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So...what does "discrete" mean in terms of brestfeeding?

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I recall reading some breastfeeding book aloud to my wife when she was first nursing our son and it mentioned that in Africa babies nursed every 15 minutes, which gave us a laugh as we said in unison: "Just like here."


He was relentless. Schedule my *** :D



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Is this a general question, or is it directed to someone?


My breastfed babies all tended to "cluster feed" where they ate on and off for a while. After that group of feedings, they went a while before eating again. We were never on a schedule where they fed at equal intervals. We did develop a regular pattern of when they would be hungry through the day.


Well, depends who you ask, how old the baby is, how much milk mom makes, and the personality of the baby, as well as its metabolism and other factors.


First, babies digest breastmilk MUCH more quickly, so the schedule, if there is one, would be more often than with formula. Secondly, how much milk the mom makes is almost totally dependent on how often (not how long) she nurses, at least in the first 6 weeks to 3 months. If she goes too long with overly full breasts there actually is a hormone secreted that tells the body to make less milk. So for most women the very best way to ensure an adequate milk supply is to nurse often.


Also, baby can smell the source of milk, so will be reminded to eat a lot more often, in my opinion. It would be like a bottlefed baby having a bottle right in front of it but not allowed to feed except on schedule.


Now, some women do manage a schedule, and a bunch more end up with low supply and "unable to breastfeed" because they tried to schedule feedings. In pre industrial societies babies breastfeed for short amounts often, sometimes as often as several times an hour. It is only in our industrialized, time focused, busy society that we tend to think of babies as something that can be scheduled.

Well that's disappointing. :glare: I guess it is a good thing I won't be having any more kids! If I did, I would consider trying breastfeeding, but Idk if I can handle no schedule... I'm too schedule crazy to be able to manage it. :tongue_smilie:

I've never figured out the whole bottle/schedule connection. Don't those who bottle feed just feed the baby when it's hungry?

NO! :lol:

It isn't the way it sounds, though. All of my kids were hungry every 3 hours when they were born. I didn't wake them up to feed them or anything. But I absolutely.loved. knowing that they would have bottles at 9am, 12pm, 3pm, 6pm, and 9pm. Loved it. I can't imagine getting things done any other way... I know some can, but it just isn't the way we work here. :D I've watched babies before who aren't on definite schedules, and I have to think about the last time they ate, or write it down, so that I can know whether or not they are crying because they are hungry (if it's been a couple hours or more) or if they are just fussy for another reason. It drives me nuts! I've also watched one who literally has a bottle all day. Like, she has it, rolls around on the floor with it, etc, and when she finishes it, maybe 30 min-1 hour later she'll cry and gets another one, which takes her another hour or more to finish. It's quite mind boggling to me. I just assumed everyone held the baby and fed it! :)

FTR, I was 100% scheduled on everything with babies. It wasn't just feeding them. They napped at specific times, etc. Obviously with the napping, in particular, it took some time to get a set schedule down, but we started implementing it early and they were super scheduled by 2-3 months old. I'm not saying it's the 'right' way. It was just our way, and it worked wonderfully for us. :)

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I've never figured out the whole bottle/schedule connection. Don't those who bottle feed just feed the baby when it's hungry?



I switched DS to formula at 4 months for a variety of reasons(his lack of weight gain primarily), but yes we just fed on demand with the bottle instead. It was longer between feedings though and he fell into routines that lasted awhile in between no routine and the new routine.

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