. Especially if her doc gave her Yasmin. That one is particularly nasty. It's a newer type of pill and the side effects are worse than the traditional kind. Have her doctor give her a tri-cyclic pill like Ortho-Tri Lo. It's a low dose pill and mimics your natural cycle.


It does take about three months to adjust to taking a BCP and the symptoms are similar to that at the beginning of a pregnancy (which is what it is mimicking in your body). Taking the pill at night will GREATLY reduce any symptoms she might be feeling with it.

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