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email accounts that can be accessed anywhere?

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This should be easy I think but I'm lost in Google :001_huh:


We have our internet through our local phone company (we're quite rural so have few choices in this). They have e-mail but the format is horrible so we use Outlook Express. As far as I understand we can only use OE from our home computer rather than access it remotely. Also, last time we had a crash I lost everything in Outlook. A major pain :glare:


A search tells me that OutLook, Pegasus, Mozilla, Incredimail all function this way and can't be accessed elsewhere.


I need an email program that is like OE but can be accessed from anywhere/any computer and everything stays put even if my personal computer crashes.


Hotmail and gmail seem to be two possibilities. Anyone have experience with these? Anyone using something else that they love?


Changing the e-mail address is not an issue.


Thanks so much!

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I've been using gmail for years without incident. You can access its web interface from anywhere, and, as with any standard IMAP service, you can choose to use a standalone email program/app on your computer, phone or tablet.

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I've been using gmail for years without incident. You can access its web interface from anywhere, and, as with any standard IMAP service, you can choose to use a standalone email program/app on your computer, phone or tablet.


Gmail is awesome. It will even allow you to set up related activities such as a calendar, photo storage etc, if you wish, and is super easy to use. And of course with a gmail account, you can use Khan Academy!


:iagree: with the other posters.


Gmail, gmail, gmail! :) You don't even have to change your e-mail address to use it. I don't have a gmail address but use it as my email interface.


I love gmail!!! It has the best spam filter!!! It also automatically syncs to my Android phone.


Thank you, Thank you, Thank you :hurray: I knew the Hive would know :)

Onward to gmail we go...........

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See, it isn't an e-mail program that you're looking for. An e-mail "program" can only be used with your home Internet Service Provider.


What you're looking for is an Internet-based e-mail service. Yahoo, g-mail, and Hotmail are all Interent-based e-mail services. So is Juno (does it even exist any more??).


Mr. Ellie and I both have Yahoo accounts (I also have an e-mail account with my home ISP). We've never had problems. One of my dds, however, had her Yahoo account hacked. Blech. Anyway, that's what you're looking for.


BTW, our home telephone and Internet provider were originally SBCGlobal. It was bought out by ATT, which owns Yahoo; I can log into Yahoomail with my SBCGlobal account name and read my e-mail when I'm away from home. I can't access my address book or anything, because that's in Outlook, but I can check and send mail.

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Does it bother any of you gmail groupies that they are scanning your emails and marketing products to you based on your email content? Or do you consider that fair trade for the free service? Or do you not notice?


Serious question, really, I've been considering gmail lately, but I'm having trouble with that aspect.



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Another very pleased long-term gmail user here! I love how easy it is to organize my emails with gmail, and I love the calendar feature too.


I'm not really bothered by the ads. I find it vaguely disconcerting that it matches ads to me based on my messages, but it doesn't really bother me. They're pretty inobtrusive, anyway. (Much less annoying to me than Facebook's ads.)

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Does it bother any of you gmail groupies that they are scanning your emails and marketing products to you based on your email content? Or do you consider that fair trade for the free service? Or do you not notice?


Serious question, really, I've been considering gmail lately, but I'm having trouble with that aspect.




I use Mozilla's Firefox as my browser. It has AdBlockPlus as a free feature. With the adblock on I get no ads on gmail, no floating ads on the New York Times, no popup ads on ESPN. So, my thought would be with the right browser you'll never see those gmail ads.


I have to agree with others that gmail is really convenient. I like the threaded organization of emails and it is really easy to search.

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Does it bother any of you gmail groupies that they are scanning your emails and marketing products to you based on your email content? Or do you consider that fair trade for the free service? Or do you not notice?


Serious question, really, I've been considering gmail lately, but I'm having trouble with that aspect.




Never noticed ads.


I use Mozilla's Firefox as my browser. It has AdBlockPlus as a free feature. With the adblock on I get no ads on gmail, no floating ads on the New York Times, no popup ads on ESPN. So, my thought would be with the right browser you'll never see those gmail ads.


I have to agree with others that gmail is really convenient. I like the threaded organization of emails and it is really easy to search.


I have this too....may be why I did not notice ads.

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I have gmail and hotmail. They both scan messages and browser history to decide ad content. I don't have a yahoo account so I don't know what their ads are like.


However I happen to be someone who never talks about things I want to buy so the ads are wasted on me regardless. Yes I've noticed them, and then giggled to myself about wasted advertising dollars and moved on.


An example: One of my friends and I got into a debate via email about what constitutes a fertile individual. In a class she was taking it sorted individuals by "has kids" and "does not have kids" the former being fertile and the latter being infertile (I was arguing for the book's definition because they are effectively infertile even if it was due to artificial and self imposed means. If anyone cares.). Because of the length of this conversation, I had ads for a hundred different ways to increase your fertility. As someone who has never had a problem in that regard (knock on wood!) and was very pregnant at the time it was hysterical to me. It was months before they stopped showing up.

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Does it bother any of you gmail groupies that they are scanning your emails and marketing products to you based on your email content? Or do you consider that fair trade for the free service? Or do you not notice?


Serious question, really, I've been considering gmail lately, but I'm having trouble with that aspect.



Doesn't bother me at all. I'd rather have a few inconspicuous text ads (only seen if you use the web interface without an adblocker) than have ads appended to the bottom of my outgoing emails. I'm not bothered by Google's scanning for keywords because I accept that selling targeted advertising is their business and my identity is not provided to outside companies.
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I'm back to say Thanks Again :001_smile:


I'm set up on g-mail. It was a bit of a learning curve (and googling) getting everything over from Outlook but it's there. I really like it so far. Some nice features - some things I'll need to adjust to but I like it. It's got what I need and I'm sure I'll find more gems as I go along.


The calendar feature is cool! I put all 3 kids activities on there in different colors on the weekly view. Then I pulled up the monthly. My Word! I really am as busy I thought. :willy_nilly:


Ellie - you're completely right. I was looking for the wrong thing. Probably half my problem to begin with :lol: Thanks for pointing out that it's called an Internet-based e-mail service. Now I know what I've got!


ETA - I notice the ads but they really don't stand out or bother me. A non-issue I'd say.

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