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Teachers Lodge 1-18-2012

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Morning! (I'll let you know if it's "good" or not after I've had my coffee. ;) )


Not feeling great today, but maybe it's because I'm still half asleep and it's after 10am! Kids are watching a video and I have one errand to make. After that, I may well go back to bed and make my 13yo be the teacher!


What are you all up to today? see above.


What was supposed to happen yesterday that didn't? Here: I was supposed to go to dance class but wound up having the same amount of energy last night as I'd had in the morning - virtually none. And I had done everything I could think of to beef it up. When it still wasn't showing up about 7:15 last night, I decided dance class was probably not a good idea.


Does anyone have a nice QUIET room I can hole up in for the next 12-24 hours? Every time I want to go to MY room for quiet, the next door neighbors (we live in a townhouse) decided to be noisy. :glare:


May YOUR day be ever so much better than mine! :tongue_smilie:


Talk to me!:bigear:

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I'd say you're welcome to come hole up in my bedroom, but I can't guarantee the quiet because DD flipped yesterday and is in full-on rage mode. But I do enjoy my bedroom when all IS quiet. There's a recliner, blankets, pillows, and a bookshelf. Oh, and lamps... your choice of electric or kerosene ;)


I was supposed to have finished my library book yesterday but didn't. It's due today. I really can't complain too much, though, since I can renew it.


Today I'm battling an unfocused boy. It's 11 a.m. and I just found him lounging on the floor instead of doing his writing. I also need to go to the library (see above) but may not since the girl is so moody. The library is a trigger for her for some reason. I want to go hole up in the kitchen and make oodles of carb-filled goodies - bread, cinnamon rolls, tortillas, cookies, brownies, etc. Sadly, this will not happen.

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Good morning.

Have a nice healthy breakfast then get some rest. If that doesn't work, exercise then take a long shower. Something should work. Earplugs are my friend You can have some quiet where ever you are.


I did everything I needed to do yesterday despite my migraine. I even went to bed early hoping to wake up without it, but that didn't work. Today is my busy day at work where I have to be quick, intelligent and responsive and make my boss proud in front of his boss. I've finished one meeting and have two to go. The kids are on their own until after the next one which is in 24 minutes. After that one, I get them rolling on schoolwork and then get ready for the next meeting. After that we finish school, do more work, make dinner and run off for cello, then home for dinner then I finish up work. Whew. I'm tired already, and my head won't quit pounding.


I have given up actually going to the library. I just use the online system to reserve the books. That way I can send dh in to pick up or return with no kids involved. It is much easier.


I hope we both have a better day.

Edited by Karen in CO
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Snow day here. Must share some spooky news from yesterday though.


Scene: Library


Me, five kids, total of 3 adults. We've gathered to explore the grand world of public school AP courses, SAT's and the like....


The young man and I are sitting, furiously surfing, bookmarking sites and writing down titles of books, questions to ask on Friday when he returns to PS for the guidance counselor...blah blah....and finally I said, "Okay, now I want to show you what a test prep guide is. We'll start with AP guides and the granddaddy of them all, the SAT blue book."


We surf to find the shelf locations, walk over there, and both shelves are empty. Gone. They are totally empty. Double check the call numbers.


Surreal. They are "all" checked out? Wha? :blink:


Go back to the library catalog, yep. All of them, checked out. Now I'm standing there feeling pretty weird. And then, just like a good children's book...



"Suddenly!" His mom comes walking back over with two grocery bags in her hands.


"Whatcha got there?"


"I wondered if the used book store had any for sale...and there were a few, so I bought them. I got all of these for five bucks."


She takes them out of the bag.




She has the blue book, about 5 of the AP guides and I don't know how many more up to date current press SAT books, all top of the line quality material.


I was speechless. Totally speechless.




So ya, her Jr. Wonder Boy is set for books on home reference materials.


Isn't that awesome?

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It si freezing here and I am nauseous this morning likely due to my new vitamins. The little one has been thoroughly 2 the last couple days and is destroying everything. I can't afford to not watch her, but oh my goodness I can't even go potty until her nap time because when I went this am she colored on my walls.


Yesterday I was supposed to clean my office space, but since daycare child was picked up an HOUR late with no phone call or text it did not happen. Luckily scouts was cancelled due tot eh cold yesterday. I run teh beaver group, her parents got here at the time I should have been starting my meeting, the next town over. I warned them that a) they were paying extra, and b) it will not happen again if they valued their spot here. I understand emergencies etc but to not call or text and just show up and hour late is so rude. So by the time I put my house back together and sat down to relax for the first time all day yesterday it was 10pm and bedtime.


Plans for today include cleaning my office during nap time, teaching all 5 kids of course and staying warm. On the agenda today for school is reading while wrapped up cozy in blankets, a craft project and a science experiment. DS13 has an assignment to finish from yesterday but otherwise it is a relaxing day while I work on training the 2 yr old to obey home rules, and discreetly work with ds8 on his reading (after all if everyone else is reading it is not actually a reading lesson right ;) ) Oh and putting a few more books on hold for the library. I love using the online system to do that.

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What are you all up to today? Today is a snow day. According to the news reports this is the The Snow Storm of the Year and did you know, snow is cold?! It has snowed, yes, but it hardly needs the hysteria that seems to have ensued. I have volunteered dh, who has his normal day off today, to take the kids out sledding.


I am considering going to the library which is opening late at 11 am. Other than that, I am going to hole myself up in a quiet corner to grade, grade, grade. Can you tell that I am behind in grading?


What was supposed to happen yesterday that didn't? All the things that I had control over yesterday happened fairly smoothly. But apparently no orthodontists in the entire area are working during the snow so I had no luck with making an appointment/exam for ds14.


Does anyone have a nice QUIET room I can hole up in for the next 12-24 hours? Sure, come on over. But I hope that you don't need it to be a CLEAN, quiet room.

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Sorry things aren't going well for you. Yesterday was my bad day. Dd was hormonal, found out ds has 3 cavities, I was hormonal, found out 25 year old neice is pregnant and getting married in a couple of months, etc.


What are you all up to today? I tutored my Pre-Algebra student first thing this morning, then started working with the kids on their work. Dd and I had a big chemistry discussion that was rather funny. She's great at coming up with common, silly illustrations for stuff. She had some trouble with understanding different bonds and electronegativity. We have church tonight.


What was supposed to happen yesterday that didn't? Book 4 of The Odyssey. We had not listend to Book 3 because I was gone most of the weekend.

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My kids are thrilled today. I cancelled school because I had a terrible migraine I've just now beat into submission. It was the puke-y kind. Ya know, where you know you have to eat because you can feel your blood sugar plummeting but nothing will stay down? Awesome. And I still have to go clean an upstairs condo this afternoon.

Good news? I've gotten food to stay down.

Bad news? I can feel that stoopid little migraine hiding behind my left eye and I just know I'm in for it later.

But, the kids are happy. So I have that going for me.

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What are you all up to today? It's lunch time here. We had a busy morning already, with an even busier afternoon ahead. We've done some school, dropped dd14 at literature co-op, gone shopping (Trader Joe's and BJ's), picked dd back up and now we're eating leftovers for lunch. Hope to get a bit more schoolwork done this afternoon. Then dd14 has dance (4-7:30) and the other kids have children's choir from 4:30-6 at church.


What was supposed to happen yesterday that didn't? We did pretty good at getting stuff done yesterday.


Does anyone have a nice QUIET room I can hole up in for the next 12-24 hours? Quiet? Never heard of such a thing here!

May YOUR day be ever so much better than mine! :tongue_smilie:Hope you feel better, Scrap!

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