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Exercise thread 1/8-1/14

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First, Steph congrats on the 1/2 marathon, and Xuzi on the 8.5! I'm so impressed!


Well, I started the dreaded Insanity yesterday. Today was the plyo thing where everybody dies in the end and Shaun just keeps going. My thighs are killing me and I can't do a burpee to save my life.


Need encouragement!




Everybody sucks at it including the models that are doing the program. You'll see. Right now you can't tell because you are just trying to get through the warm up.

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Les Mills Pump: Pump & Burn with 10-lb plates


This is about 30 minutes long, though the last 5 minutes or so is stretching.


I was kind of jello-ish in the body parts right after I completed each track, but didn't stay that way very long, so it will be interesting to see how I feel tomorrow (if I am sore at all).


I sort of feel like I am cheating/on vacation or something b/c I am not spending as much time as I normally do exercising. However, I don't want to overdo it with a new program.


Tomorrow I plan to do Step again, but I think I will add in some abs, too. Hope to preview Pump & Shred and Sports Attack before next week.

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Walking 2 miles a day. Trying to get back up to 3 and then beyond. Took a break during Christmas and horrible weather, plus some knee and foot inflammation.


My dh gets inflammation in his foot/ankle from time to time. The Dr. suspects gout, but apparently no one actually does the diagnostic test for it. They just assume gout and treat as such.






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Lay on your back, knees bent, feet on the floor .... whatever, here is a picture.


You can do the same exercise while standing if you are good at balancing.




I did Crunch:Sculpt which is 44 minutes of weight work.Then I did 40 minutes of cardio.




For fun: what's your favorite song for working out right now? My top one is "Firebolt." I can get moving very fast when that song is on. :D

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Sunday- brisk walk during soccer practice with friend, 1 hr

Monday- walked the dogs around block :glare:

Tuesday- Cardio class at local club. 1 hr. OMG that was tough. I nearly died.

Wednesday- Yoga for weight loss from Yoga Downloads Podcast- 27 mins.


Hoping to make it tomorrow to the Les Mills BodyPump class at local fitness center.


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Can I just say that waking up in the middle of the night with a cramp in your gluteus maximus is not fun! Do you know of any stretches for that region?


Half Pigeon Pose folded forward: http://yoga.prevention.com/intermediate/Pigeon-Pose.shtml

* Be sure to flex your forward foot and the closer it is to your body the gentler the stretch.


Fire Log Pose: http://www.yogabasics.com/hip-opening-poses/firelog.html

You can also fold forward for a deeper stretch or place your hands behind you and lean back for a gentler stretch. Be sure to flex your feet to protect your knees.

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For fun: what's your favorite song for working out right now? My top one is "Firebolt." I can get moving very fast when that song is on. :D


Deewangi Deewangi from "Om Shanti Om" (Bollywood Movie). It's my "Power Song" on my Nike+ app right now. :D


ETA: I'll be off to Zumba in a little bit! I love the Wed. afternoon class best of the two I go to each week. :)

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Just finished P90X Leg and Back. My heart rate got back to normal much more quickly than it used to, so...progress! Arms and Shoulders yesterday, so it's a miracle I can even lift my arms to type this message. :D


Woohoo!!! Way to go!


First, Steph congrats on the 1/2 marathon, and Xuzi on the 8.5! I'm so impressed!


Well, I started the dreaded Insanity yesterday. Today was the plyo thing where everybody dies in the end and Shaun just keeps going. My thighs are killing me and I can't do a burpee to save my life.


Need encouragement!




OMG!!!! Plyo is the HARDEST workout. I swear it is. Keep at it. Tomorrow you'll be hurting. Do the workout anyway. I swear you'll feel better. And, next time you do Plyo, it'll be easier!


Sunday: 13.1 mile (half-marathon) race.


Rest of Week: just hoping to make it up the stairs tonight, lol.


Woohoo!!!! I didn't realize your race was this weekend! Congratulations! How did it go? Did Insanity help you? How did you feel on Monday?



I did whatever LG did today. We're both doing P90X2. I forget the name of today's workout! Stretching of some sort.

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I needed that encouragement. Well, as Tony would say, this morning I just "pushed play" and made it through the next disk (cardio + something?). And it was easier than the plyo thing (although I was not very good at it!).


I like this thread cause I can see what you all are doing and maybe it will help me hang there!



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Rested Sunday, Monday and Tuesday -- b/c I was so sick I could not do anything except sleep.


Wednesday - 60 minutes - elliptical; DVD - JM 30 day shred level 1


I haven't done shred in about a year - I was so pleased with my stamina and flexibility and the fact that when the workout was complete, I felt like I had only been working out for 10 minutes. Granted, it was only 20 minutes, but the very first time I did Shred, I thought I was going to pass out.

