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Suggestions to keep me busy today?

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I am alone today! Dh took dd18 to college, and the youngers with him to work, and will take them to afternoon dental appointments...so I have the house all to myself. So far I've exercised and made my breakfast...now what? I am never alone lol. We disconnected the satellite last week :tongue_smilie: so I can't watch TV. I do have Netflix, though. I don't have an craft projects to work on. I have absolutely no money, so I cannot go anywhere or buy anything online. All I can think of is house chores. :tongue_smilie: Please give me some ideas so I can have a nice day and not waste it.

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Exercise? I prefer working out when no one is around. Netflix has exercise videos.


Definitely read!


Organize something. (I recently did my underwear drawer and it makes me happy every morning.


Crank up the radio and do housework to the music you love. (I did this yesterday when the kids were gone. It was nice to have a clean house when they came home.)

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I am so jealous. So very, very jealous ... :D


:iagree: Since little ds was born, there is no.time.alone.EVER! Well, okay, 15 minutes in the shower and five on the pot, does that count? He is my little buddy!


Enjoy your day. I would spend it putzing around on the computer, reading magazines, maybe taking a walk outside if the weather is nice. I may even purge or clean something of mine, say my closet!

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Yep, I did my Chalean Extreme right after they left this morning, so I'm good! I like the organizing idea...and there are so many, many things around here that need it lol.


Sorry, I missed that part. ;)


Oh, I might write a nice little letter to DH. I would let him know exactly how much I appreciated the day to myself. I would also hope this would encourage it to happen again in the future.

Edited by mom2l&j
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Thanks for your ideas! To show you how pathetic I am, so far I have:

~changed my sheets

~started laundry

~made chicken salad

~fed the neighbor's dog

~held the cat

~watched all sorts of Turbo Fire and P90X online samples to try and decide which one I will get at tax time


So, that's it! It's almost 1:00 and I have to get hopping! It's about 50 degrees here, so maybe I'm up for a short walk outside. Maybe. I plan to make a big pot of coffee that I don't have to share ;), paint my toenails while I watch a movie, and then listen to some podcasts while I fold laundry lol. Or maybe I'll just raid the chocolate stash so I won't have to share that, either! It has been nice emailing my hubby through the morning. He's planning our beach weekend in March!! Y'all have a great day. I could get addicted to this time off. :)

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