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What kind of contacts does your teenager wear? Ie, daily, weekly, etc

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DS13 is getting contacts.

The Dr gave him daily contacts for his two week sample so he throws them away each day. According to DS13, the Dr said this was so DS did not have to worry about keeping them clean. (I didn't go back with DS).


While I completely get that rationale, epecially since I am constantly reminding DS to take care of his personal hygiene, I also worry about the expense (ie him using up the supply before the they were supposed to be gone). We don't have the prescription yet, go back this week, but already DS ran out of contacts for one eye so I had to call Dr to get more samples. Apparently DS threw some away !?!?! if he dropped it when trying to get it in, instead of just rinsing it in the solution.:confused:


Of course, it's been a conversation now, DON'T just throw them away!!! But he's a 13 year old. It's likely we would have that conversation often.


I went in thinking I would prefer him to have weekly contacts, or even monthly. Thinking this would get him in the habit of keeping them clean. I can still have this conversation with Dr when we go back.


What type does your teenager wear?

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I have contacts. My son wanted them fairly young; gasses and gymnastics don't mix very well. I was worried about hygiene, knowing I hadn't been good even in my 20's, even after watching my mother have a problem with hers. My husband suggested dailies and the eye place was very happy we were willing to do that. My son went through quite a lot at the beginning, when he was learning to get them in and out. I, too, was puzzled about why he didn't rinse and try again, but he said it was hard to pick them up and rinse them without ripping them. His contacts are different than mine and his hands are much rougher than mine, so I let it go. Now he is good at them and only very rarely uses more than 2 a day. I just chocked it all up to the expense of getting the lenses in the first place. I myself use monthlies because they are cheaper, but I can tell that even at 17yo and fairly good about personal hygiene, dailies are better for my son. That probably isn't very helpful, but I just wanted you to know that you aren't the only one with this problem.



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Both teen dd wear contacts, but they stayed in glasses until I was sure they could do the whole shebang without any reminders from me. Being out of glasses is a huge motivator for girls.


17 dd is in 2 week variety. She loves them. I love them for her. Her eye glasses are $$$$ so it is actually cheaper because I don't update her glasses every year.


15dd was in 2 week variety but developed an allegy to either them or the solution. She has very bad seasonal allergies and topical latex allergies. Dr suggested dailies 4 months ago and she's been wearing them since and LOVES them. However we made a deal. She has to make the 3 month box last 9 months (when our insurance will cover cl again). So she only wears them when she is going to be playing sports, going to work, or out with friends.

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My girls have the monthly contacts, which I've worn for many years (I've had contacts since age 13 and had every kind at some point. :001_smile:)


Because they don't wear them everyday (neither one cares much about which they wear, so I have to remind them to put contacts in) and we clean them well, they wear them for two months. I never, ever let them sleep in them. The two boxes I buy at their appointment last them the year.

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My 19yo has the weekly disposables but honestly I know he leaves them in longer than he should AND keeps them longer than he should. Why does he leave them in? It takes him at least 30 minutes to put them in (even after almost 4 years of wearing them) so once he gets them in he "forgets" about them until they start to bother him. Why does he keep them longer than he should? Because he wants to save money. Never mind that we pay for them, not him.... Never mind that we would buy him more today if he would just call and make the appointment (because he needs a new prescription). Never mind countless discussions about eye health... Anyway....


If you can afford the dailies they are wonderful. They are thinner than a regular contact and easier to tear but I have allergies and they are the only thing I can wear all day without wanting to scratch my eyes out. When the allergens in the air are low, I do clean them and wear them a second day without hesitation. Generally my boxes of 90 contacts last about 1/3-1/2 of the year between 2-day use and glasses wear.

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I have contacts. My son wanted them fairly young; glasses and gymnastics don't mix very well.





My young gymnast (ds14) used to have 2 week disposables, but you could see the chalk stuck on the lenses before two weeks were up. We went to dailies and he finds them much more comfortable. Ds16 also has dailies, but he does not wear contacts every day, only for days when he has tae kwon do. Dailies work out close in expense to to weeklies since he doesn't use as many dailies but would still need the same number of two weekers per year.

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