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I needed that encouragement. Well, as Tony would say, this morning I just "pushed play" and made it through the next disk (cardio + something?). And it was easier than the plyo thing (although I was not very good at it!).


I like this thread cause I can see what you all are doing and maybe it will help me hang there!




WAY TO GO!!!!! IMO, they're all easier than Plyo!!! Really. You don't have to be good at it. Just do your best and forget the rest. Really. It works.

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Rested Sunday, Monday and Tuesday -- b/c I was so sick I could not do anything except sleep.


Wednesday - 60 minutes - elliptical; DVD - JM 30 day shred level 1


I haven't done shred in about a year - I was so pleased with my stamina and flexibility and the fact that when the workout was complete, I felt like I had only been working out for 10 minutes. Granted, it was only 20 minutes, but the very first time I did Shred, I thought I was going to pass out.


I can't remember, Mariann. Do you have other JM DVDs? I moved onto NMTZ after the Shred.

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I can't remember, Mariann. Do you have other JM DVDs? I moved onto NMTZ after the Shred.



I probably have every DVD out there by JM :tongue_smilie: -- After Shred (the last time) I went to Shred with weights/NMTZ/BFBM -- sort of rotated all of them which is sort of what I have been doing lately with NMTZ/BFBM -- I just thought it would be fun to do it not having done it in such a long time -- it was interesting. Tomorrow, probably back to one of the other two.


I find NMTZ the most challenging of them all.:glare:

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Or you can try doing two levels back-to-back. One of the higher levels + level 1 (skipping the cool down of the first one) might be do-able for you. :)


That's an interesting idea. :001_smile: thank you


I have made real progress in that I no longer stress about 'which' workout I do -- I simply do a workout and log my time. That is such progress for me -- :)

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That's an interesting idea. :001_smile: thank you


I have made real progress in that I no longer stress about 'which' workout I do -- I simply do a workout and log my time. That is such progress for me -- :)


That would be progress for me, too!! But I am not there yet!

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Well my plan to do 30 Day Shred for a full 30 days straight ended yesterday. I had to take the day off, those bicycle crunches from day 3 of 30ds level 1 in a row did a number on my back and I could barely walk when I got up.


I felt better today, but it's bowling day for me and the kids. We go to the bowling alley at the Navy base because it's cheap and usually dead in the afternoons.


I ended up bowling 5 games, it was kind of tough in the beginning due to my back, but the more I bowled the better it felt (I think it helped stretch it out) I was pretty happy with myself and bowled fairly well. My scores were 80, 103, 124, 152 (I got a turkey this game YEAH!), 113.


Not sure what I'll do tomorrow.

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"Bob's Workout" DVD this morning. It was easier this go around than it was the first time I did it last week. I had to put a towel down when I did the spinal rolls though, because I have *zero* padding on my tailbone, and my booty got a wee bit bruised doing those last week. :tongue_smilie:

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Well my plan to do 30 Day Shred for a full 30 days straight ended yesterday.


You really shouldn't do 30 days straight with no break. Your body needs at least one rest day a week. Some people take a rest day once a week, and some take them all at the same time and take a week off a month.


Some people take more rest days off. ;)



Ladies, I feel like I'm the only one here who takes a break for the first day or two of my period. I'm way too crampy (no exercise actually doesn't help) and the flow is too heavy for me to feel like physically jumping or stretching around. This is why today is a rest day. I have a date with Ben & Jerry this evening.




I had to put a towel down when I did the spinal rolls though, because I have *zero* padding on my tailbone, and my booty got a wee bit bruised doing those last week. :tongue_smilie:


I have the hardest times dong anything that puts pressure on my tailbone. I broke it when I was in high school (talk about pain for many many weeks), and it hurts when I try to do certain moves. For example I cannot do a full (or even a half) teaser ever. Kills my tailbone.


Off to google your song. :001_smile:

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You really shouldn't do 30 days straight with no break. Your body needs at least one rest day a week. Some people take a rest day once a week, and some take them all at the same time and take a week off a month.


Some people take more rest days off. ;)



Ladies, I feel like I'm the only one here who takes a break for the first day or two of my period. I'm way too crampy (no exercise actually doesn't help) and the flow is too heavy for me to feel like physically jumping or stretching around. This is why today is a rest day. I have a date with Ben & Jerry this evening.






I have the hardest times dong anything that puts pressure on my tailbone. I broke it when I was in high school (talk about pain for many many weeks), and it hurts when I try to do certain moves. For example I cannot do a full (or even a half) teaser ever. Kills my tailbone.


Off to google your song. :001_smile:


I have an IUD, so no break needed. (thankfully!)


Thankfully I've never injured my tailbone, but I do have an old childhood scar on my booty from scraping the bottom of the pool after going down a waterslide too fast, and it gets pinched whenever I do something on my tailbone. I was afraid I was going to have to sit on a donut last week, between the bruising of my skin and the soreness of that scar. :lol:

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Les Mills Pump - Pump & Shred


Okay, folks. This level is where I need to be. It is 45 minutes long (though there are sort of rests built in between tracks while trainers are shifting and you change weight amounts). I used 10-lb plates for all of it. Couldn't make it through the chest without pausing, and I could not complete the push-ups at the end of that same chest track. I'm still fiddling around with weights to determine the right amount. I *think* I might be able to go higher on some of the leg work. Wish I could get 2.5 lb plates from beachbody, though I have read other types of weights will work. I just like everything to match. :D At any rate, I definitely feel like I got something out of this workout. So, I am going to start on week 5 of their schedule on Monday b/c week five is where the Pump & Shred DVD gets implemented.


I do like this program a lot, but it definitely starts out light. So, for any of you beachbody fans who are considering it, I wholeheartedly endorse it. Just realize, however, that if you are already in shape that you will need to start a bit "into" the program once you learn the basics. If you have previously done P90X or other weight training, start at week 5. I am also glad I got the deluxe package. I really like having the step/bench and the accompanying cardio workouts (even though I have still only done one of them).

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Les Mills Pump - Pump & Shred


Okay, folks. This level is where I need to be. It is 45 minutes long (though there are sort of rests built in between tracks while trainers are shifting and you change weight amounts). I used 10-lb plates for all of it. Couldn't make it through the chest without pausing, and I could not complete the push-ups at the end of that same chest track. I'm still fiddling around with weights to determine the right amount. I *think* I might be able to go higher on some of the leg work. Wish I could get 2.5 lb plates from beachbody, though I have read other types of weights will work. I just like everything to match. :D At any rate, I definitely feel like I got something out of this workout. So, I am going to start on week 5 of their schedule on Monday b/c week five is where the Pump & Shred DVD gets implemented.


I do like this program a lot, but it definitely starts out light. So, for any of you beachbody fans who are considering it, I wholeheartedly endorse it. Just realize, however, that if you are already in shape that you will need to start a bit "into" the program once you learn the basics. If you have previously done P90X or other weight training, start at week 5. I am also glad I got the deluxe package. I really like having the step/bench and the accompanying cardio workouts (even though I have still only done one of them).


Can you get more plates? Most people that attend BodyPump regularly at the gym I attend use more than just the 2.5kg and 5.0kg plates. Especially during the leg tracks. I am glad you are enjoying the program. I really enjoy the Les Mills classes at the gym I attend. Quarterly they come out with a new release in all their classes. I can't wait for the new ones, I think my gym is starting next weekend.

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Can you get more plates? Most people that attend BodyPump regularly at the gym I attend use more than just the 2.5kg and 5.0kg plates. Especially during the leg tracks. I am glad you are enjoying the program. I really enjoy the Les Mills classes at the gym I attend. Quarterly they come out with a new release in all their classes. I can't wait for the new ones, I think my gym is starting next weekend.


I do have more plates. I am still trying to find the right amount to use for each track. Sadly, I am not very good about converting kilograms to pounds!! Ack!


I have a total of 40 lbs of plates - 1 set of 10s and two sets of 5s. So, right now I am using the 10-lb plates for a total of 20 lbs (plus whatever the bar weighs - not much!). So, I could go to 15 on each side for a total of 30 lbs, but that seems like an awfully big increase to me. Especially since this is a new program for me. I've only been doing it five days!!! Sorry if I am too wussy!! :lol: Just kidding, I know that isn't what you mean. But, because it *is* new, I don't really have a sense of what amounts I should be using on what tracks. Thus the reason I wish I had 2.5 lb plates is so that I could put 12.5 lbs on each side. But, since I don't have those, guess I will have to try going to 15 on each side for the leg work. I definitely cannot go any higher on the chest work than 10-lb plates (20-lbs total). At least not yet!! ;)

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Hoggirl - lol, you are not being too wussy! I thought in your pp you were wishing you had more plates. That is fantastic you are using the 10s for the chest track. It took me quite a while to be able to do that! I think that as you go you will figure it out. Is there a bicep track in your dvd? If it is anything like the class I don't know how you can use the 10s! I have a difficult time with the 5s. In class there are a lot of up quick down slow movements and a lot of bottom halves in the bicep track and they kill me! I am assuming it is similar.


As far as the conversion - I believe 2.2 lbs is 1 kg. The medium plate that is 2.5 kg is 5.5 lbs and the large plate that is 5.0 kg is 11 lbs.


When are you going to do the combat dvd? I would like to hear if you like it. I LOVE Bodycombat! At first I felt a little silly seeing my little fists punching but I overcame that quickly. At the gym many members are totally into it, many wear MMA fight shorts and gloves during the class.


I am amazed by all of you that exercise at home. I don't have the motivation to do such a thing!

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Hoggirl - lol, you are not being too wussy! I thought in your pp you were wishing you had more plates. That is fantastic you are using the 10s for the chest track. It took me quite a while to be able to do that! I think that as you go you will figure it out. Is there a bicep track in your dvd? If it is anything like the class I don't know how you can use the 10s! I have a difficult time with the 5s. In class there are a lot of up quick down slow movements and a lot of bottom halves in the bicep track and they kill me! I am assuming it is similar.


As far as the conversion - I believe 2.2 lbs is 1 kg. The medium plate that is 2.5 kg is 5.5 lbs and the large plate that is 5.0 kg is 11 lbs.


When are you going to do the combat dvd? I would like to hear if you like it. I LOVE Bodycombat! At first I felt a little silly seeing my little fists punching but I overcame that quickly. At the gym many members are totally into it, many wear MMA fight shorts and gloves during the class.


I am amazed by all of you that exercise at home. I don't have the motivation to do such a thing!


Pump & Shred does not have a bicep track! I am wishing there was one, but I am assuming there will be one in Pump Revolution or Pump Extreme (?? I think that is what the latter is called). Those are both 55 minutes. I love doing bicep stuff! Pump & Shred does have a shoulder track. Those Mac things are hard! I can't use 10 lbs on those at all. I think I was using 8s. I *am* frustrated with the plates b/c they are not like the ones the trainers are using. They only have two loops around them instead of three so they are hard to grip. I have handheld dumb bells so I just use those.


I am afraid of body combat b/c it is 45 minutes long! I don't like cardio anyway. The 30-Step is tough enough, so I will have to work my way up to body combat. Hopefully I will get there someday!


See, I would NEVER exercise if I had to GO somewhere to do it! I also don't have to worry about having cute matchie-matchie work out outfits. If I were in public, I would have to match! It's just good that everyone can find what works for them.

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Pump & Shred does not have a bicep track! I am wishing there was one, but I am assuming there will be one in Pump Revolution or Pump Extreme (?? I think that is what the latter is called). Those are both 55 minutes. I love doing bicep stuff! Pump & Shred does have a shoulder track. Those Mac things are hard! I can't use 10 lbs on those at all. I think I was using 8s. I *am* frustrated with the plates b/c they are not like the ones the trainers are using. They only have two loops around them instead of three so they are hard to grip. I have handheld dumb bells so I just use those.


I am afraid of body combat b/c it is 45 minutes long! I don't like cardio anyway. The 30-Step is tough enough, so I will have to work my way up to body combat. Hopefully I will get there someday!


See, I would NEVER exercise if I had to GO somewhere to do it! I also don't have to worry about having cute matchie-matchie work out outfits. If I were in public, I would have to match! It's just good that everyone can find what works for them.


The mac raises are tough but not as tough as the rotator cuff exercises they sometimes throw in! In class bodypump goes like this: 1. Warmup 2. Squats 3. Chest 4. Back 5. Biceps 6. Triceps 7. Lunges 8. Shoulders 9. Abs 10. Cooldown Maybe the 55 min DVDs will be similar.


If you are ever in the vicinity of Colo. Springs bring your workout gear, no need to match, and we can do bodypump together at the gym I attend :)


Don't be afraid of Combat. Step is harder as far as cardio is concerned and choreography. I watched a video review of the Step DVD and it looks similar to the athletic focus of the latest release. When I first attended the latest BodyStep release it was so hard I felt like I was at bootcamp again :lol: and I am not new to step!

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Saturday: Les Mills Pump - Sports Attack

I also plan to do some ab work later today.


I could not believe how much I liked Sports Attack! This is a supplemental cardio DVD that came with the deluxe package of Les Mills Pump. It was really fun! I did not think it was as challenging as Step was. It couldn't have been b/c I was pretty much able to go straight through this one, but I can't yet do that with Step.


My behind is sore today from yesterday's Pump & Shred. Yea!

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Zumba this morning.


Man, all you ladies talking about your new workout programs are giving me a serious case of envy. :lol: I've got to focus on one thing at a time, though, and that means sticking to my marathon training schedule until the end of April, and *then* I may reward myself by buying Insanity or something. :lol:

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